Showing posts with label in2thinair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label in2thinair. Show all posts

12 April 2024

Total Solar Eclipse Visitor


Look who dropped by for the Eclipse! It looks similar to the giganormous object that caused a massive sensation 12 years ago in 2012.

Watch this video from In2ThinAir for details ~ the following screenshots are from the same video.

Sighting from 2012

Left, 2024 / Right, 2012 ~ Earth Size Comparison


Here's another video that highlights this same sighting, this one from MrMBB333 ~ screenshot below shows a clearer view of the 2012 sighting:


Following some threads, I came across this eye-popping collage (dated 24 March 2024) from Planet X News....I do not know if the object is the same as the one highlighted in the above two videos. The size....!

Planet X News

I remember very well the hullabaloo surrounding the 2012 sighting ~ many theories (and assumptions) were tossed around then in the Ufology and Spiritual circles, with the dominant one being that the colossal object was refuelling plasma. 

I think it's relevant to bear in mind that the current sighting may not be the same one in 2012, that perhaps there could be more of such objects that went unnoticed between 2012 and 2024, or even that there could be more than one currently in the vicinity of our Sun. More importantly, I'd like to know to whom this belongs ~ the Guardians or fallen ones? I also find it interesting that this object was doing its thing during the Total Solar Eclipse period when millions of eyes/optical aids will be trained directly on our Sun! Almost as if it wants to be noticed....

I have so many questions, with no definitive answer....

Namarie! 💗

26 December 2022

Craft Activity Around Our Sun ~ In2ThinAir ~ 22 & 26 December 2022

Here are two great captures from In2ThinAir, well done! Such instances are getting so common now, compared with just a few years ago. Either that or more researchers such as In2ThinAir are turning their focus on our Sun & Sky.

This one shows show an object heading towards our Sun before making a sharp turn away. It was preceded by a beam of light directed at our Sun which was followed by a CME. Is this a manoeuvre by the Light or the Dark? And for what purpose?

In this video, In2ThinAir shows us an object leaving the vicinity of our Sun in the midst of a CME. Plasma Sun, Plasma Beings, Plasma ships....

03 April 2022

Solely Sol Stuff

Suspicious Observers

It won't be wrong for me to say that our beautiful Sun has taken centre-stage lately. I've been wanting to post some graphs from my good old source Tesis (which includes historical data) but the site has been down for days, so I'll have to resort to other sources.

First, let's listen to some "static" from our Sun. This is an excerpt from

The gentle roar of static you just heard emerged from the loudspeaker of a shortwave radio receiver in New Mexico. Amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded it. "The sun was well positioned in my radio antennas for the X1.3 solar flare," says Ashcraft. "The left channel of the audio file is 22.2 MHz, the right channel is 21.1 MHz."

Recent geomagnetic storms:

Look at the size of that filament! Suspicious 0bservers has said that it's the size of Neptune ~ for the record, 57 Earths would fit into Neptune:

The Solar Observer

You can view a clip of one of the CME's spread  here at The Solar Observer or here for those without fb.


For some spectacular visuals of what our Sun has been spewing out, please watch Suspicious observer's video here. (Notice that the prediction model of the Heliosphere is called "Enlil Spiral" 🙄 Which reminds of the the Vatican's telescope called "Lucifer" 🙄🙄🙄 They sure love to flaunt their "gods".... in plain sight.)

And finally, an item of interest that's not exactly about our Sun, but related to our Sun. For this, we turn to In2ThinAir's video. If you wish, you can skip to the 7:17-minute mark (link provided in video description) for the "....what just flew by the Sun" part. Here's a screenshot, the left object being the magnified version of the right-side magnified version:

My only question, as usual, is....whose is this? The fallen, or the Light?

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗

03 January 2022

Shielded By....?

This video came out on 28 December 2021 and should be going viral by now. It's easily one of the best Space activity footage I've seen, and it speaks volumes.

Here's the link to the video at In2ThinAir.

It's obvious that we're seeing some sort of force shield being generated. My main question is, who is doing this?

Was the shield placed there by the dark to prevent Comet Leonard from delivering its energy payload to our Planet and Humanity?

Or was it the work of the Light to step-down the intense energies from Comet Leonard, because Humanity isn't yet able to receive the full dose of the payload?

Interestingly, as I was discussing this video with someone, I found myself saying that this could have been a last minute operation when they realised that the energy payload from Comet Leonard would be too much for Humanity. So something had to be done to lessen the impact, seeing that Humanity is collectively still very much in the fear energy, and therefore the vibrational frequency is lower than expected.

My opinion only.

And oh, the mention of "Don't Look Up" by In2ThinAir prompted me to find out what that was about. Hmmm....a movie about a comet, aired 24 December 2021. Very intriguing timing indeed. The plot sounds like the current situation regarding the "health" agenda, too. What will it take to get the world to wake up....

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...