27 December 2022

Strong Yet Soft....

Such strong energies coming in over the past 16 hours, at least. A bit hard to describe right now, but "strong yet soft" should suffice for the time being. 

Not the type that makes me feel like I'm being knocked out or knocked over ~ it's more of being enveloped in an energy cloud that is disconnecting me from the denseness of this realm. Like walking around and trying to function while in deep meditation. No discomfort usually associated with high frequencies hitting the physical body.....it feels gentle but intense. 

I am tempted to say it's the Source-like codes that I described previously that's now present on the physical realm.

I will expand on this if more details come through.

Namarie! 💙

Silica DNA ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Continuing with our Solar theme....

E'Asha Ashayana explains how it's possible for Solar/Plasma Beings to live in stars like our Sun, and as always, it's all about our DNA and our Ascension.

I don't know when this excerpt was recorded, but it's definitely more than a decade ago. 

26 December 2022

Craft Activity Around Our Sun ~ In2ThinAir ~ 22 & 26 December 2022

Here are two great captures from In2ThinAir, well done! Such instances are getting so common now, compared with just a few years ago. Either that or more researchers such as In2ThinAir are turning their focus on our Sun & Sky.

This one shows show an object heading towards our Sun before making a sharp turn away. It was preceded by a beam of light directed at our Sun which was followed by a CME. Is this a manoeuvre by the Light or the Dark? And for what purpose?

In this video, In2ThinAir shows us an object leaving the vicinity of our Sun in the midst of a CME. Plasma Sun, Plasma Beings, Plasma ships....

Plasma Cloud: Thailand 10 December 2022

Red Climatica Mundial

It's been said that such formations (I'll call them Plasma Clouds for want of a better name) are presentations of plasma ships. It's also been said that these are the effects of extreme chemtrailing or similar toxic weaponry. Hey, 2022 is wrapping up (!? already ?!) and I'd like to believe it's the former....

Watch the clip here. Taken in Thailand 10 December 2022.

20 December 2022

Sacred Season Energies: Live with Sandra Walter ~ 18 December 2022

To watch this end-of-year stock-take from Sandra Walter, please continue here. Sandra also gives a round-up of what's unfolded this year energetically and briefly sets the stage for 2023. There's some great way-showing advice here.

I do believe many of us are already prepping for an enormously huge year, energy-wise. Can it get any more intense? Absolutely! 😄

And Sandra mentions the Source-y energies too!

18 December 2022

It's All About the DNA..... ~ Excerpt of Workshop by E'Asha Ashayana

There's nothing new in this video clip that you don't already know, but I decided to go ahead and post it anyway because it's short and to the point, and so relevant today to send it along to people in our circles who may need a hard poke in the ribs if they haven't yet made the connection with what has been happening in the past horrendous 3 years.

I'm not familiar enough to know from which workshop this was, but I'm guessing likely a decade or more ago? 

I came across this clip a week ago and when I tried to get the link today, I discovered that twitter had deleted the video 🙄 Thankfully I had downloaded it. I'll just point you to her account instead, here.

Here's the clip:


There are loads of video clips from E'Asha's workshops....great resource for anyone interested!

16 December 2022

New Codes: Part 2 of 2


This is the continuation of the previous post, where I tried to describe the "new" codes that I saw coming in.



Several years ago, I listened in to the enjoyable and profound thoughts of someone called "Mysterious Gil" (who has since then, mysteriously disappeared....). He observed that ".....the past is old, the future is ancient". I just went back to my previous blog to see what I could pull up about this phrase ~ according to the notes I took, this is how Gil explained it (taken from The Earth Plan, August 2014):

The past is old, the future is ancient ~ our destiny is our origin, we spring from Source and now we are returning to our core, to Source.

(Interestingly, the tagline of this blog is "....and now, the return Home")

I bring up this phrase because that was what came to mind when I was tuning into the 4th code which I described previously, the ones that looked like columns of Light. As I had mentioned:

They look like crystalline columns of Light, with a sense of orderliness and structure. Pure, pristine, precise. Columns of Pure Light, undifferentiated from First Creation. A sense of the "Now" being bridged with "Ancient/First Creation". 

Just like the other two codes ("Emanations" and "Projectiles"), they all gave me a very strong sense of Source, as if they were codes that came from the very realms of Source.....the ancient future is not just our destination, it is also our own restoration back to the Original Divine Blueprint from First Creation itself. The process of our own Ascension is the ancient future.


I have written before that where Earth Mum's transmission codes are concerned, the keyword is "NEW". Everything about her Ascension is new, including a new Covenant (here). I also felt nothing ancient at all about the codes I saw ("Blooms of Frequency").

Admittedly, while I was writing about these codes earlier, I did wonder why Earth Mum's codes did not feel ancient, as did the other three. Before then, I hadn't questioned why everything was new where Earth Mum was concerned ~ I just basically reported what I received. But at that time of writing the previous post, I started to ask questions ~ we are being rehabilitated and restored back to our Divine Blueprint (that is obviously not "new"), but why is everything about Earth Mum new?

Thankfully, I was saved from mental self-torture when I got that it has all to do with Earth Mum's origin itself. She is an aspect of Tara from Density 2 (Harmonic Universe 2/Dimensions 4-5-6) that fell into Density 1 (HU 1/Dimensions 1-2-3). Earth Mum's origin is a fallen one. In a fallen sector of the Cosmos, with distorted Creation Codes that are not of Source origin, not of Divine Blueprint.

So....that is why she's not returning to her Divine Blueprint, because basically she has none. Therefore, everything is NEW about her dazzling bright future where she will be transforming into a Star. (Not to mention she has the Rescue Codes of a Noble Nomi Planet to restore the fallen parts of this sector....and that's another story for another day.) She is definitely a Special Lady beyond description, with her own special status. And mysteries. (Don't ask me why I wrote that last bit....🤷🏽‍♀️)

Namarie! 💝

(Part 1 is here)

07 December 2022

New Codes?.... Part 1 of 2


It's taken me a while to write this energy tune-in because I wanted to be sure before I report what I was seeing about a week ago. In September, I had written that there wasn't anything very different that I "see" in the massive amounts of various Energy Codes pouring in, apart from them becoming more 3D, more "alive" and dynamic. Last week, I saw not just one but four new codes, so I wanted to take some time to internalise the experience and allow it to formulate to see where it goes ~ to allow anything different to come up apart from the initial "get" that I received on the day of observation itself, and to allow more information to come through, if any.

Same, But "More"

Generally, the various Energy Codes presenting are still about the same except for even more fluidity and more dynamism. Again, there were all sorts of geometries and patterns that I have described in detail in the past ~ vortices, waves, kaleidoscope, specific geometrical patterns, bubbles, cloud-like. These are all still swirling around, "breathing" and in constant motion. Then, there are the "new" ones....


The "New" Ones

The "new" ones, yes.... I write "new" in inverted commas because they are new to me, as I only saw them last week. There may be others who are already seeing these codes (or however they appear to them, bearing in mind individual "filters and lens" of perception) of whom I am not aware. 

So let me do my best to describe these codes:

There's so much that's buzzing in my head about this Energy Code that I saw, but I will distill it to just the fundamentals for now so that I can be coherent instead of ending up rambling all over the place. Basically these are energies that are literally emanating ~ picture a sphere, then see an energy burst in the shape of another sphere coming out from the first sphere, and growing bigger as it moves away and outwards from the first sphere.

Similar to the top image, except visualise growing spheres coming out from the stationary inner first sphere. It felt like this was coming in from a most ancient and extremely distant place.

This one left me going "huh?" when I first saw it 😄 So much so I had to re-tune in a few times to make sure I wasn't making it up. Yep, still there! The first thing that came to my mind was "cannon balls being fired, except in a slow gentle manner". Energy Balls coming out of some centre, one by one, on their individual trajectories. Just like the Emanations, these Projectiles felt like they originated from somewhere beyond and immeasurably far away.

Thankfully, when I saw this, I also immediately got an explanation, or else I would be stumped.

This third set of "new" codes I saw, bloomed. As simple as that. Like a bud opening up, the codes blossomed into a bloom geometry. Much gratitude for the cliff-notes that presented, without which I may second-guess incorrectly about the origins.

They are Earth Mum's codes! For the first time ever, I am seeing codes from Earth Mum! I have only been sensing them, but have had no visuals. In April I had written (New Phase):

I'm quite sure that what I saw is related to what I wrote. Very unusual looking as far as codes go, but hey, who am I to decide how they should look?....

Sigh. This one was tough, because it got personal. This one activated something I had filed away in the deepest recess of my memory bank. This one went straight to the archive, fetched that memory and brought it out to the open.

So let me do my best to describe the Energy Code ~ it's the hardest of the four to put into words because it's more of a sense than a visual.

They look like crystalline columns of Light, with a sense of orderliness and structure. Pure, pristine, precise. Columns of Pure Light, undifferentiated from First Creation. A sense of the "Now" being bridged with "Ancient/First Creation". More than that I'm unable to explain, but I will do my best to relate the memory that was triggered when I saw these codes. Maybe that story will help to expand upon what I'm trying to convey. So this is it for now.

Namarie! 💗

05 December 2022

SR @26 November 2022

Space Observing System

This should have been posted a week ago, but here it is now.

I'm posting this because the reading for 26 November 2022 is so unusual ~ I've not seen such an absence of activity for several years now, probably since 2016.

Even more intriguing is the abrupt cessation of activity for about 12 hours (!) and then suddenly registering increased readings once again.

What happened there?....

Namarie! 💗


Sol Solaris Solara

Nauka W Polsce

Update 6 December 2022: Please read note at bottom of post, thank you!

This is just me, musing out loud.

Our beautiful Sun is widely known to be masculine in nature. Almost every reference to our Sun that I've come across is masculine, with the names "Sol" or "Solaris" being used.

I've tried ~ very hard, for a long time ~ to also consider our Sun as masculine. But I just can't. I simply cannot.

No matter how hard I try, our Sun is feminine to me. Well, to be more precise, more feminine than masculine. I call our Sun "Solara".

At the start of this post, I wrote that "almost every reference" is masculine. Because so far, there's only one other person that I'm aware of that has considered our Sun as feminine, and that is Sheldan Nidle, many years ago in one of his webinars. When I heard him say that, I had a mini-celebration because finally someone else shares my feeling 😁 even though we are in the woeful minority. Well, even more minor than minority but never mind.

Rightly or wrongly, this is how I feel and I am more than happy to be corrected😄

Namarie! 💙 

I just heard from someone (thank you, B!) that in Germany, our Sun is known as Die Sonne, which is a feminine noun 😊

04 December 2022

Sacred Science 3: Spirals ~ Noel Tobin ~ 2 November 2022

Continuing with Noel Tobin's series on Sacred Science, in no particular order....Here's the link to the video:


In part 3, Noel explains the Creation Mechanics of the In-Breath and Out-Breath of Source based on the Kathara Grid and its scaled recursive nature that encompasses the Time Matrix. Some of the topics that Noel covers here include:

  • The structure of Kathara Grids within Kathara Grids and each grid's relationship with its own Krystal Spiral
  • Each grid's connection with Source, as well as each Krystal Spiral's birth from Source and its linkage with the corresponding grid 
  • How the Fibonacci Sequence is embedded within the Golden Mean (using some neat mathematical sequences and substitutions!)
  • Comparisons of Krystal, Golden Mean and Fibonacci Spirals, clearly showing how the FS has no connection with its centre (Source), which demonstrates the disconnection of the fallen creation by the dark ~ unlike the Krystal Spiral, which always "returns to Source" as illustrated by its numeric progression. This is the spiral upon which True Creation is based.

There are some helpful animations that provide more clarity to the topics that Noel presents. I really marvel at the intricate complexity of the Creation mechanics and yet somehow, there's also a core simplicity that leaves me in awe of its intrinsic beauty. I know, I'm contradicting myself....

Please watch the video here.

29 November 2022

Sacred Science 2: Fundamentals ~ Source & Creation ~ Noel Tobin ~ 1 November 2022

Continuing Noel Tobin's teachings on Sacred Science, albeit not in sequential order, apologies....

Part 2 is about the fundamentals of Creation, where Noel describes the creation mechanics and the correlation states/ qualities between Source and Creation and the eternal nature of such cycles. Ultimately, all external creation returns to Source for natural integration before a new wave of creation expands out again.

Disharmonious energies that are unable to go through the Resolution cycle go the route of Dissolution ~ ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

(This is the route/fate of the dark who disconnected from Source and resist re-connection. They are aware of what awaits them, hence the persistent and desperate attempts to prevent Ascension so that they can hold on to this part of Creation for "food storage".)

Noel Tobin also discusses the ubiquitous construct of the energetic Kathara Grids across all creation levels ~ this certainly brings the term "fractalisation" to whole new level.

Here's the link to watch the video.

Fall of Metatron ~ E’Asha Ashayana (2002) ~ Voyagers: 6 February 2021

*Updated 10 December 2023: New link for video is here.


This video was featured in The Earth Plan (TEP) almost two years ago, shortly after I completed viewing it. I found myself accessing this same video again recently as I wanted to answer my own questions pertaining to the chronology of events and the eventual hybrid races that were birthed, so that I could correlate the information with people on the world stage at present.

I feel that I should post this video here as well, for those who haven't yet watched but are interested. E'Asha gave this talk in 2002, and when I featured it in early 2021 it was so relevant then because of fallen angelics "teachings" were spreading fast. It's even more pertinent now, because so many new players with "new information" have entered the scene, including those affiliated with SSP and their components ~ many have garnered massive following practically overnight.

To spare me the time  I will also copy parts of my text that I wrote for this video in The Earth Plan. Special mention to the creator of the animation ~ the visuals very nicely complemented the information.


(see updated link above)

I note with interest the number of views this video is getting ~ I remember when I first watched it in early 2021, the numbers were no where near the current 78k views. 

Text excerpts (from TEP February 2021):

A video from 2002 of E'Asha Ashayana Arhayas recounting a very summarised version of the events that led to the Fall of our Time Matrix over the course of billions of years. 

E'Asha covers enough relevant points to paint a rough sketch of how reversals came to be in this part of Creation through the tragic failed efforts of the Metatron Collective to rescue fallen races. An hour's worth of incredible information that adequately pieced together for me all the bits and pieces, providing an additional layer of understanding that I truly appreciate.

For those interested, please continue here.

The Bigger Picture presented by this discourse once again demonstrates how History has repeated itself over and over throughout the long eons of time, as well as provides the basis for understanding so much of what's unfolded just in the past couple of decades. Of course, what we are seeing playing out on the world stage (and in the LW community) is the micro of the macro of the bigger macro of the giant macro. As mentioned before, the controllers are truly Super Masters of deception, whose skills were honed over the great passage of Time.

What was equally important for me to be aware of was E'Asha's compassionate view and attitude towards the Fallen, alluding to the sheer terror of facing potential extinction.


28 November 2022

The Measure of Esoteric Alignment ~ Mary Allison ~ 22 November 2022

Mary Allison


Esoteric alignment is not measured through knowledge of the ethers, but through how we treat others.
Put simply, the way we treat others is the barometer for how integrated our esoteric knowledge actually is.

20 November 2022

Level Up! ~ Sandra Walter & John Burgos ~ 16 November 2022

There are very few resources that I actually check on these days, and in the past couple of weeks I found myself moping for a resource that would appease the strong need within me for some sort of specific connection that I really wanted. Sort of like an etheric High-5 or something.

Well, I just finished watching this enjoyable video where Sandra Walter touches on several topics about what's happening with and around us. It's a wonderful update where she goes Cosmic, and I was going Yes! Absolutely! Yep! throughout the 1hr 25 minutes ~ I really wanted her to speak more 😇 I finally got the High-5 that I was asking for ✋ This is the link through which you can access the video for those who wish to watch now ~ I will continue rambling on for a bit:


I believe that what Sandra is saying is pretty much what many have been feeling and "getting" over the recent months, so to hear a voice validating our experiences is always comforting and reassuring. Yes, I know I know I know....we don't need external validation, we are our own validation, etc etc etc but for me, it's always such a relief when I know of others who are sharing the same things that are more woo than woo-woo 😆 This "Cosmic" thing has been presenting so strong lately, and I have touched on its nature in previous posts:

Unplug & Wait One Divine Moment

Receiving & Integrating

I am feeling that this Cosmic Presence at the moment is more of the Divine Cosmic Mum frequency ~ it would be some time before it balances out with the Masculine counterpart as this part of Creation has to re-establish the Feminine first.

Another topic which Sandra eloquently explains is that of Divine Will, or as I consider it, the intentions of Source. Or even more specifically, the expression of ourselves as an aspect of our own Divine Self. I am aware that many hold strong to the concept of Free Will and I understand this steadfastness. However, I also believe that ultimately, the highest expression of Free Will is Divine Will, and hence what I posted in May:

Free Will, Divine Will

One last thing for me to mention ~ she poked at a (another?) hornet's nest when she brought up the topic of diet.

OK. This is such a sensitive and triggering subject, liable to transform a mild-mannered person into a non-Green Hulk. This is also why I hardly ever write about it, because it is essentially a very personal topic that has so many branches that reach waaaaay back into ancient times. Sandra does go into this landmine territory, but as always, just take what works for you and ditch the rest.

As Synchronicity would ALWAYS have it, just yesterday I observed via group messages a mini-meltdown over this same topic ~ DIET. Someone had brought up a specific diet and the next thing you know, several long responses came in defending whatever diet they were on. It's such an ancient taboo that I have more courage and willingness to write about the deep depths of the dark rather than approach this topic 🙄

I hope you enjoy this 1+ hour with Sandra Walter.


18 November 2022

3 Comets & 3 Norths

Ordnance Survey

There's so much going on this month, both energetically as well as in the physical realm. I meant to post this earlier but just couldn't get to it until now. 

So, apart from the crowded happenings earlier in November, we also had two other events going on, the first of which is the first-in-history (at least in publicly-known history) where true North, magnetic North and grid North aligned together at a single point in Great Britain. Here for more details.

This is especially interesting and brings up so many questions, and I have none of the answers. Seeing as Earth Mum is in the gradual process of righting her tilted axis, this alignment makes it all the more intriguing and is no doubt having an even more intense effect on the weakening magnetosphere, which is not organic to our Planet.

And then we have these three comets in just 4 days! When I was reading about, it just seemed so obvious that something Cosmic was unfolding according to some plan. Again, I know nothing of this plan 😄 but I'm quite sure that it's integral to the Ascension phase we are in.

Solar Observer has an image of the latest one as it makes its way Sun-ward:

Solar Observer

And here's the video.

I don't have an image of the 2nd comet, but here's one of the 3rd comet:

Solar Observer

15 November 2022

Eternals and Immortals ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Organic Ascension



"Once upon a time the human race was an Eternal race. 

Not immortal. Immortals have to suck energy of up to other things in order to keep their continuing existence. 

Eternals don't. They have an open flow of frequency with Creation, you can call it God-Source, you can call whatever you want, but with that core Source we all came from. They actually have an open circulation, they don't have to feed on other things. 

So what we are working with are the teachings of the Eternals, not the immortals. Immortals basically are vampires, they're energy vampires. 

And Eternals don't have to be because they have an open flow of organic energy. There are certain actions that block energy, and choices that block energy, and certain ones that open it with Eternal Flow. 

And the Eternals have chosen to work with those flows, we call it Krystic Flows."

08 November 2022

The Trumpets, Mid-Term, A Leader and An Alphabet

This is a sort of continuation from the post prior to this one as I just realised a couple of additional things....better late than never 😆

Apart from the full moon, total lunar eclipse and trumpet pulse going on, 8 November is also the mid-term selections in USA. It's all happening!....

Earlier last year, fuelled by growing exasperation, I had written in The Earth Plan about the deep division that had festered in spiritual/aware communities since 2017. I even re-posted it here because the political narrative was still going strong. In that article, I tried to point out that the T&Q partnership was part of the control system's agenda to create division:

Well, what I didn't know then but just realised is that the first of the seven Trumpet Pulses was released on 8-9 November 2016, the same time as when the new leader was announced. The Trumpet Pulse heralding their namesake representative. Got to give them credit for being so creatively obvious.

I hope that everyone is doing great and holding up high frequencies just fine! Dare I say....it feels like we're getting LOADS of help 💝

Namarie! 💛

07 November 2022

Light Up & Lightwork

You Are Another Me

😄Sad, true, funny all at once.

And now on a serious note...There will be a full moon and a total lunar eclipse AND a new Trumpet Pulse on 7-8 November 😯 These alignments are used by the dark to do their thing, so we will be busy doing our own thing to help with the energies. Also remember Trumpet Pulses are being taken care of by Chevron Bursts 🙏👍

We got this.

Sacred Science 5: Grid Issues ~ Noel Tobin ~ 31 October 2022

There are at present 5 videos from Noel Tobin available on his yt channel ~ for some reason I started with no.5 so that's what I'm featuring.

I thoroughly enjoyed Noel's teaching, where he uses the Kathara Grid to beautifully explain not only Creation mechanics, but also a very brief yet informative summary of our Local Universe's history. Noel talks about how our Local Universe ended up as a fallen creation, cut off from 12D and higher, thanks to a group of deranged 11D beings who wanted to control the creation matrix. This resulted in a closed system with degenerative entropic properties and declining consciousness over the long ages of time, our connection to the Higher Worlds severed.

(This birthed the age-old warring between Annunaki (Belial Sun) and Draco (Black Sun) who are often frenemies and integrated into Humanity their traits of blame, victim-victimise, aggression. This is also why I had mentioned earlier that when we are being repeatedly told that in 5D and higher there is no negativity, it is pure deception. These wars ~ "Original Sin" ~  were started by factions from 11D Anu-Elohim and 10D Seraphim.)

Noel also discusses how the pentagon came to be designated as "sacred geometry" by the Fallen Angelics (FA) and therefore their promotion and focus of (limited) ascension to 5D only as well as the creation of false/deceptive geometries such as fibonacci spiral, flower of life (daisy of death), etc. He also explains how they distorted our creation matrix by supplanting our organic grid with their fallen grid, energetically cutting off our Planet's direct connection with our Sun and connecting it to the Moon instead (which was obviously not even part of the organic grid).

Some other topics that Noel outlines are the FA's creation of an artificial reversed 13D in an attempt to overtake 12D (this is no longer a threat), the  3-6-9 Arc of Covenant (path of Salvation) and Tesla's 369 principle (Earth is 3!), rise of extreme polarisation in the absence of ManU's transcendental nature (ManA ~ masculine/electrical; EirA ~ feminine/magnetic), the "Big Bang" being more of a Big Crack when the FAs played gods (Big Bang theory says our Universe is 14 billions years, this compared to 950 billion years when our Universe was first created), and many more topics.


Noel also eloquently explains empowered spiritual growth in simple practical terms.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as (or more) than I did!

Namarie 💜

30 October 2022

Our Sun


The following report was referenced by Solar Observer on 20 October 2022:

Will the Sun Ever Burn Out? (Space.com)

The first sentence of the article reads:

"Here's what will happen when our sun dies, billions of years from now."


This topic is one (of many) that I've been intending to write about over the past few months, but have been unable to do so until now, so I'll start with this one since Solar Observer featured this article and I read a written reference to our Sun by E'Asha Ashayana just a couple of days ago.

One of the main reasons I've not written about this topic is because my knowledge is very limited since I've only come across information about it in a sporadic and sketchy manner. They were in the form of a few fleeting references made by E'Asha in video excerpts. Another point I had to consider is that there have been numerous "upgrades and updates" in recent years as Divine Cosmic Interventions continue to escalate, so information that was given years ago may have become obsolete or irrelevant. I've been trying to form at least a coherent outline picture of this topic but I realised that may take some time so I'll just do what I can now, nudged by this Space.com article as well as E'Asha's article.

(For those who are already familiar with this "Sun-Raid", apologies in advance as I try to present this.)

Based on E'Asha's information alone and from what I understand, our beautiful Sun was attacked by the dark in March 2007 ~ the event is known as "Sun-Raid". This attack negatively impacted our Sun's Prana Seed, which effectively triggered its death cycle and initiated the gradual separation of its dark-matter energy body from its Light/Matter body. 

Our Sun will supernova not in billions of years from now, but in a few hundred years (900?), if I understand correctly (I've seen various numbers mentioned by different people, so it gets a bit confusing). 

I also finally started reading the (not-recent) updates written by E'Asha on her website, and here's something about our Sun:

"6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field."

The Bhardoah cycle is considered a "completion and renewal" phase, marking the return of our beautiful Sun's essence back to its Spiritual source, albeit very much earlier than originally designed.

I also remember coming across some information from E'Asha (from 2007?) that Gamma rays are expected to increase (they are) as a result of what's happening to our Sun, but they will be attenuated through intervention by Cosmic Guardians and forces. At the same time, events pertaining to Planetary Ascension are also expected to be accelerated in view of this incident.

I hope I've made adequate sense of this topic. There is much more I intend to address but I feel it will be a couple more weeks before I can do that. Additionally, as mentioned, I am finally making my way through E'Asha's written updates on her site and many things that I've read so far have added a much-appreciated layer of information and level of understanding in relation to ~ of all things ~ my previous and current blog names.

I've found myself having an even stronger connection with our Sun since I first heard about the Sun-Raid a few months back. Admittedly, it horrified me initially, but I also realised that it was all the more reason to love our Sun even more 😊

I'd like to end with this image of our beautiful Sun, with thanks to Solar Observer once again:

Namarie & Bright Blessings! ☀️

10 October 2022

Still Chopped-Up....

The chopped-up sub-timelines phenomenon that I mentioned earlier (here) seems to be still prevalent, and I have a feeling that this will continue to be unstable while creational realities undergo their sorting and separation processes :

I heard about two such examples on the same day from different people, the first of which was when someone called me to correct what he had earlier described to me. He had previously explained something puzzling that had occurred, and a few days later called to say that apparently it did not happen that way at all. As far as I am concerned, he is as sane as the next person, and I do believe what he said prior to correcting himself. The other event was when someone was discussing a particular incident and remembered it quite differently from me. Again, a sensible logical person not given to flights of fancy.

Events just seem out of place. That's the best way for me to describe it.

Meanwhile, I've also been experiencing another phenomenon that I'm not exactly thrilled to be going through. I find it unsettling and my mind struggles to make 3D sense out of it.

It is the experiential process of a sort of dimensional bleed-through. The sense of "losing density" in the physical body and the loss of connectedness to the external reality. More specifically, the sense that the external (lower) reality is dissipating. I've felt them before now and then in previous stages, but this time the experience was very pronounced and lasted much longer. 

Again, sleep itself feels strange ~ it's as if I should not be sleeping while at the same time the physical body feels fatigued. The distinction between sleep-stage and being awake blurs even more, with the external reality feeling more dream-like than dreams. There were times when I didn't know where to plug my consciousness (or even the physical body) to remain grounded.

Now, this one gave me a revelation that essentially provided the answer and relief I was seeking. My logic told me to ground even more onto Earth Mum, which I did. The sensations just amplified. Took me a while, but I finally got it ~ Earth Mum herself has jumped up a few notches in her Ascension! This takes "grounding" to an entirely whole new level, literally. 

The clues to which I had not paid sufficient attention were the series of frequency tone shifts that occurred in rather quick succession. That should have alerted me to the fact that something significant was unfolding. All in all, it's been some weeks of fogginess and the feeling of being lost in space. Or adrift in some dimensional adjustment.

A whole range of new skill sets need to be developed when Creation Codes are re-writing and re-setting reality while we are still in it....

Namarie! 💙


06 October 2022

Transcending The Pattern Of Incomplete Ascension ~ Asur'Ana

In the previous post, I mentioned that death was not a natural process and that we were instead supposed to ascend into the next incarnation. This made me recall an article written by Asur'Ana about "incomplete Ascension" a few years ago, and here it is for those who wish to know more about the subject. In her writing, Asur'Ana also explains that death itself is an "incomplete Ascension" and clears up the misguided beliefs that abound, especially when it comes to "ascension" of sages or religious figures.

From Aligning With Earth:

Transcending The Pattern Of Incomplete Ascension

Incomplete ascension is not understood nor written about within the spiritual texts that have come forth for the human species over the past 2,000 years of human history. Those who would understand incomplete ascension would only be those humans governing or directing ascension in times past. Such spiritual leadership has long been lost on the Earth plane. It is our desire to explain what an incomplete ascension is and to bring the karma behind incomplete ascension to light so that initiates who are devoted to their path of ascension can transit in full from a third-dimensional reality into a fifth-dimensional reality in physicality.

What Is Incomplete Ascension?

There are many forms of incomplete ascension. In physiological terms, incomplete ascension is a form of ascension that ends in death rather than transiting to the next dimension in physicality. Many other authors of ascension have spoken of spiritual initiations taken in lifetimes that have concluded in the biological death of the form. Such lifetimes would be considered an incomplete ascension from the perspective of the Order of Dari. These lifetimes also will require the souls involved to return to physicality and transit such initiations and fulfill a complete ascension in order to move on into the next dimension.

(Please continue here)

05 October 2022

Cycles of Incarnations


In the chaotic morass that has defined the past three years, the topic of "death" must have easily been the biggest thought occupying most people's minds. At times, death ~ or the prevention of death ~ was all that many people could talk about, in one way or another.

Death....Isn't "Natural"

Death is not a natural phase of the Cycle of Incarnations. The original Human template was not designed for death ~ death was never a factor of "Life". We were meant to be eternal beings, going from one chosen incarnation to another, expressions of Spirit in physical form. As we fell in frequency over long eons of Time, Entropy encroached onto the Human template as more and more of our DNA became damaged, distorted or dormant. Our physical body started going through the decay process as we lost the ability to self-generate, succumbing to shorter and shorter lifespans with each generational passing. Incarnation gave way to reincarnation as Souls got trapped in this sector of the Cosmos ~ lifetime after lifetime where the Soul's evolution came to a standstill. Death had inserted itself firmly into Humanity's life cycle.

Our biological body is but an expression of our individual Spirit, with each lifetime being just one of numerous others, like a fleeting cadence in our Spirit's opus. The fragile impermanence of our physical body belies the eternal existence of our Essence. 

As the long ages of Time passed, Humanity was conditioned to accept the unnatural occurrence of death as an integral part of its life process. Given that DNA accretion on a Collective level wasn't an option for eons, death became the inevitable conclusion to a life expression. 

Until now.

With our Planet and Humanity firmly ensconced in an Ascension Cycle, Souls are finally able to resume their evolution and eventually regain Higher Consciousness states of eternal existence. That is an entire process in itself, albeit at an accelerated pace. Even then, it will be some time until we reach the stage where full Ascension is once again a natural conclusion to a physical expression, like what it was always meant to be. 

Full Ascension (when the body transforms into Light and ascends completely) is very much dependent on each individual's Ascension progress through DNA accretion and for now, this is not something that is commonly achievable. Meanwhile, the death process will still be very much a part of the equation and in that regard, may each Soul that transitions enjoy Safe Passage.


Safe Passage

May each Soul pass swiftly and safely through all transitional realms.

May each Soul be Divinely guided by its own Spirit, staying steady and sure, and never straying from the intended course.

May all relevant portals, Stargates, exits/entrances, passageways and corridors be open and accessible for the Soul's onward journey to its next phase.

May each Soul arrive at its intended destination whole, unharmed and uncompromised in any manner.

May each Soul receive the Divine assistance it requires, should such a need arise.

May each Soul be able to continue on to the next phase of its evolution, unimpeded.


Full Ascension

As Earth Mum powers on with her own much-delayed-but-now-accelerated Ascension, changes are occurring every day on several fronts. I believe that as time passes, more options will open up for Humanity to facilitate Souls in making the safe transition into the next stage, pending attainment of full Ascension capability for Humanity as a Collective.

Meanwhile, may the knowledge and guidance pertaining to full Ascension increasingly find their way to all of Humanity, notwithstanding the control system. In the coming years, may more and more individuals be able to go through full Ascension, until this once again becomes the norm for Humanity.

May the death process quickly become a distant memory of a Planetary Race that fell too far, for far too long.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💙


03 October 2022

Clarification: Activations & Techniques

This is a personal clarification in view of some questions that have been raised pertaining to activations, techniques, initiations, exercises etc.

Generally speaking, I do not participate in such activities, especially so after my intense personal energy cleansing in 2019. For example, in E'Asha Ashayana's website, there is a section offering free techniques and activations that she recommends. I have not done any of them, and have no intention of doing so any time soon. 

The decision to follow any activation, technique etc from any source must be made by each individual, and I neither recommend nor advise against any such activity. All I will offer is to say please use your own discretion and exercise the usual caution when deciding if you should proceed with any such activity.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💜

26 September 2022

Sun Activity: Giant Erupting Prominence ~ Earth Sky ~ 25 September 2022

Earth Sky

Thanks to Solar Observer and The Sun Today for referencing this article.

Please head to Earth Sky for some details about this massive eruption that occurred on 24-25 September 2022 as well as on-going Solar activity.

Parallel Earth & Scalar Frequency Programming ~ E'Asha Ashayana

In this excerpt from 2000, E'Asha Ashayana explains how Parallel Earth was compromised and programmed by scalar frequency technology.

As we know, it's been the same modus operandi (and effects) here with technology courtesy of the Zetas, and at an intensified push in the past three years.

19 September 2022

Receiving & Integrating

Stardust ~ Becky Kelly

Towards the end of 2021, I wrote this (December = 2021 x 31):


And there goes 2021. (Almost.) 2022 will whizz by even faster, and 2023 faster yet. Until we get to....well, whenever it is 😁 and then the nature of Time will be very different. As it is, Time has already become so strange, and I truly have no idea at the moment what it will feel like when....well, when we "get there". 2021 has been but 11+ rapid blinks of an eye, but paradoxically each day of December has felt that I've lived the entire year of 2021 in one day. That is not to say December so far has stretched out ~ the days still go by like a whirlwind in a huge hurry. I can't explain it properly but I'm sure you know what I mean 😄

2022 so far has felt mostly like this ~ each day feels like a year and yet 2022 is flying at Warp 8.9.... almost three-quarters of the year has passed by already. And I know it's not just me when I say that it also feels as if I've lived several lifetimes in just this year alone.

Energy Codes

I've not been writing for quite a while now about the torrent of codes streaming in. Truthfully, most of the time I don't know what else to say. They are still pouring in, feeling even more Cosmic as the days go by (originating from Central Sun, Cosmic Central Sun, and most certainly beyond).

There are still all sorts of geometries and colours (functions), fluid and dynamic, very much "alive", still very "physical". And increasingly being felt within rather than just externally.

Probably a new thing to report is that they seem to be "breathing", like a gentle pulsating rhythm to the geometries. I'm also getting more visuals of vortices with energies streaming out.

Receiving & Integration

Something that I had recently realised is the body's response when assimilating these codes. There's the Receiving phase, and there's the Integration phase, occurring in cycles.

The Receiving phase seems to affect the mental and emotional bodies ~ it can get ungrounded, drifting in and out of realities/realms, emotional, ethereal, uncoordinated. In a sense, feeling out-of-body and clumsy.

The Integration phase becomes more physical ~ fogginess clears somewhat, feeling more grounded, and more "physical symptoms" which in my case includes allergic reactions. 

Even as I write this, I am very well aware that I'm just reporting what happens to me, because as I constantly insist, we each go through our processes in different ways. There are generalisations, of course, but it is also important for us to remember that not everything applies to all. The point here is to offer a distinguishing state between receiving and integration. 

Another point to make is that these states are not necessary distinct/discrete. Receiving and Integration can happen simultaneously, and probably is, most of the time. But I tend to think that one phase may present more strongly than the other, generally-speaking.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💙

PS. When I was proof-reading this post prior to publishing, I noticed this typo:

Hmmm....maybe just as Earth Mum is correcting her precessional rotation, we are are also doing the same....

17 September 2022

SR Stuff

Space Observing System

Welcome back, Space Observing System! After more than a week of a static SR chart, it's nice to see it functioning again. I'm sure it was some mechanical, software or recording problem that the team has sorted out, and not necessarily some Planetary or Solar calamity.

For an indication of an approximate representation of the SR during the days when the chart was down, we can look at this graph from HeartMath:


It's worthwhile noting that graphs GC1002 (Hofuf, Saudi Arabia) and GC1006 (Hluhluwe, South Africa) are not functioning.

A reminder that despite what "Science" claims, 7.83 Hz is NOT supposed to be the "normal" SR frequency. (As per E'Asha Ashayana's video explanation in this post, and also this post.)

Once again, Solar Observer has provided us with a stunning image ~ this one is from 11 September:

Solar Observer

And this:

The Mobile Observatory Project

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...