Showing posts with label butterfly on the wall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butterfly on the wall. Show all posts

01 May 2024

The Twilight Zone Month That Was

Space Weather we are in May! What a month April was ~ "strange" is such an muted and understated word to describe the past weeks. I came across a meme some time back that said, and I paraphrase...."I remember when Twilight Zone was a TV series, not the daily news that we have now". Cue creepy music?

I'm not a fan of that TV series and have only watched a few episodes but I get what the meme means. Here are some of the really bizarre/unusual events that have transpired:

Four Horses & Four Horsemen

Biblical, no less. Seriously though, how weird is this, regardless of whether one is aware of religious distortions. The four horses threw their riders and bolted. There are so many messages that we can read into this incident ~ I'm just glad that all involved are recovering, including Quaker, who sustained serious injury.

Another One Spooked

As if to underscore the unfortunate event involving the Cavalry horses, another one was spooked on the same day but in a different location in London. The rider was also thrown but thankfully, neither horse nor human was injured. Here's the video.

Interestingly, all the horses in this parade are black.

Very Rare Super-Sympathetic Quadruple Solar Flare

This happened on 23 April early hours UTC, which means about a day prior to the horses being spooked in London. This is just a statement, I do not claim any correlation. Space Weather has a good write-up on this Solar phenomen, which you can read here.

Big Ben Chimes 11 Times, Shows 9am

On the same day of the Cavalry horses incidents, Big Ben chimed 11 times while showing 9am. The Telegraph had a report that mentions this, but I was unable to read it unless I signed in, which I won't. So I'll just post the following screenshot instead. For those who wish to read the article, here's the link.

Hmmmm.....9....11.... This was noticed by several people online, offering theories galore. 

Busy day for weirdness in London indeed.

BΓΈrsen Fire

The Local

This happened on 16 April in Copenhagen. Note the reference to Notre Dame, which suffered the same fiery fate in 2019. Also note the toppling of the "iconic" central spire of this financial centre. I'd like to think that it's symbolic of the demise of the control system's financial pillar. Additionally, note what it says on the billboard advertisement in the image above ~ Fear Nothing.


Moulin Rouge


This fire occurred on 25 April. The blades were not the only things that fell off the did the letters MOU. My first thought was "Memorandum of Understanding" so I did some checking to see if it could be an abbreviation of something else but nothing came up.

This article has more details about the incident.


Red Heifer

Ugh, more religious symbolisms and references. How much more obvious can it get that the control system is doing their damnedest to stoke religious fires. Holy wars have always been very successful mediums of mindless destruction and division throughout the ages. I couldn't find any latest news about this agenda, or whether it has already been executed ~ the plan was to carry this out during Passover, so between 22 ~ 30 April. 

Antarctica Anomaly

This has been a developing story from In2ThinAir since the earlier part of April, and he's put up some videos that elaborate what he's found. Here's where you can view them:

We also had the Total Solar Eclipse on 8 April passing by numerous towns with biblical connotations. Let's also not forget Nasa's tribute to their "god" by calling their rockets Apep. Then there's the mockingly-named Devil's Comet being visible for much of the month. We were certainly in Twilight Zone territory during the month of April.

Some of the events I listed gave me a sense of the occult. I would like to think that they signified the deconstruction of the control system and its inevitable demise, especially the two fires and the four horses throwing their respective riders.

Let's never waiver from being and shining our Divine Light!

Namarie! πŸ’š

16 July 2023

Blame It On The Rain

Luke Coutinho

With thanks to Dianne Warren for the title ~  and to Milli Vanilli for being the "front"....

This is like the second part to Spotlight on Darkness as this psycho-tactic gained traction about twenty years ago and rapidly elevated itself to a major catch-all blame in both spiritual and psychotherapy camps. It is another huge mental-emotional warfare control agenda designed to cripple spiritual growth and perpetually feed both medical and psychotherapy industries.

And just like the earlier post, this was also something that I had wanted to highlight, spotlight and call out for quite some time. Synchronicity sent me relevant quotations in the past couple of weeks that echo my thoughts on this, so thank you to Synchronicity as well.

Blame vs Self-Accountability

Blaming something or someone else is so easy and such a convenient way of letting ourselves slip away from self-accountability. Is it so wrong to blame someone or something else, if that's really what happened? Of course not! There is a huge difference between assigning blame for who/what caused the situation, and assigning blame for allowing the situation to continue unaddressed. 

To take an extreme example: An individual can blame the drunk driver for killing his entire family and leaving him confined to a wheelchair. However, to continue to blame the driver and allow the tragedy to slowly destroy him by not trying to live his life again....that is also in itself tragic. If he refuses to do anything to help himself heal and instead chooses to spend his life-energy on blaming the driver, then each day that passes is a day squandered and gone forever.

He has effectively given away total control of his life to this driver by holding on to the blame instead of working to improve his situation. In essence, it's like allowing the accident to successfully wreck the individual's life for good if the individual continues to focus on the blame instead of doing what he can to make his life better.

Each moment, he has the fresh opportunity to take back control of his own life, heal and move forward. Or he can continue to choose to be powerless by blaming the driver and doing nothing to help his situation. I know middle-aged people who still blame their now-deceased parents and childhood for their current setbacks, refusing to help themselves make adjustments to improve; it is both self-defeating and self-sabotaging.

Blame is so deceptively simple while healing and being self-accountable is hard work, this much is true....for the short-term. Ultimately, the former can eventually destroy the individual while the latter leads to life-changing improvement.

Getting Off The Boat

Caroline Myss

There is no denying that therapy has a place in healing from trauma by providing a "safe" place for cathartic dialogue and liberation/transformation of trapped energy (emotions). Oftentimes a pair of neutral listening ears and a supportive attitude can provide the precise prescription to help propel the individual forward, or at least take that important first step in the right direction. However, if the process is enabling individuals to continuously blame others for their situation, foster life-long dependency or arrests forward movement, then there's certainly something very wrong.

Therapy must have a limit ~ the boat must take us across the river, and once we reach the other side, we must get off.

I've said earlier that talking about the trauma can provide huge healing, but when individuals are repeatedly re-hashing their stories, it goes against proper healing. Reliving trauma by thinking or talking about it over and over and over again is not much different than actually being in it ~ it's all energy and that's how our psyche sees and interprets an actual experience. 

Here's how friend described this dark side of therapy ~ "It's like a wound that's healing, and then every time the patient digs up the trauma during therapy, the wound is opened up again." And to that I add ~ open wounds are more susceptible to fresh suggestibility and vulnerability to adversity.


Let It Go

Nikita Gill via Tiny Buddha

LET IT GO. This has become something like a mantra in this blog because I've said it so often. But it truly is the one of the most basic and simplest thing to do when we wish to really heal from a situation. Bearing in mind that our psyche perceives through interpreting energy ~ whether it's a real experience or a mental thought/spoken words, it's seen as the same thing.

One of the things I usually suggest for healing is this ~ blame all you want, scream the loudest and longest you can, rant and rave, sob, judge the heck out of the person. ...but set a timer. Give yourself 10 minutes, an hour, 24 hours, a week. And then LET.IT.GO.

Letting go relieves us of unwanted baggage that drags us down further into the pit. Letting go means releasing our vise-like grip on someone else's chains so we can move forward. Letting go means breaking out of the self-imprisonment so we have the freedom to shape our life, freedom to discover who we really are, freedom to express a higher reality.

Letting go is the first step, and then we just do what we can moment by moment, one baby step at a time.

If there's one thing I need to add to "Let it go", it would be "....and don't pick it up again."


Suffering Is Optional

Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts

Culture, tradition, religion, nationalism and society ~ they are all designed to be instrumental in making us believe there's honour and integrity in suffering. Martydom is held in very high regard instead of seeing it for what it truly is ~ a sacrificial program.

Suffering is optional, it is entirely up to the individual if they wish to take it on or choose better instead. Suffering gets us no where except into unnecessary misery and unwarranted martyrdom.

Moving On & Growing Into The Light

Due to the long and winding past Humanity has had, we have been up against countless blocks and barriers that stood in our way of spiritual growth. We have been like putty in the hands of the control system for far too long, and this is the time when we are receiving so much support to stand up and say NO!!! IT ENDS HERE AND IT ENDS NOW! This is the gift of Ascension we've been bestowed and this is something each one of us must extend our hands out to receive. This is the time we focus on our personal journey and not be swayed by all that's being done to prevent our Ascension. 

The past pain and history do not define our Now, they do not define our True Self.

We reclaim our self-accountability, we reclaim our self-empowerment, we reclaim our self-love.

We grow our own Divine Light within and stand strong in our Sovereignty.

We place the control of our lives back into our own hands where it belongs.

Namarie! πŸ’—

27 June 2023

Spotlight on Darkness

Positive Bloom

Last month, while searching online for a suitable image to depict the idea of something positive breaking up a period of negativity (here), I decided to go with the proverbial Lotus. I specifically wanted a beautiful bloom against a backdrop of murkiness to depict what I had written.

What I repeatedly saw in many of the images I scrolled through was the use of the Lotus flower as evidence that it requires mud to grow and bloom, that only from something dirty dark dank like mud could you get to admire the beauty of the Lotus. This isn't a new idea ~ I've seen it more and more over the years, spawning all over social media and side-tracking even the spiritual communities. It is just one of countless psyops over the years that have successfully convinced the Collective to believe in to adversely impact their psyche and therefore, their Consciousness. There's a bigger picture behind it in relation to the multi-cogs-and-wheels that is the Ascension Cycle. 

The more obvious and visible aspects of this operation initiated back in 2001. I knew very little then of the Cosmic chaos that had spanned billions of years of warfare ~ what I had learnt at that time was limited to the mere bare bones basics of Ascension. So in that same regard, what I will document (as briefly as possible) will be limited to only what has played out publicly on the world stage, but always bearing in mind that there were numerous massive missions and mechanisms that were at the same time playing out in the Greater Cosmos. 

This social conditioning of Humanity isn't something that is unknown to you, but this is me taking a stand to  shine the spotlight on what's been happening, with the intention to energetically disrupt the psyop. The more we make a stand against something like this and the more of us doing it, the weaker the programming frequencies.

With that said, let's wind back to 2001.

Going Back

The aftershock of the 911 agenda immediately intensified the already tenuous and fragile situation between the world's two major religions. The agenda gave the religious a valid reason to increase their rhetoric against the other, many times descending into downright derisiveness. It was yet another successful propagation of the holy wars that had plagued Humanity for millennia, perpetuating the fighting between faithful followers of the two major religions so that a vast sector of the population remain divided, something that the control system does best.

The agenda left the population feeling insecure and unsure, in need of reassurance and at the same time, in need of distraction to allow them to withdraw from the uncertainties of the external. With the fearful and vulnerable world now made more pliable in the hands of the control system, more agendas were executed in quick succession, many of them carrying long-term objectives and all of them designed in some manner to disrupt the Ascension Cycle, which was then in its initial and barely budding phase.

Things started to look strange, paranoia grew and spread. Societal conditioning moved into high gear with the focus on distracting and moulding young children ~ many Souls had already been coming in with high coding and many more were expected over the years. For lack of a better term, the Indigo Kids ("Indigo" actually refers to the frequency signature that spans generations, not just children)....the new generation that was expected to supplant the older generation of Lightworkers, or at least significantly add to the Ascension effort. This generation was expected to be the new super-charged torch bearers ~ of course this is also something that is known by the dark who are esoteric experts of their own. Hence, the vast array of deterrents implemented to lead the Collective astray and nip the Ascension process in the bud, with specific focus on the youths. Humanity in general succumbed.

Within just a short span of a couple of years, Light and Beauty in the Art and "entertainment" worlds (strongholds for social conditioning) were systematically siphoned out, and in sauntered darkness to take their place.

The music industry showed signs of a ship being steadily steered into murky waters, becoming increasingly music-less and broadcasting aggressive and questionable lyrics no ears should hear. The mood turned dark, literally and figuratively. Same with music's ever present partner-in-crime ~ the TV and movie medium. We were desensitised into accepting as "normal" more violence, gore, swearing, promiscuity, premature sexuality. Young kids had networks spearheaded by Disney with their not-secret-anymore direct and subliminal programming of hypersexuality.

Youtube came into the picture, encouraging "free speech" in their comments by inviting "opinions"(read: enabling youths to normalise being rude and inconsiderate, while inculcating an attitude of non-accountability). Social media platforms came in steadily, voraciously consuming large chunks of an individual's daily hours, reinforcing behaviour that meet required parameters set by the control systems.

Somewhere in that mindless morass emerged the RPG video juggernaut with ever-realistic violence decorated with pornographic tendencies and riddled with ethical-moral concerns. Cluedo they are not. 

(The "medical" industry was also determined not to be outdone. There's much to elaborate but it would have to be at another time as this post is about social programming.)

In less than two decades, the moral and ethical rot was festering full-time ~ everywhere you turn, there was some social mechanism that was hard at work shaping young and impressionable minds as well as those of older adults. A real and tragic epidemic of stress, addictions, mental ill-heath, lack of self-esteem/overblown egos (same thing, different extremes), self-harm, skewed priorities, misplaced loyalties, status-fame chasing etc exploded. A populace constantly kept on edge, highly stimulated by artificial constructs and having increasingly unrealistic social goals (thanks to social media programming) translates into the sympathetic nervous system being thrown on overdrive for far too long. Nothing good can come out of this condition.

The well-spring of all these social agendas is the overall objective to create a culture of darkness and despair. In its highest public form it would be the Luciferian/Satanic rituals openly demonstrated by "celebrities"; in its everyday-everywhere influence, it would be the "naturalisation" of darkness and its variants.

Which is where we're at now.


How to Grow Lotus

Lotus & clear water
I'll side-track for a bit on the timeline and talk about the Lotus flower.

To me, this beautiful and humble bloom is an exquisite symbol of our Ascension. Regardless whether this is "officialised" as such, some  Ascension teachers use the Lotus to signify the process, be it to represent blossoming chakras or a reference to some form of transcendence. 

The Lotus is an aquatic plant, and that obviously means it requires a water medium to grow. Being in water can result in buoyancy issues, so an "anchor" is desirable. Naturally-occurring pools of water are typically lakes and ponds, with muddy sediments at the bottom from decomposed matter. So, if Lotus grows in such environments, they will anchor to the bottom. Which is mud.

Based on the sole fact that the Lotus is an aquatic plant, the simple translation is that we can of course domestically grow it in clear water. Which it does! We can use sand or even gravel to anchor the base, if necessary. No mud required, period full-stop the end.

Let me highlight that again. Lotus does not need mud to grow.

So, to every single person quoting otherwise ~ especially spiritual and psychological sources ~ please, JUST STOP.

Lotus & clear water

Seen from the vantage point of truth ~ even when a Lotus plant is rooted in the dirt and darkness of mud, it seeks to grow out of this and heads towards the Light. It does not wallow in the mud ~ it strives to reach upwards so that it can bloom in the Light of the Sun.


Going Forward

Back to the Now. 

After more than two decades of intense social transformation of core values, adults today entertain themselves and their children in more destructive ways than ever before. What we find entertaining can say a lot about our Consciousness. The rampant brainwashing of Humanity has led to not just normalising but also romanticising darkness and its many expressions.

Another one of so many disturbing ways the self-sustaining psyop is fortified is through the widely-accepted notion that artists need darkness to motivate their creative flow and breathe life to their creations. So much of "Art" today is filled with dark and despairing elements, with hardly any sense of motivation or life. There is even the sense of glorification of the morbid and macabre. I think this program is genius ~ diminish the importance of Art in schools to discourage true creativity in our children, then condition the reduced population of Artists to enhance darkness through their own darkness. Darkness within creates darkness without ~ the analogy is that we can't produce a beautiful painting using dirty canvas, brushes, paint and water. So we end up with Artists despairing in darkness, producing Art that's dripping in that darkness, which results in an Art-world devoid of Light and Beauty. All we need to do is to look around and see "modern" Art & Architecture.

And the icing on the cake? Convince Humanity that AI can be the replacement for a human Artist. (Synchronistically, as I write this, there's an uproar over AI art used by Marvel in one of their products.)

Over and over again, I've read, heard and been told that darkness is part of us, that our shadows must be embraced and accepted, that darkness is a necessary part of Life. These are false belief systems borne out of that terrible Lotus-and-mud psyop that's infiltrated the Human psyche. 

Yes, we have shadows, we have darkness. Yes, we must accept that they exist and embrace we can heal them. As for darkness being a necessary part of Life....well, which sane parent wants their bright and beautiful children to be instilled with darkness so that they can experience Life? 🀷🏽‍♀️

And remember, the Lotus grows out of the mud, towards the Light of the Sun.

Darkness creeps in and shadows form when Light gets cut off. Darkness is the absence of Light. Switch off the light in the room and it gets dark. Switch on the light and darkness disappears. Our shadows were birthed when Light was blocked, be it through our own mental-emotional processes or even through entity attachment. Turning the Light back on again will make a difference in both situations, even if it requires repeated effort since course-correction can sometimes be more manageable when taken in little steps, as long as it's headed in the right direction. A strong determination for constant reaffirmation certainly goes a long way.

Leave now and never come back!


Choosing Our Dinner Companion

We are a Collective in Crisis. We are also a Consciousness under construction. We are in an Ascension Cycle, and we get to choose which lane we wish to get on ~ the one rife with shadows, or the one bathed in Light.

The darkness is not Who We Truly Are.... it is an aspect of ourselves that was deprived of Light for too long. The power that darkness has over us comes from the power that we give it, allowing it to gain in strength as time passes. Each time we choose to believe the lie of the dark over the truth of the Light, darkness inflates.

When we continue to treat darkness as a life-long companion that requires us to feed it daily meals, we're doing such a great disservice and injustice to ourselves. The same applies when we continue to use darkness as an emotional crutch to avoid looking at ourselves in the mirror.

Image source: Unknown

Darkness underpins much of the maladies and madness of the world today. Pull the plug on darkness and the muck starts to drain away. Allow Beauty and Light to come in, and the tapestry of our Life will start to look beautiful again.
Beauty and Light are part of our True Essence and Divine Nature, which we should be deep in the process of reclaiming. Darkness has no place in this Ascension Cycle.

Let's continue to shine a spotlight on the darkness, so that more and more will start to shine their own Light.
Namarie! πŸ’

09 April 2023

The Shrug🀷🏻‍♀️

The Shrug 🀷🏻‍♀️ It's been a go-to emoji for me these days.

This is like a minor addendum to the previous post, which featured Mary Allison's article. 

In the handful of discussion groups that I've joined, I'm generally one of the silent ones. Being mainly in observer mode, I would only get involved if I'm strongly pulsed to do so. Just this week alone, I spoke up twice in two different groups. 

I had noticed in both groups that questioning the respective teachings/guidance was not well tolerated. Each time someone highlighted a contradiction or raises a doubt, the questioner would be asked to read more of the teachings/guidance or watch more of the videos etc. I was motivated to point out this discouraging attitude in both the groups, and guess what the response was? Yep....I was asked to go through the teachings/guidance!

In both cases, I replied with 🀷🏻‍♀️ 

(The above image is a screenshot of my actual reply.)

This is no different than the classic absurd scenario where a devotee questions the religious leader over some teaching in the holy book, only to be admonished and told to read it even more.


Namarie! πŸ’œ

23 February 2023

Ask ~ And You Shall Be Answered

Science Focus

One of the many installed apps I've shut down on my phone is Google Assistant. My location setting is also off, so is bluetooth, yt tracking & history, most permissions and pretty much everything I can turn off. I'm not a fan of Alexa, Siri, Chatgpt and all their iterations.

(I refuse to be conditioned to eventually accept any answer they give. Just like in the 80s when I watched Apple training the world to start accepting conditions and limitations through their PCs, but that's another story for another time.)

I am acutely aware that although my privacy and location settings are disabled, the AI can still spy on me and collect data. With all that in mind, let me relate some recent experiences I've had:

Experience 1

In a phone conversation with a friend about ridiculous burial rituals ~ followed by even more ridiculous rituals on each anniversary ~ we eventually came to cremation. She was searching for the word that's used to call the building that houses the ashes. I vaguely remember it sounded like "crematorium" ~ we tried for a bit to recall the word but gave up after a short while.

Later in the day while going through my phone, I saw an article about Columbariums.


Experience 2

One particular day, I was mulling over a certain aspect of the Bifurcation process. I had many questions, the most niggling being how the process itself can initiate on the physical level. Various sources talk about Bifurcation, but I wasn't aware of any who actually described how the process begins.

Shortly thereafter, I saw a video which someone else had posted so I started watching that, and somewhere along the way, the presenter touched on the topic of Bifurcation! She was actually explaining the physical initiation process and although it did not cover enough details, it certainly answered enough to keep me happy for a long while (I'll post the clip later, separately.)


Experience 3

I was at a store looking for a particular light-bulb that I needed for replacing. I couldn't find the brand I usually buy, but saw a version from a different brand which I will call Brand A. I was shocked to see how much it costs, so I took my phone out to see if it was being sold at a cheaper price online.

First thing I saw when I opened up the app was Brand A and their light-bulb offerings.

(And yes, it was almost half the price cheaper.)


If "unusual occurrences" was something I never had, I would have screamed and thrown my phone down the store aisle. I've also heard from others that they are having the same sort of experiences happening to them. 

This isn't Synchronicity. It's something totally different. 

The disturbing question ~ has the tech AI evolved to the stage where it's able to access our thoughts? We know that it's possible for phones to listen in when we are talking with someone else through the phone, but the other two experiences I described only had me thinking to myself. If indeed it's the evolving AI, are we referring to the Light AI? The Alpha quantum AI that Kim Goguen talks about? (And yes, my phone PC car home all have names and I talk to them.)

On the other hand, there's the positive Ascension aspect ~ is it our rising Consciousness that's creating and pulling in the events to provide the answers we are seeking? Does this then mean that our Consciousness is beginning to affect our technology, or more precisely, the tech AI. So far, all my experiences (and those of the people I heard from) involve either phone or PC ~ it's not that I had a question in mind and someone answered it for me without being asked, or that I found the answer in a book or a song or some public signboard. It's me needing an answer, and I get it through some orchestration via my phone or PC.

The third possibility is one that I'm more inclined to consider ~ our holographic reality. Could it be that we're now beginning to better create our own individual holographic reality? Does this then mean that we're now having reduced influence in some degree from the Morphogenetic Hologram, and thus are better able to control and shape our own individual one? Is this made possible by the continued weakening of the Magnetosphere / Veils (specifically called NET Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction field)?

I have so many more questions that need answering so BRING IT ON! πŸ˜„

Namarie! πŸ’—

07 January 2023

2023: Year of the Soul

Happy 2023! Yes, I know ~ our current calendar is pretty much a distorted version of measuring Time in a sequential and linear manner, but never mind, Happy 2023 all the same πŸ˜„ 

Personally and energetically, the "New Year" felt like it started in late November, right around the time I started seeing the "Source-Field Codes". It has been such a _____ (no words left to describe) period of time since then ~ many things have presented, most of which I have yet to process and comprehend, and at the same time, there's been (increased) clarity over many other things. For now, I will translate into text the main theme that's been presenting very strongly and persistently over the past weeks, which I believe will run throughout 2023 and beyond.

In June 2020, I put together the image below to illustrate what was going on at that time:

No Soul left unchurned

I had meant to post it in The Earth Plan, but unexpectedly found out a year-and-half later that I hadn't for some unfathomable reason. So I posted it here on Divine*Emanations in January 2022, and added the years 2021 and 2022 because I felt the same theme continuing (here).

I bring this up because I feel the "Soul" theme is still presenting very strongly for 2023. This year, it's all about the Soul and hence, the title of this post. I believe that no matter which stage we are at in our Awakening & Ascension process (for many this is unfolding simultaneously....this is seriously accelerating globally now), it will be a Soul-based year and we will find ourselves at one or more of the following levels....

Soul Searching

After almost three years of Soul-churning in the Collective Consciousness, comes the belated Soul-searching. In the Soul-churning phase, Humanity in general was akin to the proverbial hamster-in-the-wheel ~ much going on (mostly frenetic) but never really properly advancing positively. There was a lot of awareness, yes ~ but bearing in mind that I'm speaking in terms of energy and/or Spirit/Soul, there was still largely only churning going on. Those who started becoming aware of the global control system focussed mainly on external events and did not make any connections within in terms of Spiritual awakening. Many who were already aware and on the spiritual path found themselves distracted by major psyop narratives or false light/false ascension channels that diverted their attention and energies away from continued spiritual growth. Hence, churning.

For those who have resisted and stubbornly remained oblivious to the visible signs of the control system, it will be a time of intense Soul-searching. Endless questions with seemingly no answers, accompanied by much teeth gnashing and hand wringing. There are answers, but they are not the preferred answers that these beings are expecting. Souls who are Soul-searching will eventually have to face the person staring back at them in the mirror, they will have to at long-last turn away from the external noise and listen to the growing voice within. This will also apply to those who were jolted awake and saw through the health agenda manipulations and control mechanisms, but fell straight into extreme polarisation, blame-game and saviour programmes, bypassing any real spiritual connection and growth.

As we know only too well, the related outcome of Soul-searching almost always is the dreaded Dark Night of the Soul. The saving grace is that in this accelerated timeline of the Ascension process, this inferno will be much shorter and infinitely more merciful than those who had theirs 20-and-more years ago. It's like there's a redeeming aspect that's factored in for this current time, and thankfully too! πŸ™πŸ½ Imagine what it would be like if the Collective Consciousness is near-drowning in the quagmire of this phase for months on end πŸ˜”

External events aside, there are also the masses who will be going through this phase after coming out of personal traumas or issues...and there's lots of these around ~ may they receive all the guidance they need. 

Many will also become disenchanted with the fake glitter and glamour of the superficial reality that masqueraded as "Life", many more will see through the inverted "value" systems that Humanity was conditioned into adopting as principles. To face these stark realisations and the dismantling of long-held belief systems in a short space of time can be traumatic, to say the least.

This phase will also see many who have been on the spiritual path but were derailed by the false light/false ascension channels and/or saviour-psyop narratives, and are now disconnecting themselves from them. This is evident to me through what I hear from a number of people who had unravelled themselves from such webs of deception and are now going through their own processing. Then there are also those who have gone through challenging personal episodes from which they need to heal.

And before someone protests that those on the spiritual path are immune to this Dark Night phase after having gone through it before, I have heard two public and popular Wayshowers reveal that they had recently emerged from their own Dark Night of the Soul, and are now stronger and better than they were before. Anyone can detract or be distracted from their Spiritual Path, or even become a little lost for a while for a myriad of reasons. Course-correction may require some Soul-searching and the ensuing Dark Night of the Soul. But again, thankfully, we've been through this nightmare before so we know what to do to clear and heal quickly. It should be no more than a blip (or two) on the radar. 

Soul Streams

This is something I've mentioned before briefly some years back, but I feel it will become quite pronounced in 2023. This is about many who are gravitating (evolving) more into who we are at the Soul-origin level and expressing the traits inherent of the particular Group or Star Race as opposed to holding on to a polished personality or carefully crafted identity. I can't say how high up the dimensional (Creation) scale this goes up, but I'm inclined to opine that this is after all, quite a natural progression of Ascension as we embody more and more of our True Essence through DNA activation and accretion. It's not a pre-requisite that we know our Soul Origins ~ our Soul knowsπŸ˜‡ and we will, too, soon enough.

So how does this affect Unity Consciousness? Aren't we all supposed to think of ourselves as Earth Humans, one Planetary Race? Yes, of course! This is our birth Planet, and we are made from the stuff of Earth Mum. But like the Planet herself, we are also from the Stars, and this is what true Unity Consciousness is about. It's easy to talk about Unity Consciousness when everyone is the same(ish), but true Unity Consciousness is Unity from Diversity. You can't get a harder test than what we have here right now ~ apart from numerous Soul Race origins, we have the underlying various Earth races, nationalities and cultures. We will eventually transcend these "man-made" attributes but while we're at it, it will get interesting.

At this point, I will bring up something related that's been strangely silent in the spiritual world, as far as I'm aware. It is commonly acknowledged that we have very many various streams of Soul origins, and many are happy to lay claim to the more "popular" ones such as Sirian, Lyran etc....but nobody seems to be accepting that some of us are actually from Reptilian Races. Yes, many of these Races became distorted and fell in Consciousness a very long time ago, but there are also some that are not fallen and are actually part of the Founder Races Collective. 

Reptilian Races seem to have had a broad brush effect applied over them ~ after all, there are also fallen ones from other Progenitor Lineages but they do not seem to suffer from being summarily maligned as the Reptilians. Benevolent Reptilian Souls incarnated here will also naturally evolve into more of their True Essence, like the rest of everyone else who is ready for this stage.

Note: I did a bit of poking around and found this chart in the Keylontic highlight is mine.

Soul Signature

As we continue to embody our True Essence and evolve into our Soul origins, we will also increasingly express our individual Soul Signature. By this I mean not only our unique frequency at an energetic level, but also in a literal sense ~ our true Soul mission, what we signed up for a long, long time ago. We may find that what we thought was our Soul mission really wasn't, or that we no longer wish to pursue it and wish to engage in something totally different. There's a refining phase that will see changes in direction in terms of Soul purpose/mission as clarity is gained through growing embodiment of our True Essence. I also feel that there's been a huge shift in the Cosmic Plan that Earth Mum herself has initiated to some degree and this has brought about more accelerations as well as changes in the overall Cosmic Re-write ~ this will undoubtedly affect many at the Soul level.

Add to this the rising number of people who are liberating themselves and voiding/revoking forced Soul contracts with the dark. There will be lots of fresh contracts signed in Cosmic ink happening.

On the other side of the Soul theme is that of Souls who will or have chosen not to evolve through in-body Ascension but through biological expiration/physical death instead, or at some Soul-exit choicepoint. Then there are also those who will or have chosen not to evolve, period. Or at least, their version of "Evolution" is through fallen methodologies or inorganic means such as AI. 

No matter which stage of this Awakening & Ascension process we are in, no matter what Soul choices have been made, ultimately everything is Spiritual. This is something I reiterate often, and going into 2023 I believe that if people still refuse to acknowledge the existence of their Soul, they will have unnecessary personal battles to plough through ~ this will include the diehard atheist, the extremely religious, the malevolent ones that believe in a distorted view of Spirituality.

Most 0f 2022 was already beyond surreal for us, and I feel that 2023 will top that by a mile or more! Faster than ever before, for sure. I am personally very relieved and greatly humbled by the Source-field Codes that are coming in ~ it's a huge assurance to know that we are now energetically tethered in this manner. Additionally, Earth Mum is doing her own thing and nothing can stand in her way.

Welcome to 2023!

Namarie! πŸ’


16 September 2022

Be the Change....


A typical theme that has been depicted in various versions when featuring guillotine "ceremonies" during the French Revolution: people crowded around the guillotine platform, cheering and jeering, calling out derogatory names and mocking the dead, with some regarding it as nothing more than mere entertainment. That's what I'm reminded of in the past week or so following Q-E's passing. These responses still continue, repeatedly, non-stop. (May her soul return to Source to be reset and re-birthed back into Divine Light.) The focus has now expanded to include the heir as well.

When such responses come from groups where members number in the thousands, I find myself asking many questions that likely will generate different answers from different people. 

The other end of this situation is where popular wayshowers deny or refuse to acknowledge the existence of a global control system (or ridicule people who talk about it). Both situations are equally troubling.

In this current chaotic phase of Humanity's pressure-cooker awakening process, Q-E's passing provides a good opportunity to expose the control system in subtle ways to the unaware people in our circle. Being derisive will be counteractive to that objective, and only serves to entertain those who share the same thought-streams.

How can we create a Higher Consciousness world that we keep saying we want, if we ourselves do not embody those qualities and principles?

We can do better.

We must do better.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’—

28 July 2022

Gathering Momentum....?


Based on the mainstream reports that I see being highlighted in some groups, the only conclusion I can draw is that the insanity level "out there" has gone through the roof. We were cautioned years and years ago by some sources that it would get really rough as we head towards the end of this final phase of torture but I will admit it's still too surreal for me sometimes.

In an attempt to appease my left hemisphere, I will deduce that perhaps it has to come to a stage where the dark has to get to its darkest prior to bifurcation. (See note at bottom of post.) Maybe there's a momentum that needs to be accrued in order for the fallen timeline to pull away from the Ascension timeline? 

Well, we know the drill. We keep going....Onward, Upward, Godward.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’œ


This is assuming that Bifurcation will take place, bearing in mind that many also believe that no such thing will occur, that we are on ONE timeline only. However, from what I have gathered, Bifurcation is a "natural" process, being part of the solution to remedy the fallen matrices (by allowing them to completely fall) in this gargantuan Cosmic Rewrite.

20 June 2022

Repost: Same Coin Same Pole Same Bird Same Agenda (The Earth Plan: 22 March 2021)

This is a re-post from March 2021 from The Earth Plan for anyone who's not read it before. Apologies to those who have ~ I'm re-posting this as stage-setting for something I've been wanting to write about for some weeks now but just did not get to it. I hope to get that done in the next couple of days.....and yes....this month feels like F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

07 April 2022

The Silence....It's Deafening


* Names and certain terms have been replaced by code-words, for obvious reasons.

In early March 2022, a major potion-maker released the first tranche of their massive safety data as a result of a court order by a judge who deserves due thanks from truth-seekers all over the world. The US agency connected to the data had earlier claimed that they required 55 years to roll out the data at a pace of 500 pages per month ~ they were instead told to release 55,000 pages each month.


The reports so far covered the period from December 2020 to February 2021, a mere three months. And yet, the data collected in this short period of time paints a truly alarming picture. Those who have followed the research and information of a small group of dedicated (and REAL) doctors will not be totally shocked by the results presented in the safety data ~ they may instead, as I do, feel extremely exasperated by the deafening silence from mass media and "health authorities" that has ensued following this data dump. 

This continuing mass deception of the public ~ fuelled by some of the population's tendency to be blinkered from such developments ~ makes me feel even more disconnected from the external world stage. It is both bewildering and disturbing to observe. I have to constantly remind myself that more are becoming aware as the days go by, and this is encouragement indeed.

The second tranche was released early April, and I will be on the lookout for more analysis of the data. Meanwhile, here are two videos to view for those interested:

Dr Been analyses the first tranche and is rightly exasperated with its generally misleading conclusions.

Dr Campbell, previously a proponent of the potion, loses faith in the "authorities" after perusing the data.

Both experts note the redacted information for the number of doses shipped out. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings ~ deep Gratitude to all who unceasingly quest for Truth πŸ’™ 

16 January 2022


Waves cause turbulence. And leave trails in their wake.

I see 2022 as a year that will have lots of these waves, and will leave no Soul unchurned.

Even as I write this, I am feeling very keenly the strong energy waves washing over me and yes, I'm feeling churned. Our Planet and our Sun are churning, too:

Space Observing System



And a tsunami was triggered when a Tonga underwater volcano erupted:

The past few days have been rough, but it feels like someone has turned down the dial for a bit today. Just a bit, and just for a while.

The energies are pouring pouring pouring in, and if I were to describe any random physical symptom, it would apply to many people. We've been getting so many different frequencies and codes at the same time for quite a while now, and I do believe this will be the norm. I won't be at all surprised if even more types of energies are being added as we progress along.

With the turbulence comes the pressing pulse (and push) to disconnect even more from the external. The more we are in our own stillness ~ the proverbial eye of the storm ~ the better we will manage the energetic impacts. And it is (at the moment) only within that we know what's real, what's authentic. Consciously connecting with our own Divinity as often as possible is key.

Truths that have been suppressed for ages will build to such a repressed force that the dark dam will inevitably burst. Many will be grappling with reality, but many will also be gripping the illusion. We will all be affected by the apocalyptic (unveiling) nature of this year, even those who have been Truthseekers for most of their lives. Truth has many degrees ~ as the ones who have done their inner work continue to accrete frequency and rise higher, they will accordingly be exposed to higher Truths.

As Light increases inexorably, the dark also continues pushing. But with each individual becoming aware of the matrix, the dark's field of influence gets smaller. Light will continue growing unabated.

As mentioned earlier, every wave leaves its trail. We will be looking at lots of washed up broken bits of dark debris and dismantled deceptions. A messy morass of chaos and confusion as Humanity flounders, trying to find firm footing on a foundation of belief systems that is breaking. Humanity must quickly learn that safety and stability will come only if it steps off the old and onto the new that's already beginning to take form.

Caution: Make sure we step onto the true Planetary Ascension Timeline instead of any false timelines masquerading as authentic ones. This attempt by the dark will be the final card that they can play.

I've mentioned previously that the energies have become very "physical" ~ the etheric activities post-2012 are beginning to manifest, and it feels like this will be in rapid succession. Planetary transformations will become more physical. Adding to the turbulence. I also keep hearing "up-close-and-personal".

I believe that this is a year where we will need to be more of a Lightworker than before with respect to being the Higher Consciousness that is required for Humanity. This is even more crucial now because the fallout from the dark agenda over the past two years has adversely impacted the Lightworker collective, dragging many into states of lower frequencies. However, I feel that this year will see us collectively reclaiming those lost frequencies and bouncing back even stronger. It's going to be when we learn what being a Lightworker (or whatever else term we use) truly is, instead of all the traps that were set out to lead us astray. There will be lots of energy work for us to move through and we need to ensure that our own Bubble of Light shines bright, always in all ways.

It also feels like a very defining period, inching closer to being more definitive as the Light quotient grows.  Plenty of course-correction for many of us, even for those who believe that they are already "there".

When in doubt, just align and flow with our beautiful Planet.

Namaste and Divine Blessings! πŸ’™

10 November 2021

Butterfly on the Wall

Olha Darchuk ~ Fine Art America

This post is solely my own thoughts about what's been continuously playing out in the global scene and how it is affecting every individual either directly or indirectly ~ unless one has been blissfully hibernating somewhere (something that I've wanted to do for years). I will state right now that this post has absolutely no alignment with the "official narratives" that are being parroted in unison around the world, so for anyone who is aligned to them I ask that you give this post an immediate miss.

Mu and More

After an entire year of intense fear mongering and withholding (and banning) effective early treatments, thereby resulting in massive numbers of deaths, which in turn compounded the already off-the-charts prevalent fear, the global population was successfully scared senseless (literally) and more than sufficiently primed to demand and embrace the medical "fixes" without question or doubt. 

When the Mu "va--riant" was detected, analysts found that it was resistant to "the potion" and at the rate the vi*rus was mutating, all future va--riants would also be resistant.

(I also acknowledge that some analysts insist that no va--riants exist.)

I found it interesting that this va--riant was named "Mu". It reminds me of Mu/Lemuria. And I immediately get Motherland, Divine Mother, the Mother Principle. It's like She stepped in with a message ~ but is Humanity listening?

The Great Re....Wait, What?!

The Great Re*set is a term that has been used for some years to describe the Cosmic Re-write that's occurring. When I saw it appearing in mainstream media, I actually thought people were beginning to understand what was happening until I realised that this term was hijacked in typical fashion by the dark and twisted to mean something else entirely. Silly me.

Just like the Swastika was hijacked, inverted and used as a symbol for fascism.

Just like the Rune symbol for Death was sold as a symbol for Peace and used to trick and derail the 60s Peace Movement.

Just like the 12-nodes Tree of Life which was distorted to become the 10-nodes Tree of Life.

Just like the Ascension "passport" (where one ascends in frequency to access higher dimensions) and using the concept for "health passports" to gain access to "privileges".

That's the modus operandi of the dark ~ hijack and then invert/pervert/distort existing creations to serve un-Divine anti-Life purposes.

Butterfly Flutters

The health agenda with its potion is the latest overlay created to further intensify polarisation in the Collective Consciousness. Together with politics, the degree of division now covers more people than ever before, transcending language, race, nation, culture.

I see the large majority of Humanity, including many Wayshowers, championing the potion. Juxtaposed against this are the exponentially increasing numbers of deaths (many of which are sudden and "unexpected") and seriously maimed individuals as a result of adverse effects to the potion. These two scenarios underscore the jarring disconnect that exists between the two sub-realities.

I witness the descend into fascist attitudes as people are conditioned into normalising the imposition of unthinkable apartheid practices and segregation, to the extent that school-children have no hesitance in labelling their classmates who declined the potion as "unclean and dangerous". I have also seen reports issued by Medscape (yes, I'm naming it) encouraging doctors not to treat people who choose to reject the potion. Plenty of doctors agree with this line of "thinking".

I see the swift and systemic censorship of anyone that remotely goes against the official narratives, with countless online accounts being suspended or terminated, and thousands of resources being deleted.

I view microscope images of the creatures and inorganic objects found in the potions, read about the system targetting younger and younger children, and hear medical analyses about the "ticking time-bombs" in human bodies.

To everyone now suffering adverse reactions, to everyone who lost someone after they took the potion, to everyone coerced and forced against their will to take the potion just to keep their jobs, to everyone fired because they refused, to everyone who walked out of jobs, to everyone facing discriminations, and many more.... may each be Divinely Blessed, may the way forward be eased.

I'm encouraged and buoyed by the numerous fast and furious developments that are unfolding all over the world in an effort to stem the onslaught of dark controls that have been rolled out over the past two years. Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Researchers, Activists, and everyone else with the courage and integrity to stand up, go against the machinery and say NO. People doing their best, in their own manner, to make a difference. Individuals and groups insisting on being empowered and Sovereign. Leaders of nations or independent states going against "guidelines" and  successfully looking after the health of their citizens.

I acknowledge and honour each and every single one of them. With passing time comes growing awareness.

The Horizon

Humanity voted as a Collective Consciousness ~ strongly driven by fear ~ and shouted a resounding YES for the global control system to proceed with their plans for ultimate control over the population. In the months that followed the intense global pushing of their potions, many events have manifested very openly and publicly, and in very quick succession, relatively unimpeded. Many things that were formerly hidden or unseen are rising to the surface to be witnessed by Humanity, if they choose to do so. And many have chosen to finally notice, some having to pay a regrettably heavy price through the death of a loved one or personal injury resulting from adverse reactions.

Humanity as a Collective Consciousness will have to re-vote and re-claim their Sovereignty so that they can empower themselves and choose to align with a higher timeline.

Notwithstanding morphogenetic consensus, the dissolution and dismantling of the old structures continue unabated (albeit with more obstacles), as this is the process of Cosmic rewriting and re-wiring. It has become extremely chaotic, exacerbated by Collective fear. I see the visual of the dark ferociously churning out control systems to maintain their existence and sustenance, with their AI machinery angrily seeking more sentience. And all the while simultaneously breaking down systematically.

The world is looking unreal, as opposed to surreal. It feels like a reality that is rapidly losing structure or any form of "solidity" ~ I am inclined to see this as the increasing deconstruct of the lower reality, despite how it appears "out there". Having said all this, I also acknowledge the moments when I sense the despair of enslavement, the loss of free will or the loss of control over one's own life.

Adding to the mix is the competing and conflicting intel, and it's become very loud at the moment, with each insisting their version is the truth. It is yet another manifestation of the extreme duality that is reaching its apex of influence, seemingly tearing apart the reality it is animating.

Ascension in Action

Our Planet's frequency continues to increase ~ aided by Cosmic forces ~ as she will not allow anything or anyone to stymie her progress. It is Humanity that has fallen behind by a few steps as it has allowed itself to be blind-sided and besieged by fear. Choosing Love and its various forms instead of giving in to fear and its various spawn will pull Humanity back up on a higher timeline(s?). Ascension and fear are antithetical energies to each other. All is vibration, frequency, energy.

As always, the situation is complex, multi-layered and multi-dimensional, with many questions attached. However, spiritual platitudes ring hollow in the face of so much fear and grief, with many going through very human turmoil. 

So I will just wrap up with a call to everyone reading this to call forth the Divine Christed Energies (or whatever term is used) to imbue all of Humanity, or call forth the Lilac Fire of Source or Sacred Fire of Transmutation to transmute the fear into Unconditional Love ~ higher frequencies are urgently needed to raise Humanity out of the collective fear vibration. Much Gratitude and Love to all who are guided to do so.

In closing, I will state that I have called out the above main scenarios as my symbolic gesture to expose what is being censored or suppressed. It's taken me a long time to write this post, but I'm glad it's finally done before the 11:11. Whether this portal is benevolent (opening to Cosmic energies) or malevolent (opening to dark energies) is not for me to say because I don't know that answer. What I do know is that I wanted to do my part via this post prior to the 11:11. There's more to follow, but this is all for the time being.

Namaste and Bright Blessings!  πŸ’›πŸ’™

Every Single Choice ~ Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss “Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we’re either giving ourselves power...