Showing posts with label metatron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metatron. Show all posts

29 November 2022

Fall of Metatron ~ E’Asha Ashayana (2002) ~ Voyagers: 6 February 2021

*Updated 10 December 2023: New link for video is here.


This video was featured in The Earth Plan (TEP) almost two years ago, shortly after I completed viewing it. I found myself accessing this same video again recently as I wanted to answer my own questions pertaining to the chronology of events and the eventual hybrid races that were birthed, so that I could correlate the information with people on the world stage at present.

I feel that I should post this video here as well, for those who haven't yet watched but are interested. E'Asha gave this talk in 2002, and when I featured it in early 2021 it was so relevant then because of fallen angelics "teachings" were spreading fast. It's even more pertinent now, because so many new players with "new information" have entered the scene, including those affiliated with SSP and their components ~ many have garnered massive following practically overnight.

To spare me the time  I will also copy parts of my text that I wrote for this video in The Earth Plan. Special mention to the creator of the animation ~ the visuals very nicely complemented the information.

(see updated link above)

I note with interest the number of views this video is getting ~ I remember when I first watched it in early 2021, the numbers were no where near the current 78k views. 

Text excerpts (from TEP February 2021):

A video from 2002 of E'Asha Ashayana Arhayas recounting a very summarised version of the events that led to the Fall of our Time Matrix over the course of billions of years. 

E'Asha covers enough relevant points to paint a rough sketch of how reversals came to be in this part of Creation through the tragic failed efforts of the Metatron Collective to rescue fallen races. An hour's worth of incredible information that adequately pieced together for me all the bits and pieces, providing an additional layer of understanding that I truly appreciate.

For those interested, please continue here.

The Bigger Picture presented by this discourse once again demonstrates how History has repeated itself over and over throughout the long eons of time, as well as provides the basis for understanding so much of what's unfolded just in the past couple of decades. Of course, what we are seeing playing out on the world stage (and in the LW community) is the micro of the macro of the bigger macro of the giant macro. As mentioned before, the controllers are truly Super Masters of deception, whose skills were honed over the great passage of Time.

What was equally important for me to be aware of was E'Asha's compassionate view and attitude towards the Fallen, alluding to the sheer terror of facing potential extinction.


26 January 2022

Radio Metatron

** Update: Part 2 of this post is here.

About twenty years ago, I joined a couple of friends who intended to connect with a loved one who had just passed over. They wanted to know the circumstances surrounding the tragic accident that resulted in immediate death, and hopefully would receive some closure over the unexpected departure.

Information did come through and sufficient clarity was received. 

I had also intended to connect with a loved one, my Grandmother, with whom I had a strong bond. I was curious if she had any messages for me and since I hadn't done any such contacts before, I felt it was ideal to attempt it in the company of psychics who were very familiar with carrying out such connections.

So, following their guidance, I settled into my zone and the next thing I knew, words were coming out of my mouth. I knew I was speaking actual sentences in English, and I knew I was "reporting" things, but I could not make out what I was saying. My eyes were shut tight, but there was no discomfort or forced feeling. It was as if I was in a different room, and all I could hear was my voice through the wall. It was a weird experience, and I surprisingly took it in good stead. I figured since I didn't know what I was saying, I would just relax and wait for the next thing to happen. And so I waited.

After a short while, I felt my body getting hotter. The heat was increasing, and I began to fidget as I was getting uncomfortable. In mere seconds, I was feeling so hot that I consciously broke off the connection and opened my eyes.

My friends were looking at me, and one of them said that she started taking shorthand when they realised I was bringing forth information about the Ascension process, which at that time wasn't common knowledge at all. Information pertaining to the Ascension process was hard to find, and the internet was still in its infancy. I had apparently brought through quite a lot of details regarding the changes Humanity was going through, and what general changes would be taking place on a Planetary basis. (Basically what's commonly known today about the Ascension process.)

They asked me who it was that I had connected with, and without the slightest hesitation I replied, "Archangel Metatron".

That was my one and only channelling experience. After that, I lost all curiosity and interest in connecting with anyone ~ dead or alive, human or Celestial, Earthling or Galactic. I could have built upon my experience and start my own "enterprise" but I truly had no desire to do so.

All the time I was "in the room", I felt neutral. There was no love-and-fluff feeling, no warm fuzziness, no happy high, no exciting exuberance. There was neither force nor fear, no pressure, no anxiety. I felt calm throughout. 

If I were to use an analogy to describe the experience, I would say that I had tuned into a radio station and was receiving its broadcast.

I've only related this experience to two others over the nearly twenty years since it happened. It's not something I feel the need to mention because honestly, I don't think much of it at all. I'm finally writing about it because there's a Part 2 to this post, which I will get to at a later date. This was motivated by many instances of friction and arguments that I've personally witnessed in several Spiritual groups in recent months, pretty much representative of the implosion process that's been taking place since a few years ago.

So I'm sharing my Radio Metatron experience as a sort of backdrop stage-setting. It's a great example since Metatron is one of the main players in the what's-true-and-what's-not narrative that's been playing out very loudly in Lightworker communities. (Also a very pivotal figure in the Fallen Angelics teachings!)

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝

** Update: Part 2 of this post is here.


The Solar Tally So Far....

EarthSky At this time of writing, we've had 25 X-class Solar Flares since this phenomenal year of 2024 commenced. Out of those 25, eight...