Showing posts with label solara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solara. Show all posts

05 December 2022

Sol Solaris Solara

Nauka W Polsce

Update 6 December 2022: Please read note at bottom of post, thank you!

This is just me, musing out loud.

Our beautiful Sun is widely known to be masculine in nature. Almost every reference to our Sun that I've come across is masculine, with the names "Sol" or "Solaris" being used.

I've tried ~ very hard, for a long time ~ to also consider our Sun as masculine. But I just can't. I simply cannot.

No matter how hard I try, our Sun is feminine to me. Well, to be more precise, more feminine than masculine. I call our Sun "Solara".

At the start of this post, I wrote that "almost every reference" is masculine. Because so far, there's only one other person that I'm aware of that has considered our Sun as feminine, and that is Sheldan Nidle, many years ago in one of his webinars. When I heard him say that, I had a mini-celebration because finally someone else shares my feeling 😁 even though we are in the woeful minority. Well, even more minor than minority but never mind.

Rightly or wrongly, this is how I feel and I am more than happy to be corrected😄

Namarie! 💙 

I just heard from someone (thank you, B!) that in Germany, our Sun is known as Die Sonne, which is a feminine noun 😊

30 October 2022

Our Sun


The following report was referenced by Solar Observer on 20 October 2022:

Will the Sun Ever Burn Out? (

The first sentence of the article reads:

"Here's what will happen when our sun dies, billions of years from now."


This topic is one (of many) that I've been intending to write about over the past few months, but have been unable to do so until now, so I'll start with this one since Solar Observer featured this article and I read a written reference to our Sun by E'Asha Ashayana just a couple of days ago.

One of the main reasons I've not written about this topic is because my knowledge is very limited since I've only come across information about it in a sporadic and sketchy manner. They were in the form of a few fleeting references made by E'Asha in video excerpts. Another point I had to consider is that there have been numerous "upgrades and updates" in recent years as Divine Cosmic Interventions continue to escalate, so information that was given years ago may have become obsolete or irrelevant. I've been trying to form at least a coherent outline picture of this topic but I realised that may take some time so I'll just do what I can now, nudged by this article as well as E'Asha's article.

(For those who are already familiar with this "Sun-Raid", apologies in advance as I try to present this.)

Based on E'Asha's information alone and from what I understand, our beautiful Sun was attacked by the dark in March 2007 ~ the event is known as "Sun-Raid". This attack negatively impacted our Sun's Prana Seed, which effectively triggered its death cycle and initiated the gradual separation of its dark-matter energy body from its Light/Matter body. 

Our Sun will supernova not in billions of years from now, but in a few hundred years (900?), if I understand correctly (I've seen various numbers mentioned by different people, so it gets a bit confusing). 

I also finally started reading the (not-recent) updates written by E'Asha on her website, and here's something about our Sun:

"6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field."

The Bhardoah cycle is considered a "completion and renewal" phase, marking the return of our beautiful Sun's essence back to its Spiritual source, albeit very much earlier than originally designed.

I also remember coming across some information from E'Asha (from 2007?) that Gamma rays are expected to increase (they are) as a result of what's happening to our Sun, but they will be attenuated through intervention by Cosmic Guardians and forces. At the same time, events pertaining to Planetary Ascension are also expected to be accelerated in view of this incident.

I hope I've made adequate sense of this topic. There is much more I intend to address but I feel it will be a couple more weeks before I can do that. Additionally, as mentioned, I am finally making my way through E'Asha's written updates on her site and many things that I've read so far have added a much-appreciated layer of information and level of understanding in relation to ~ of all things ~ my previous and current blog names.

I've found myself having an even stronger connection with our Sun since I first heard about the Sun-Raid a few months back. Admittedly, it horrified me initially, but I also realised that it was all the more reason to love our Sun even more 😊

I'd like to end with this image of our beautiful Sun, with thanks to Solar Observer once again:

Namarie & Bright Blessings! ☀️

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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