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Sandra Walter |
The above Divine Decree from Sandra Walter is an appropriate way to start off 2024. Interestingly, my last post for 2023 was also a Divine Decree from Sandra Walter!
Please visit Sandra's page to read her "Now Year" message.
Namarie! š
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Sandra Walter |
Another affirmation/intention/decree, this time from Sandra Walter to help us focus on our Divine Path and Ascension (specifically the second paragraph).
I did not mention it before but I will now ~ for the last week of 2023, I wanted to feature some spiritual tools that I felt would be beneficial going into the New Year....which promises to be even more transformational than this year š I had no idea what exactly to post, but Synchronicity showed the way (Gratitude!) and hence these three posts. They will certainly be my daily go-to, and may they prove helpful for those who resonate with them.
Namarie! š
Sandra Walter also speaks about the on-going "sorting" process or "choice-points", what I call "sub-Timelines". Although Sandra provides helpful guidance here, what caught my attention was the mention of "Ascension of Water":
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Sandra Walter |
The mental body, unsurprisingly, can be on overdrive and distracted, trying its best to make sense of all that is happening. Meditations are usually the remedy, and so are affirmations that will re-focus wayward thoughts and entrain mental patterning.
(Having said all that, please do bear in mind every body accesses and processes these Ascension energies differently.)
I find myself gravitating towards Sandra Walter's decrees. She has already posted so many over the past years ~ I find them to be powerful spiritual tools.
Namarie! š
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Sandra Walter |
During such intense periods ~ which seems to be every day of 2023 so far ~ some energetic support is always appreciated, so for those in need, here are some wise words of encouragement from Sandra Walter as well as a much-needed decree (image above). Sandra also emphasises the Mental-Emotional and talks about some frequency "jumps" and "leaps", similar to what I was feeling would be an impending significant and abrupt shift. I actually believe it hasn't happened yet, and that what's occurring now is still the prep stage.
Here's the wind-beneath-the-wings message from Sandra:
We have been cautioned numerous times from different sources over the years that death will be a huge part of the Ascension process, and we certainly had that energy right in front of our faces in the past three years. However, it's not just physical death, but death of all that we were conditioned into believing was real, death of old structures, death of relationships and situations, death of who were thought we were, even death of the Human species in its current form as we evolve into something new....all now occurring and beginning to be felt on a massive Collective Consciousness level, and all part of the Ascension process.
Death followed by Re-Birth, Re-Generation, Re-Evolution.
Some guidance from Sandra Walter on how to navigate these energies:
As with all group meditations, I would ask that should you decide to participate, please do it with full awareness and protection preparation....go with your own Higher Guidance.
An excerpt from Sandra's article, which you can access in full here:
"Blessings Beloveds ~
A massive shift is anticipated before end of March. The constant jumps in frequency and light are dismantling the old structures. This amplifies our themes of revelation, death, inversion collapse, and the new way of beingness.
The new light frequencies literally change the parameters for creation, opening us to Infinite expansion – in the midst of shaking apart dense structures within and without.
Flowing with the energy Shift before Equinox
Our preparations and actions before mid-March affect how we will experience the dramatic changes this year.
Last year’s widespread direct reconnection to the I AM Presence created a collective container for a new experience. Remember when Gaia said embodiment would change everything? Here we glow dear hearts, unified in the Infinite Kryst frequency, walking into a new realm.
The shifts in February-March change our perception; we see more, feel more, and the old realms drop out of our realities. This makes the Now – when timelines are dropping rapidly – very powerful, fertile soil for the New beingness."
Please read her full newsletter here. An excerpt follows:
Blessings Beloveds ~
This Stargate continues to deliver realm-shifting choice points – both personal and collective – through SUNday January 29.
After this passage, we will see a dramatic increase in narrative flips, revelations, and personal choice-points. We are witnessing this already; these early 2023 revelation energies are opening many minds and hearts to new perspectives.
Comets and Core Shifts
Cosmic events are receiving some attention during this Stargate – and I find the mention of them in popular media to reveal some interesting timing.
The green, three-tailed comet may be (vaguely) visible on February 1st; look North at SUNset. I enjoy path-changing Comet energies, and this one feels well-timed with our Stargate alignment which is aimed at accelerating trajectory choices.
An article on Earth’s core slowing, or possible reversal, made the headlines this week. While the events and theories in that article are many years old, the timing of focusing on it is potent. Our theme of Inversion Collapse gets a little boost in attention. As every Gate and Gridkeeper knows, the restoration of organic Stargates includes correcting the magnetic flows, which ends the inorganic reversal. That tipping point already occurred. Remember our consistent amplification of organic light and positive LoveLight dynamics affects the physical realms.
We explored this topic in Presence. One of the themes this year is the Inversion Collapse, which includes the physical shifts in Gaia’s magnetics – including her Crystalline Core.
I do believe many of us are already prepping for an enormously huge year, energy-wise. Can it get any more intense? Absolutely! š
And Sandra mentions the Source-y energies too!
There are very few resources that I actually check on these days, and in the past couple of weeks I found myself moping for a resource that would appease the strong need within me for some sort of specific connection that I really wanted. Sort of like an etheric High-5 or something.
Well, I just finished watching this enjoyable video where Sandra Walter touches on several topics about what's happening with and around us. It's a wonderful update where she goes Cosmic, and I was going Yes! Absolutely! Yep! throughout the 1hr 25 minutes ~ I really wanted her to speak more š I finally got the High-5 that I was asking for ✋ This is the link through which you can access the video for those who wish to watch now ~ I will continue rambling on for a bit:
I believe that what Sandra is saying is pretty much what many have been feeling and "getting" over the recent months, so to hear a voice validating our experiences is always comforting and reassuring. Yes, I know I know I know....we don't need external validation, we are our own validation, etc etc etc but for me, it's always such a relief when I know of others who are sharing the same things that are more woo than woo-woo š This "Cosmic" thing has been presenting so strong lately, and I have touched on its nature in previous posts:
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Unplug & Wait One Divine Moment |
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Receiving & Integrating |
I am feeling that this Cosmic Presence at the moment is more of the Divine Cosmic Mum frequency ~ it would be some time before it balances out with the Masculine counterpart as this part of Creation has to re-establish the Feminine first.
Another topic which Sandra eloquently explains is that of Divine Will, or as I consider it, the intentions of Source. Or even more specifically, the expression of ourselves as an aspect of our own Divine Self. I am aware that many hold strong to the concept of Free Will and I understand this steadfastness. However, I also believe that ultimately, the highest expression of Free Will is Divine Will, and hence what I posted in May:
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Free Will, Divine Will |
One last thing for me to mention ~ she poked at a (another?) hornet's nest when she brought up the topic of diet.
OK. This is such a sensitive and triggering subject, liable to transform a mild-mannered person into a non-Green Hulk. This is also why I hardly ever write about it, because it is essentially a very personal topic that has so many branches that reach waaaaay back into ancient times. Sandra does go into this landmine territory, but as always, just take what works for you and ditch the rest.
As Synchronicity would ALWAYS have it, just yesterday I observed via group messages a mini-meltdown over this same topic ~ DIET. Someone had brought up a specific diet and the next thing you know, several long responses came in defending whatever diet they were on. It's such an ancient taboo that I have more courage and willingness to write about the deep depths of the dark rather than approach this topic š
I hope you enjoy this 1+ hour with Sandra Walter.
It's like a pep talk that I needed to hear and I appreciated what she had to say, encouraging us to keep going and do our best for the collective but to also honour our need to have down time. Admittedly, I also found it very reassuring as she touched on some topics that I had written about earlier as well as several similarities with my own current timeframe in terms of the dream-state, self-correction and the feeling that the Soul has had enough.
Sandra also explains why we're going through what we are going through and the impact of our Sun's heightened activity (she calls our Sun "Solaris" but for some reason our Sun is "Solara" to me). I loved it when Sandra gave an update of Earth Mum's status and how she wants us to be part of this Ascension Process ("come with me").
Interestingly and against the general flow, Sandra suggests that we take our focus away from the survival narrative, and this one really resonates! I had been wanting to write about this for a while now, like a follow-up to my earlier post (Envision Abundance).
There's also a sort of guided visualisation in the video in which I didn't participate.
myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...