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Stardust ~ Becky Kelly |
Towards the end of 2021, I wrote this (December = 2021 x 31):
And there goes 2021. (Almost.) 2022 will whizz by even faster, and 2023 faster yet. Until we get to....well, whenever it is 😁 and then the nature of Time will be very different. As it is, Time has already become so strange, and I truly have no idea at the moment what it will feel like when....well, when we "get there". 2021 has been but 11+ rapid blinks of an eye, but paradoxically each day of December has felt that I've lived the entire year of 2021 in one day. That is not to say December so far has stretched out ~ the days still go by like a whirlwind in a huge hurry. I can't explain it properly but I'm sure you know what I mean 😄
2022 so far has felt mostly like this ~ each day feels like a year and yet 2022 is flying at Warp 8.9.... almost three-quarters of the year has passed by already. And I know it's not just me when I say that it also feels as if I've lived several lifetimes in just this year alone.
Energy Codes
I've not been writing for quite a while now about the torrent of codes streaming in. Truthfully, most of the time I don't know what else to say. They are still pouring in, feeling even more Cosmic as the days go by (originating from Central Sun, Cosmic Central Sun, and most certainly beyond).
There are still all sorts of geometries and colours (functions), fluid and dynamic, very much "alive", still very "physical". And increasingly being felt within rather than just externally.
Probably a new thing to report is that they seem to be "breathing", like a gentle pulsating rhythm to the geometries. I'm also getting more visuals of vortices with energies streaming out.
Receiving & Integration
Something that I had recently realised is the body's response when assimilating these codes. There's the Receiving phase, and there's the Integration phase, occurring in cycles.
The Receiving phase seems to affect the mental and emotional bodies ~ it can get ungrounded, drifting in and out of realities/realms, emotional, ethereal, uncoordinated. In a sense, feeling out-of-body and clumsy.
The Integration phase becomes more physical ~ fogginess clears somewhat, feeling more grounded, and more "physical symptoms" which in my case includes allergic reactions.
Even as I write this, I am very well aware that I'm just reporting what happens to me, because as I constantly insist, we each go through our processes in different ways. There are generalisations, of course, but it is also important for us to remember that not everything applies to all. The point here is to offer a distinguishing state between receiving and integration.
Another point to make is that these states are not necessary distinct/discrete. Receiving and Integration can happen simultaneously, and probably is, most of the time. But I tend to think that one phase may present more strongly than the other, generally-speaking.
Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💙
PS. When I was proof-reading this post prior to publishing, I noticed this typo:
Hmmm....maybe just as Earth Mum is correcting her precessional rotation, we are are also doing the same....