22 July 2022

What SR REALLY Is (Not?)

Space Observing System

Not too long ago, I came across a video clip of E'Asha Ashayana talking about the Schumann Resonance. It was obviously taken from a workshop she was conducting, but I do not know which and when. 

I have long believed that we know very little about the real nature of the SR, and more than that, even less about what is actually being measured and how. In my opinion, the "scientific" definition of SR is, at best, an incomplete picture. However, it is generally and widely believed by most people who are acquainted with SR in some degree that it measures "energy", specifically the high frequency new energies coming in.

Having said that, I have recently come across some contention over this line of thinking. There seems to be an alternative belief that when the "whites" show in the SR graph, it denotes some malevolent activity, like some sort of energy attack.

I believe that both views could be correct.

As mentioned before in previous writings (via The Earth Plan), I feel that the instruments used to produce the SR chart can only measure certain aspects of our Planet's energy fields. An analogy would be using a straight ruler to measure a complex curved line. We can only get an estimate at best.

Additionally, the ruler would not be able to tell us more about the curved line ~ what colour is it, how thick is the line, what was used to draw it, who drew it, etc. 

In the case of the SR (assuming that it does indeed measure electromagnetic resonances between the surface of our Planet and the ionosphere), it registers energy "excitement". But we can't tell what type of "excitement". For example, is it a yay or a yelp? It could be either, and that's why I said both views could be correct.

Coming back to this video excerpt ~ it is clear from what E'Asha is saying that the 7.83Hz frequency is a result of Earth Mum's distorted merkaba spin. This was NOT Earth Mum's "natural" frequency, as science is insisting ~ it dropped to this level after an attack by the dark.

Here's the excerpt:

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💛

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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