Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts

24 February 2025

The Hermit

Cathy McClelland

If, after reading my previous post and you went "huh?" then I apologise, I know it sort of ended abruptly. Actually there was more but I had to stop because Mind said don't even think of it, Body wasn't willing and Spirit just dared me via the Third Eye. So here I am with the delayed continuation from the previous post.

"I'm a semi-hermit." That's a phrase I've often used to excuse myself from social activities, or to explain why I limit social interaction. To my constant amazement, this phrase has always been well-accepted by the people to whom I speak, with one of them even suggesting that perhaps I was a monk in a previous life!😁 

For some reason, I've been thinking about this topic of the Hermit a lot. I recalled that there's a Hermit in the Tarot, and wondered what they say about it. I went to Cathy McClelland's page where the above image is from, as well as a detailed write-up about the meaning of this Tarot card.

But this isn't about Tarot, although I'm using the depiction of The Hermit from a Tarot deck. It's about what The Hermit represents ~ in my opinion and in the way I see it ~ in this time of instability and transition where we see a world crumbling and another world birthing at the same time, when the external reality seems to be pulled into extremes, when many are feeling that their foundation is faltering, when confusion and chaos appear to be widespread.

And so I offer my own interpretation of The Hermit and its much-needed influence as we navigate the uncharted territories of an Ascension Cycle like never before.


I see this as a time of The Hermit, one who is energetically removed from the external reality, as an Observer up in his mountain sanctuary that proffers a higher perspective, as the one with a lantern that shines Divine Light, no matter what.

It's like being the Light of Eärendil, the Eternal Light(worker) that shines even when other Light(workers) fail.

  "May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out"
*JRR Tolkien

I also see The Hermit as one who is deeply and devoutly connected to his Divinity, never wavering even for a nanosecond from the knowledge that All Is Source. Indeed, all is viewed from the lens that transcends human filters and superficial masks. The Hermit works his own Light Magic in his own way to aid the birth of the New while allowing space for the demise of the Old. 

The Hermit impels the inward journey towards our True Self and compels course-correction back to Source.

The Hermit's lantern not only lights up the dark but also brings Spiritual Enlightenment, something that the world will increasingly thirst for as we move further into 2025.

Namarie! 💗

19 February 2025


The above image is a collage of screenshots I took from a number of videos on yt. I had finished semi-watching Caroline Myss' discussion with Lynn Bell (here) as I wanted to hear more about the New Era but wasn't able to follow the Astrology. I noticed google's algorithm had pulled out several more videos to entice me to watch and realised that several different sources from different modalities were basically touting 2025 to be a major year of great change. Look at the titles of the videos in the image ~ game changer, year of transition, huge shift, and two of the videos mentioned "Spiritual Evolution". Then there's also "Timeline Split".

Apart from Caroline Myss, I have watched Lee Harris' 2025 forecast and short snippets from the one about Kali Yuga, but not the others. This post isn't about the contents of all these videos, I'm just pointing out that there's a strong expectation theme of Life going through a massive turning point in 2025.

I must admit that I'm quite stunned over this underlying focus on 2025 from not only Astrology but also very different modalities such as Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. I didn't watch the video so I don't know what he says but the title is compelling enough ~ 2025-2027's Rare Prophecy: Humanity's Crucial Wake-Up Call.

Then there's the one that mentions Kali Yuga. This one motivated me to watch enough to hear the presenters saying that 2025 is the year that Kali Yuga ends, and I for one am very happy to hear that. Not that I know anything about Hindu Astrology, but I am aware of the stubborn insistence in believing that Kali Yuga lasts a mind-boggling 432,000 years. According to many quarters, we've only done 5000 years so just imagine how much more of Eternity Humanity needs to languish in abject suffering, provided there's anyone left at all. This interpretation is at best a spiritual snafu but very much more likely to be an intentional distortion to keep the devout dejected and resigned to this fake fate.

I think I'll spend the time to listen to the video listed at the end of the collage, the one from The Alchemist Sarah Elkhaldy because of the Timeline Split title. I don't know anything about her or her work, so I have no idea if her information is legit but I'll give it a go to see what she says.

Pulling from E'Asha Ashayana's information, the Bifurcation process started May 2024, and in May 2025 the Metatronic Seed Atom will be vaporised. If information from other sources from different modalities start converging into a common theme, then that to me is a good thing, assuming the information isn't distorted or manipulated.

There is more that's left to be said, and I'm very behind in my posting😳.........

Namarie! 💙

29 May 2024

Divine Intervention: Chevron-Burst-8 & Vaporisation of Metatronic Seed-Atom

In this short clip from E'Asha Ashayana (below), she talks about the shattering of the Metatronic Seed Atom. It's great timing that I came across this just recently in a private group, since we are in this specific phase right now (May 2024 - May 2025, Chevron-Burst 8) where CB-8 is set to accomplish this exact task.

From the video, we can see that this workshop took place in 2012. Bear in mind that things have improved even more because Earth's Nomi-Code was triggered in 2015 that set off a series of events that accelerated the Ascension process as well as "lowered" the "biological qualification" (DNA activation) for Ascension.

What made me sit up is when E'Asha explained that devastating Planetary after-effects would occur as the Metatronic Seed-Atom gets vaporised. Thankfully, this will be greatly mitigated by something called "Mirrors in the Sky" as well as the Krystal River Host-Fields. I have no idea what "Mirrors in the Sky" is, so for those who are familiar with E'Asha's work, please could you let me know 😉

However, this did make me think of something I saw not too long ago, and which I posted here (Swoosh!), with the following excerpt:

I'd like to think that what I saw had some connection to this "Mirror in the Sky".

Much gratitude to CB-7....and we openly welcome you with much Love, CB-8!

Namarie! 💝

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...