Showing posts with label lightwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lightwork. Show all posts

24 February 2025

The Hermit

Cathy McClelland

If, after reading my previous post and you went "huh?" then I apologise, I know it sort of ended abruptly. Actually there was more but I had to stop because Mind said don't even think of it, Body wasn't willing and Spirit just dared me via the Third Eye. So here I am with the delayed continuation from the previous post.

"I'm a semi-hermit." That's a phrase I've often used to excuse myself from social activities, or to explain why I limit social interaction. To my constant amazement, this phrase has always been well-accepted by the people to whom I speak, with one of them even suggesting that perhaps I was a monk in a previous life!😁 

For some reason, I've been thinking about this topic of the Hermit a lot. I recalled that there's a Hermit in the Tarot, and wondered what they say about it. I went to Cathy McClelland's page where the above image is from, as well as a detailed write-up about the meaning of this Tarot card.

But this isn't about Tarot, although I'm using the depiction of The Hermit from a Tarot deck. It's about what The Hermit represents ~ in my opinion and in the way I see it ~ in this time of instability and transition where we see a world crumbling and another world birthing at the same time, when the external reality seems to be pulled into extremes, when many are feeling that their foundation is faltering, when confusion and chaos appear to be widespread.

And so I offer my own interpretation of The Hermit and its much-needed influence as we navigate the uncharted territories of an Ascension Cycle like never before.


I see this as a time of The Hermit, one who is energetically removed from the external reality, as an Observer up in his mountain sanctuary that proffers a higher perspective, as the one with a lantern that shines Divine Light, no matter what.

It's like being the Light of Eärendil, the Eternal Light(worker) that shines even when other Light(workers) fail.

  "May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out"
*JRR Tolkien

I also see The Hermit as one who is deeply and devoutly connected to his Divinity, never wavering even for a nanosecond from the knowledge that All Is Source. Indeed, all is viewed from the lens that transcends human filters and superficial masks. The Hermit works his own Light Magic in his own way to aid the birth of the New while allowing space for the demise of the Old. 

The Hermit impels the inward journey towards our True Self and compels course-correction back to Source.

The Hermit's lantern not only lights up the dark but also brings Spiritual Enlightenment, something that the world will increasingly thirst for as we move further into 2025.

Namarie! 💗

10 October 2024

BE The Light!

Share Love To All

So much playing out in the external realm right now. And most of it bears the hand of the dark's agenda or manipulation ~ prolonged wars, invasions, not-so-natural disasters, escalating political/religious/racial tensions, new conflicts. 

It's such a challenging period all around the globe, happening simultaneously with the greatest Ascension event that our Planet and Humanity has experienced in a very, very long time. We've known for several years now that it would not be easy, but I think we were not really prepared for how challenging things could get.

We are creator beings. Energy flows where attention goes, as they say. We attract the creation that we are, said in another way. With the media working hard to bombard the Collective Consciousness with the most negative and hyped-up version of "news", imagine the massive potential of a worldwide population's focus to create or sustain the crises being broadcast round the clock. 

Our Lightwork never stops ~ in fact, it's becoming more crucial as we progress forward. Let's remember to pray, ask, intend, visualise, focus on the desire outcome or solution instead of the problem. 

Mystic Sounds

We stand steadfast and strong in our Sovereignty, unwavering in our support of the Ascension process.

We Shine Our Light. We BE the Light.

Namarie! 💟

06 August 2024

Shine Your Light!

A quick check of my notes tells me that the first of two visuals which I'm going to write about occurred on 22 July 2024. I didn't feel ready to write until now but I'm also not going to lie ~ I wasn't looking forward to it.

Anyhooo, let's get to it.


The Visuals

On that particular morning, I saw the usual and dynamic everything-all-at-once energy flows, geometric presentations and the predominantly emerald-aqua (and sometimes gold) hues. Then, another colour appeared ~ lilac.

I don't get that often, so I should have been pretty stoked to see it but I wasn't. It was crystal clear that the colour was murky ~ it was downright "dirty". I could tell with some scrutiny that the "underlying" colour or the "essence" was beautiful, but in its present form, that lilac not only looked unattractive but it held a vibration that wasn't pleasant.

Again, I won't lie....I felt a degree of dread seeing it because I immediately knew what it meant without any interpretation assistance. We were going to enter a major cleansing cycle. Add that to the already boiling pot that is the external....yikes.

To clarify, we've had several cleansing cycles before since 2012, and it's been pretty much free-for-all in terms of everything happening simultaneously now. But this one felt like it was going to be very significant. Like a main plot instead of a sub-plot, if you will. Intense cleaning means getting to all the dark dirty depths, and that in turn means those crevices need to be found or revealed.

As if to console me, I was given the assurance that I will get another visual in a few days' time. I had no idea what that meant, or how that was an "assurance" but I knew better so I let it be.

Four days later on 26 June, I saw a lilac hue again but this time whoa....pristine and so gorgeous! It was obvious this meant the cleansing cycle was successful and the lilac hue was restored to its glorious essence. And yep, this time I was well and properly stoked!

What was also made very clear to me was that the vibrant lilac did not mean that the major cleansing cycle was over. In fact, it hadn't even begun yet, and it would take some time for the cycle to play out. I got both images within a few days only to show me that we're entering this major phase and that we will be coming out of it, mission accomplished. How long it would take, I do not know.


Be The Lighthouse

The following day (27 July) was the Olympics Opening Ceremony....need I say more? Barely a fortnight since, and it feels like the world stage shenanigans are spiking up, with so many events exploding in various parts of the world. It's like we're having several colossal Cosmic water jets being directed at us as the first stage of cleaning. 

So here's my Lighthouse suggestion again ~ I've said it before in my previous blog if not here. If we are unable to directly make a positive difference to any situation, then we be the Lighthouse We Shine Our Light.

We refrain from feeding the fear and frenzy and instead fuel our own field, our own Light Bubble. We focus on creating and living our daily lives that is in alignment with Divine Creation, and we continue to build and accrete our frequency no matter what is unfolding in the external.

If possible and if we feel called to do so, then we also be a Lighthouse for our own country ~ we have the "visa" for the job. Even if we feel we are the only one around to be a Lighthouse, we still do that because everything we do matters, no matter how insignificant we think it is.

We do what we can in whatever manner works best for us, to shine our Light.

Namarie! 💙

06 April 2024

Pre-Total Solar Eclipse Energies & Lightwork

Space Observing System

We're into our fourth month of 2024 already, and I'm at the stage where not just days, weeks or months but years are beginning to blur into each other. Strangely enough, I'm also concerned about it and believe that the time when we perceive Time as just a concept that's fluid ~ simultaneous, continuous, non-discrete ~ is in the very near future. I think I just wrote a confusing and paradoxical sentence there but I know you know what I mean.

The SR chart above tells so many stories, none of which I know for certain. The abrupt start and stop, the "hanging effect" which I mentioned previously. The Taiwan earthquake happened during this time (there's intel saying it's not natural).

That "heart-beat" thing is still happening on the X-ray index, but what I'm highlighting here is that the readings have dropped so low over the past 4 or 5 days:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

The coming-going push-pull energies are still in force; as has been the case for a long time now, everything seems to be happening all at once, energy-wise. I've already written quite a bit about all of this in February (being in our centre, staying in our zone etc) ~ I feel that this will be very important during this pre- and post-Eclipse period. As it is, things are already being positioned to further ramp up the fear and hysteria over the Eclipse, China-Taiwan, Middle East-Israel.

And good ole Nasa....of course they're in the picture too, with their Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path "sounding rockets". And as usual during such events they love to invoke their "gods", this one abbreviated to Apep. That's what Humanity allows them to do so well, play their little games right in front of Humanity's face.

Let's also amp up and ramp up our Lightwork over the following week pre- and post-Eclipse. We respond accordingly to their dark intentions and preparations, we make a stand, we Shine and Spread The Light!

Namarie! 🩵

02 January 2024

New Year Decree ~ Sandra Walter ~ 1 January 2024

Just jumping in here to say Hi👋🏾 and to wish Everyone a Happy Healthy & Thriving year ahead! ....and what a year it will be!

The above Divine Decree from Sandra Walter is an appropriate way to start off 2024. Interestingly, my last post for 2023 was also a Divine Decree from Sandra Walter! 

Please visit Sandra's page to read her "Now Year" message.

Namarie! 💚

28 December 2023

"You Are Free" ~ Paul Selig ~ 19 December 2023


Attunement of the Day - December 19, 2023

You don't deny the suffering of another.
You don't leave them in pain.
You don't attend to them through fear. You know them in love.
Now love is neutral in some ways because it has no conditions. When something has a condition, it is not neutral in the least.
To realize one in suffering is to love them dearly. Don't misunderstand this. 
The understanding you require is that as you witness the one suffering, you realize them beyond their suffering. 
You don't make it better, or condone what they feel. You lift them by vibration of your presence and the names you give them.
"I know who you are in truth, what you are in truth, how you serve in truth, you are free, you are free, you are free."
The Guides through Paul Selig
The Book of Freedom, Chapter 8, How Do You Create A World?


The previous post was an intention/affirmation from Louise Hay that we can use to help ourselves when we are facing challenging situations.

This attunement/affirmation is one we can use for another who is going through a tough time. We are conditioned to pity someone in an unfortunate circumstance, believing that this shows compassion. In reality, when we do that we see them as broken, unempowered, imprisoned. Pity carries a low frequency and does nothing to energetically help the one going through difficulty. It's as we hold them stuck in the illusion of being less than the Divine Being that they truly are.

This attunement is beautiful in that it allows us to energetically recognise and proclaim the person as a Divine Being, to energetically remind the person of this Truth, and to allow us to see the person lifted out of the situation they are in. Thoughts are things....our thoughts towards someone who is suffering should serve to lighten their heaviness and not add to it. This is how we can energetically help another to unshackle from their suffering.

Namarie! 💖


19 October 2023

In the Name of Peace ~ Matt Kahn ~ 11 October 2023

With global waning interest in "The Bear" region, diminishing tolerance and draining resources, the ever-glowing embers of the age-old manipulated religious sparring partners were ignited to keep the war machine going. As always, innocent precious lives are lost or disrupted, with chaos ensuing in both countries.

Only with sufficient awareness of the control system will Humanity be moved to stand in its Collective Consciousness & Sovereignty, and reject all the agendas they are now desperately implementing everywhere.

This beautiful and relevant message from Matt Kahn is inspiring and given from the higher perspective of Ascension, which is so needed right now. He explains the situation in more detail using the Victim-Victimiser framework.

What is interesting is his mention of the "breaking point" but then again I do not follow his work regularly so it could be something he has brought up before without my knowledge. (Because the "breaking point" is said to start at the Planetary level's physical realm next month! More on this in later posts.)

Matt also includes a karmic clearing exercise in the video, please use your own guidance in this respect.

Here's the link to the video.

Let's do what we can to call in Divine Light & Divine Love for the entire world.

Namarie! 💛

19 September 2023

Lightwork: Divine Light

A quick note....

As so much is unfolding in the external (this year has been beyond surreal) and it sometimes looks like the entire world is exploding with madness and chaos, our Lightwork becomes a daily living occurrence. Sure, we've been given the heads up by several different sources years ago that it would come to this, but honestly I don't think many of us expected this level of noise and mayhem.

What I also notice is that so many of us are getting caught up in the noise and distraction and getting lost in them. We can serve no real purpose in such a situation. We also seem to have forgotten what we can do to assist, at least energetically. 

May I request that whenever we come across a negative situation playing out (and boy, are they intent on amping up the fear propaganda), we call for Divine Light to shine on it. We do this each time as we go about our daily Life, as many times as it takes. It can be something drastic such as a natural (or manipulated) disaster, or even when we see or hear a baby crying in distress ~ call forth for Divine Light.

Namarie! 💛

29 August 2023

How Can We Support the Divine Plan? ~ Christina von Dreien ~ 26 August 2023

Short and sage guidance from Christina von Dreien (with English subtitles).

Every action counts, every decision affects the morphogenetic field. And we can make a difference. Even if all one can do is pray for a positive outcome or hold Light in one's heart, it's relevant and it matters.

Please listen in here.

16 April 2023

Leading Up to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse

100 Mandalas

This actually feels like the second part or continuation of the previous energy tune-in less than three weeks ago, where I highlighted the Mental & Emotional bodies purging, cleansing and whatever else that needs to be done (here).

I had stressed in my earlier post that this is the time when the Collective Consciousness needs to look at the mirror and get real. And real quick, too. All the trauma, blame, guilt, shame, rage....all the lower frequency Mental/Emotional states have to be acknowledged and then cleared. Each and every single one of them needs to be let go. No matter what he said, no matter what she did, no matter who did what to whom. This is a time of what do I do now? How do I respond? What are MY thoughts? Where am I with MYSELF?

Because ultimately, in a world where crazy is running wild, what we do as individuals makes a huge difference.

Including the last energy tune-in, there have been 8 posts. Out of these 8, three have touched on the mental/emotional state ~ my post, one by Mary Allison (here) and the other by E'Asha Ashayana (here). I had not intentionally planned them that way, it just happened through Synchronicity.

I feel a building-up of energies (if that's even possible in an already pressure-cooker situation!) that will continue for the following week. I'm certain it's related to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse coming up in a few days:

....and although Astrology is not my thing, I am aware of the flood of Astrological analyses that detail this rare occurrence (being a hybrid). I won't insult experts by pretending to know what it's all about, but from the little I've gleaned, I get the idea that it's a big deal, heralding major change for the better.

In contrast, from cultural stories I've heard over the years, Solar eclipses are generally not considered benevolent. I personally don't know if this will be a positive or negative event, given that much of the esoteric/spiritual teachings are designed to be distorted to some degree, and cultural myths are often generated/edited by the dark to suit their purpose.

What I do believe is that Simplicity is key. Keeping things simple and going back to basics will greatly assist this period. Doing what works for the individual, letting go of what isn't, walking away, closing chapters (or doors). 

I've also heard from others that they are going through changes in dietary preferences, and this applies to me as well. It's like cyclical deja vu....repeated time periods where I feel like there's currently no food yet available that I wish to consume, and that would make my body happy.

Lightwork and more Lightwork ~ I feel it's really all hands on deck this week, or as Sandra Walter says, "All Hearts on deck". If we can help in some way to hold the field and help make it more steady and stable, that would go a very long way to smoothen out the raggedness.

If this post sounds like I'm rambling, it's because I am 😄 Apologies, there's actually so much more to say and I'm trying to be brief because I'm not in detail-mode right now. I will work on the details in the near future.

Self-care, align with and create Magical Moments!

Namarie! 💗

03 March 2023

When Your Old Self Falls Apart.... ~ You Are Another Me

You Are Another Me

A scenario we all know only too well 😄 And yep, we can laugh over it now because we've been there done that, at least once in many cases. Agonisingly painful and all of that, for sure, but oh-so-necessary.

It's a given that this is what it's going to be like for the Collective Consciousness this year as ancient and/or global deceptions are increasingly exposed and belief systems are blown to bits. There will be so many Souls repeatedly pressing the "NOW" button for awakening their 3D incarnates.

Lightwork continues as we help buffer the energies for the Collective falling-apart process.

Namarie! 💛

07 February 2023

SR @12:00 AM GMT, 6 February 2023

Space Observing System

That unusual reading occurred at around the same time as the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria (1:00 AM GMT). It's also the time of the Full Moon, which the dark loves to use for their agendas. Based on the latest update from Kim Goguen, this earthquake was triggered by mechanics of the dark.

(The image above shows my local time, GMT+8 ~ when you access the website, you will see your own local time.)

Two days prior to the earthquake, the anxiety in the collective field starting to build ~ the sense of dread was strong. It was uncomfortable and unsettling, but I had assumed that I was feeling into what the collective was going through. That something like this was brewing never crossed my mind.

As I write this, a quick check tells me the death toll has now surpassed 5000 and is expected to rise even more. 

Sending much Divine Light and Divine Love over to all impacted by this tragedy. Lightwork time, Beautiful Souls!

07 November 2022

Light Up & Lightwork

You Are Another Me

😄Sad, true, funny all at once.

And now on a serious note...There will be a full moon and a total lunar eclipse AND a new Trumpet Pulse on 7-8 November 😯 These alignments are used by the dark to do their thing, so we will be busy doing our own thing to help with the energies. Also remember Trumpet Pulses are being taken care of by Chevron Bursts 🙏👍

We got this.

06 April 2022


Background image: Graphics RF

Hold the Line.

Hold your Focus.

Hold your Vibe.

Hold your Light.

Hold your Vision.

Hold your Faith.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💓

27 February 2022

"More Love, Not Less"

Bahman Farzad

"More love, not less." Wise words indeed from Matt Kahn.

This post is a response to some of the things I've come across in Lightworker circles in the past couple of days, relating to the current conflict that erupted on the 24th of this month. This recent event has further increased the gaping chasm in our communities but it's not something that I'm writing about now, as I've addressed this topic adequately in the past. I'm just focussing on the response or reaction to the conflict.

The response from very many denote praise and applause for what is transpiring, and this is what I'm directly addressing here. Generally, the notion is that we should not do anything and just allow things to escalate. We should not impede its progress but let it reach the maximum peak so that Light Forces can step in, so this operation is justified and legitimate. Many disasters happen around the world all the time, this one is no different. Collateral damage is normalised as it is a sacrifice for the greater good. And anyway, no one really dies because our Souls are immortal.

I wish to clarify, highlight and stress that this post has nothing to do with who is the good guy and who is bad, who is with the Light and who is working for the dark, whether this is a White Hats/Positive Military operation or not, etc. This isn't even about wanting a certain outcome.

This is just about being a Human Being and therefore expressing the quality of being humane. It is simply about sending Love, Blessings, Light, Prayer or benevolence to a volatile situation where lives are at stake. Every citizen and every soldier involved is someone's daughter or son, wife or husband, sister or brother, mother or father. Even if we are adamant "not to go against free will" or "alter the outcome", we can still send Love or Blessings. And the barest minimum we can do is to radiate that Love and Light that we've worked so hard to grow and nurture within.

A change in circumstance can bring about a rapid shift in perspective. Those responses expressed may not be the same if they or their loved ones are directly involved in or affected by the situation.

We all need more Love, not less, not none. Even "enemies". Especially them.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! And much Love to ALL OF HUMANITY.

Barbara Pozzi

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...