Showing posts with label north pole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label north pole. Show all posts

18 November 2022

3 Comets & 3 Norths

Ordnance Survey

There's so much going on this month, both energetically as well as in the physical realm. I meant to post this earlier but just couldn't get to it until now. 

So, apart from the crowded happenings earlier in November, we also had two other events going on, the first of which is the first-in-history (at least in publicly-known history) where true North, magnetic North and grid North aligned together at a single point in Great Britain. Here for more details.

This is especially interesting and brings up so many questions, and I have none of the answers. Seeing as Earth Mum is in the gradual process of righting her tilted axis, this alignment makes it all the more intriguing and is no doubt having an even more intense effect on the weakening magnetosphere, which is not organic to our Planet.

And then we have these three comets in just 4 days! When I was reading about, it just seemed so obvious that something Cosmic was unfolding according to some plan. Again, I know nothing of this plan 😄 but I'm quite sure that it's integral to the Ascension phase we are in.

Solar Observer has an image of the latest one as it makes its way Sun-ward:

Solar Observer

And here's the video.

I don't have an image of the 2nd comet, but here's one of the 3rd comet:

Solar Observer

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