Showing posts with label schumann resonance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schumann resonance. Show all posts

04 March 2025

Solar Activity & SR

A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & 28 February) and reverted back to its more "usual" pattern on 1 March.

And since I'm currently able to access the SR site, here it is:

Space Observing System

Namarie! 💙

28 February 2025

SR & Solar Activity Follow-Up

Space Observing System

Following up with the previous post....

That unusual SR reading lasted exactly 24 hours, from midnight to midnight UTC! That chunk of data looks so cut-and-paste but of course it's not. So what is it?  

On the Solar flare activity front, it looks like the readings are settling into a new reverse-spike/heartbeat rhythm:

....and geomagnetic activity has been quite sustained over the past 30+ hours:


It's predicted that we'll continue to be in this stormy space for another day or so (click link below image for animation):

Namarie! 💜

27 February 2025

Strange SR & Solar Activity

Space Observing System

There's so much to say about the above SR chart and none of it will be meaningful because truthfully, I have no idea what it all really means 🤭 

Just look at the readings! The first part, although not registering any significant values, looks so "messy". It's interspersed with faint white stripes that look as if something was about to happen but didn't fully materialise. There's also this brief "blackout" period on 25 February @13:00hr, and unusual formations at midnight.

Then exactly 24-hours later, we have this pattern that formed suddenly, looking as if it was cut from another graph and pasted upon this one. 

Timeline shift? Space-time shift? Dimensional shift? Mechanical malfunction? (Me imploring the Universe for an answer....) 

(Actually, I'm wondering if this has anything to do with our Planet being hosted by Urtha/Andromeda.)

As if to underscore whatever is happening, Solar flare activity is registering this reverse-spike reading again:

The last stretch of this happening initiated on 31 August 2024 and went through all of September before finally quitting on 14 October 2024. The current dip occurs around the same time as before. I'll have to monitor to see if this is a one-off or the start of a "reverse-spike heartbeat" new phase.

To round this off, we had some short storming:

Namarie! 💓

05 January 2025

Three More!

We've had another trio of X-class flares in the past 48 hours, with a brief period of geomagnetic activity just now:


So that's a trio of X-flares closing out 2024, and another trio of X-flares in the first week of 2025.

And look at our Sun, all lit up:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Meanwhile, here's what's happening with the SR:

Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! 💗

09 December 2024

"Impulsive" X2.2

The Sun Today

It was a quiet two weeks on the Solar-front, but around 5 December 2024 we started to see some small sizzles registering on the chart, growing more active until the X2.2 on 8 December 2024.

SpaceWeather called the burst "impulsive" (read here).

The ensuing CME isn't Earth-facing:


  ....but it does look like Mercury and Mars are both in the line of Cosmic Fire:



As for the SR.... 😅

Space Observing System & Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! 💚

03 September 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

There's been quite a development on the Solar front as well as SR activity recently so I'm peeking out of my cave for a bit to document some charts and stuff.

The chart above is the current SR reading ~ since I still have access, here it is. I was also going to post some screenshot highlights for the past few weeks that I saved, but remembered that Disclosure News Italia does a nice compilation of the readings for the entire month, so here it is for August, thanks to them and of course the actual source, Space Observing System:

Disclosure News Italia & Space Observing System

There were brief spells of geomagnetic storms and disturbances, but what I wanted to point out is that the Solar activity "reverse-spike/hearbeat" pattern is back:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Started on 31 August and still on-going now:

The previous phase of this reverse-spike/heartbeat activity ended on 11 April 2024, after going on for more than a month since end-February 2024 (here).

The following are clips of what our Sun has been up to, with massive amounts of Cosmic Plasma being thrown Venus' way. Interesting to note that in mid-July it was Mars getting our Sun's attention.

Large Eruption Headed to Venus (The Sun Today)

Solar Expulsion (Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol)


SpaceWeather reports that this is the 3rd CME being hurled at Venus in as many days:

The CME won't hit Earth. Instead, it is heading for Venus. A NASA model predicts it will strike on Sept. 3rd. This will be the third CME hitting Venus in as many days, each one eroding a thin layer of the planet's unprotected cloudtops.

I can only wonder what's happening over at Venus. And at Mars. And at the rest of the Solar System, for that matter. Given the Rescue Mission that is on-going in our part of the Cosmos, I often wish for information regarding the other Planets in our Solar System.

Namarie! 💙

02 August 2024

X-14 Flare on Solar Far Side

The Solar storms arrived as expected, and while I can't speak for anyone else, I think I wasn't the only one who felt affected by this magnetically (emotion) as well as electrically (mental). Yep. Yet again, I strongly recommend to the Ones-in-Charge....please please PLEASE consider mass hibernation next time any Planet and his/her inhabitants go through a mass expedited Ascension 😆
Functioning or not, what I wanted to actually highlight was this X-14 flare that erupted when our Sun was facing away from our Planet, on 31 July 2024 or 1 August 2024, depending on geo-location.
The Sun Today

It literally lit up Space! Watch the video at The Sun Today, which also has more details about recent and on-going Solar activity.
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol posted the following images that captured the magnitude of the CMEs:
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

I wasn't able to determine if these were from that X-14 flare, but I'm assuming they are. Here's the video:


Holy moly.

And here's the present SR, since I can still access the chart:

Space Observing System

Namarie! 💙

29 July 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Posting some graphs to document the busy phase in the past day or two.

One X-1.5 flare just hours ago, with 3 almost-X flares in past 48 hours (image above).

Radio blackout in this region:

Space Weather Live

Look at the CMEs that our Sun spewed out:


Here's what has to say about these "wagon-train" CMEs:

CANNIBAL CME ALERT: A series of M-class flares over the weekend hurled multiple CMEs toward Earth. According to a NOAA model, the first two CMEs merged to form a potent Cannibal CME. Strong G3-class geomagnetic storms are possible when it reaches Earth on July 30th. Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service will receive an instant text message when the CME arrives.

The Cannibal CME is clearing the way for 2 or more CMEs following behind it. SOHO coronagraphs show a wagon-train of clouds leaving the sun on July 28th (image above).

These CMEs are flying into a void created by the earlier Cannibal CME. With little interplanetary material to slow them down, the storm clouds should reach Earth no later than July 31st, potentially intensifying any geomagnetic storm already underway. If the G3 forecast is correct, auroras will be visible at mid-latitudes across Europe and the USA on July 30-31. Stay tuned for updates. also highlights this amazing animation (gif below):

Bonus: Watch NOAA's animated forecast model of the first two CMEs merging to form a Cannibal:

I'm still able to access SR readings so here's the last chart for this post:

Space Observing System

It took me a very long while before I could finally fall asleep last night (28th) ~ now I know why. And the high-pitched tones! I've mentioned before that I'm rather pleased with myself for being able to tune out these sounds for years now, but last night was exceptionally loud. No discomfort or irritation at all, just very loud. Of course wearing ear-plugs (which I dislike anyway) would be futile because the noise isn't from outside, it's internal. Plugging the ears would only serve to provide a loud echo effect.

Geomagnetic storms are expected to come our way soon, fair warning! 😅

Namarie! 💛

27 July 2024

SR @25 July 2024

Space Observing System

What on Earth (or off-Earth) is causing this type of abrupt zero-to-off-the-charts reading? The "transmission" ended almost as abruptly, without any tapering off.

This may be the last time I get to post SR charts from Space Observing System as they are limiting access to registered users only (or something like that). This requires filling in a questionnaire and providing details, and that would be a no for me. So I guess after 8 years of daily checking in at the website, I will have to move on. 

Many thanks to Space Observing System for being the main resource of SR readings for me, I truly appreciate your charts 💚 I must have posted hundreds of them over the years!

Namarie! 💜


17 July 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

It's been relatively quiet at the Solar-front compared to the X-epic month of May ~ we've only had 2 X-class flares so far in July with little severe geomagnetic storming. However, don't let these statistics paint a misleading picture ~ our Sun is still doing its thing, busy producing numerous C and M-class flares daily and sending Cosmic stuff our way that are not detected or read by existing devices.

Let's see some resources pertaining to the recent X-1.9 flare, which just occurred on 16 July.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

The Sun Today

This produced CMEs that are heading Mars' way (click link below for video):

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Radio blackout covered these areas:


Here's another look at that X-flare:


Meanwhile, let's see how the current SR (top of post) develops.

Namarie! 💛

27 June 2024

That "Break" & Blackout....

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Just a quick check-in. I wasn't expecting to post anything for while but something that occurred two days past left me wondering, so I thought I'd write about it briefly.

The X-Ray Flux chart above (GOES-16 data) shows a "break" in data reading. Checking another source confirms the same break (GOES-18):

Space Weather Prediction Centre

Unless both satellites malfunctioned at the same time (or were taken off-line for a specific reason), "something" may have happened to disrupt the readings.

Then there's another blackout on the SR chart (and I'll get back to this later):

Space Observing System

The "break" and blackout occurred within 24 hours of each other ~ early hours UTC on 25 June and late hours UTC 25 June, respectively.

So, two days ago (25 June my time, about noon) I felt really disjointed all of a sudden. I don't know what really happened but it was like our Planet had jumped ahead of her Timeline, or went up several notches in frequency. I've been feeling discombobulated since then. The usual caveat, this is just my opinion.

Coming back to the SR graph ~ isn't it interesting that the same type of blackout following a massive surge occurred on 23 June as well? Here's the chart from the check-in I did on 23rd:

Space Observing System

Namarie! 💜

24 June 2024

Solar & Space Check-In

Space Observing System

We started to get a massive surge in SR activity, the recording blacked out (overload/malfunction/whatever) and resumed after about 8 hours.

Solar flare-wise, we had an M-9.2 yesterday

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun Russia

And here's an update from SpaceWeather, reporting on our very active Sun:

MARTIAN AURORA WARNING: A CME is heading for Mars. According to a NASA model, the storm cloud will strike the Red Planet on June 27th. The impact could spark global auroras and erode a small amount of the planet's atmosphere. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

SOMETHING FLARE-Y THIS WAY COMES: Old sunspot AR3664 might not be dead, after all. It's returning today for a rare third trip across the Earthside of the sun. Usually such a superannuated sunspot would be a decaying corpse. Instead, we're getting an explosive active region:

An M9.3-class solar flare on June 23, 2024, with the underlying sunspot inset


Namarie! 💟

15 June 2024

Some SR Screenshots

Space Observing System

Is the SR going into its periodic "stripey" phase? 

This will be a random representation (because I've not been posting as often as I would like) of the sometimes unusual readings of the SR in the past weeks:

Space Observing System


I've long lamented over the existing situation where I feel that no one has accurately interpreted or identified (publicly) what's truly going on with the heightened SR activity since 2016, and that we need updated/re-calibrated recording devices to recognise the New Energies coming in. At this point in time, I'm thinking we need entirely new ways to measure these energies 😁

Having said that, I'm also thinking that there actually are mediums currently able to detect these energies....US! 😇

Namarie! 🩵

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...