Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts

12 March 2024

2024 (Part 2): Creating 2024

Rebecca Tolk

This is actually the second part to the 2024 theme, the first of which is here.  I do apologise for the delay ~ I'm well aware that it's already mid-March and I'm writing about the theme for 2024....honestly, I do not dictate the timing 😄 although I will admit that when I was writing the first part, I knew it wasn't complete.

It was just two days ago when I saw the visuals for this second part. Mercifully, I did not have to guess or offer my opinion for the interpretation because this time, I got the details at the same time 😆 so let's get to it.


New Creation, Your Creation

There were diamond-shaped codes, packed close together, similar to the image above. There was no "background", just diamond-shaped codes in beautiful brilliant diamond hues. This signifies that the New Creation is becoming more solid as it starts its manifestation process in the physical realm. How this will look like, I have no idea ~ I didn't get answers for that part of the equation! I have a feeling that the physical landscape of our Planet will start to change.

What I also understand with clarity is that this also pertains to us as individuals ~ our co-creator abilities (as was meant to be in our Divine Blueprint) are getting stronger as we regain what we lost over the eons of Time due to DNA changes, distortions and manipulations.

As we continue assimilating and encoding the Ascension frequencies that are practically bombarding our Planet and as our Planet herself is rising in vibration, the lag-time between birth of creation thought and actual manifestation will diminish. Every thought-word-deed becomes that much more pertinent ~ we will have to regard each of them as precious commodities and be mindful of what we think-say-do. Appropriate affirmations will be a great tool.


The Doors....

The next thing I saw were two massive oval-shaped doors that looked like they were made from multi-hued crystal. The sense from this visual is again, very ancient, breathtakingly beautiful, very other-worldly with a rarefied feel. They glided open gently, gracefully....but I couldn't see what was behind the doors.

I was thinking to myself that the doors looked very real, 3D, tangible. That thought quickly vanished when I got "Multi-dimensional". So, not 3D but multi-dimensional ~ that distinction was important.

Well, to put it simply, we need to go multi-dimensional. We need to acknowledge ourselves as Multi-dimensional Beings....again, back to our Divine Blueprint and how it was meant to be. Being multi-dimensional in our daily life, living our moments multi-dimensionally as much as practically possible. I admit this isn't always possible when we are thick in the midst of a 3D experience in a 3D setting with people who think we've lost it when we mention the word "multi-dimensionality", but there you are. 

One example I got was the quote by Einstein about problems ~ we can't adequately solve them if we operate from the same consciousness in which they were created.

The Way of Meditation

So we view, live, experience our daily lives from a multi-dimensional perspective, resolving challenging situations from that vantage point. I'll come back to this in a little while.

The other part to this is that we strengthen and deepen our connection with our own god-Self, the original first Self from which we individuated, the Self in the Source-Field. The Self that we are ascending back to as this part of Creation goes Home. The Self which essence we are embodying more of as we continue our evolution.

Coming back to living and experiencing Life from a multi-dimensional perspective: what I can offer as an example is this ~ if I'm confronted with a challenging situation, instead of a knee-jerk reaction, I can take a pause (breathe and "be centered"), ask my god-Self for a solution in Divine Right Order ("respond"), and take the appropriate steps necessary ("action"), aided by visualising or affirming the the final outcome. I'm sure you all have your own ways of being multi-dimensional, I'm just offering an example to stress the point that the best solutions can usually be the ones we may not even think of, or think were impossible, or be so extraordinary that they don't even look like solutions in the first place.

....Open Towards Us

I'm glad I didn't have to guess, because I would have no idea what to say since I didn't get to see what was beyond the doors. What this means is that we don't have to go seeking what we need to make the multi-dimensional connection ~ what we need we will receive, or we already have within us.

This reminds me of Rumi's "What we seek, is seeking us." However....I have also realised that this popular translation may not be entirely accurate. It seems that the actual translation from ancient Farsi is, "You are what you are seeking", which I feel has a more profound and expanded meaning than the popular mis-translation.

In the visual, the doors opened outwards, not inwards. In "real life", if we open a door from the outside, it almost always opens inwards for logical reasons (safety/security and easier for rescuers to break open in case of need). If we were to open these doors in my vision (assuming we are the right size to tackle them), we would push without a second thought. However, for these ones, we would need to pull. So sometimes, the solution or required action may be completely different to what we think it is. 

Additionally, these doors open outwards because there is no need for the logical reasons that require our "real life" doors to open inwards. These are doors to "Home", after all, and our arrival is anticipated.

I'm actually thinking there could be another part to this 2024-theme, but I'll consider this complete. If I should get another part, then I'll just write it as a separate post. After all, one-quarter of 2024 is already almost past!

Namarie! 🩵

PS. It is interesting that I posted something from Lee Harris about Multi-dimensionality about a fortnight ago.

12 February 2024

Letting Go....Not

You Are Another Me


Seriously though, there's bound to be a lot of this occurring as we continue to grow and evolve in the express lane. It's a continuing process, not a one-time-done-deal. And with everything intensified and ultra-fast-tracked, coupled with mass awakening, we will see lots of this everywhere.

02 February 2024

2024 (Part 1): It's All ME

Buddha Doodles

An entire month of 2024 has passed, and here we are at the start of leap-year February, and those born on 29th will get their one-in-four-years opportunity to celebrate their birthday on their actual birthdate. I think this fact alone is a real giveaway as to how warped our "calendar" system is.

Got a little distracted there, back on track now 😄 What I wanted to say is that although we're now in February, it feels to me that we're only now moving into a new year. It could be that the past three months have been really full-on for me (and also for many others from whom I've heard) ~ January 2024 was....almost impossible.

So....deeeep breath. 2024 will be transformation-on-steroids and that's an understatement, and it's also what we all know as we've been in the Transformation Phase in stages over the past few years, and have been steadily and steadfastly building up year after year. This year is the springboard to 2025; 2025 will leapfrog into 2026 and so on, with each year evolving even more intensely than the previous. This is the case of an accelerated Ascension Timeline where everything gets compressed and yet at the same time everything goes through a major expansion. That's Divine Dichotomy at play.

If I could summarise what I believe 2024 would be in three little words, it would be ~ IT'S ALL ME.

By that, I don't mean that we get to be selfish, self-centered and insufferable. The phrase is "It's all ME" not "It's all about ME".... and therein lies the difference. Basically, it's about how each of us responds to every moment, every situation, every event in our individual lives, whether or not someone else is involved. It's all about each individual being mindful of Self, being aware of every single thought word deed.

2023 was very much an inner journey of internal transformation ~ I had called it Year of the Soul (here) with Refining & Re-definition tones (here). It was a year where we embraced more Authenticity and embodied more of our True Essence so that we could express more of our True Self. This process is and will be on-going as it is an integral part of our Ascension, but 2023 gave us the space to delve deep so that we could remember more of our True Self. In a world where everything is shifting-changing-crumbling-birthing all at the same time, this re-acquaintance with our inherent True Essence is the bedrock and well-spring to draw upon as we navigate through the next few years.

Inner work will always be an on-going process for as long as we are incarnate, and many have been diligently doing that for several years now. But last year's inner work will increasingly find its outward expression this year.


Living As Our True Self

With the overriding goal of Ascension and a fortified sense of True Essence, it becomes increasingly clear that ultimately, our path must be one that is of the highest possible expression of our True Self in our current biology (we're still in our Ascension training-wheels). With each moment, it is imperative that our every thought-word-deed is a reflection of this Authenticity, no matter what. Of course there will be times when we fall off the proverbial wagon (!) and distract ourselves by straying from our path, but if we make the conscious decision as often as possible to stay true to our own Authenticity, then that is what matters. 

How do we live our lives, moment by moment?
How do we respond to everything that happens in our field of reality?
Can we express the nature of our True Self unwaveringly in our daily lives (as much as possible)?

Our response to everyone (including our own Self) and everything is all that counts. Whatever the circumstance or whoever the person(s) involved, it is our response that is pertinent. It is completely possible to stand in our empowered reality as a Sovereign Being and assert ourselves at the same time, without compromising Authenticity. Many times, this involves setting appropriate boundaries and parameters for others and ourselves that safeguard and nurture our evolution and self-care.

It's also important to remember that taking no action is also a response ~ in some cases this is the best option.

Likewise, also consider not having to:

*prove anything
*react to triggers (but once trigger is acknowledged, it can be healed/freed)
*justify our views
*insist we're right
*define ourselves to anyone
*be understood 
*martyr ourselves
*win any argument
*have the last word (but we can definitely have the last laugh quietly to ourselves 😄 without being condescending or mean).

Even (especially) if we find ourselves in deep doo-doo and there's a powerful urge to act impulsively ~ and therefore with high probability of being out of alignment with our Authenticity ~ take that precious pause moment to choose with conscious awareness to respond as our True Self to mitigate adversity or alleviate problems. Obviously if a life depends on our immediate action then it's a different thing altogether (and I pray we never have to be in that precarious situation).


Traversing Chaos

The previously hidden control system is becoming more exposed as the days go by, and with it, the continuing dismantling of their distorted structures and creation. Mass Awakening cannot be stopped because it is a component of the Ascension Cycle. There's already much debris from the carnage of change in the past years, and this will increase in 2024 as the Apocalypse (unveiling of Truth, revelation) is ably aided and abetted by not just Humanity's Mass Awakening but also transmutational Cosmic processes & energies. 

As we make our way through the chaos of the external world, being in authentic alignment with our True Self and responding accordingly will ensure that we stay on track. As with any structure or system facing its imminent demise, there will be attempts to pull us into their final fall, and again this can be avoided by conscious awareness of every response we make. 

Not everyone in our field of reality is currently on board with the changes. There are people who are not yet ready or who are very resistant to the Ascension energies ~ they may need a bit more time before they eventually succumb embrace the inevitable. There could also be a few who have opted out of Ascension in this current lifetime ~ spiritual evolution isn't on their itinerary for now. They may be the ones who test us constantly as they reject outright all that we represent. By staying true to our Authenticity, we will be able to manoeuvre through any potential minefields without deviating from our path. Even in unpleasant confrontations, our response must bear the integrity of our True Self so that we avoid being sucked into a mindless battle ~ there is always the option to turn around and walk away.

The simple analogy I usually think about when I'm negotiating rocky terrain is to simply....FLY above it. It would be fabulous if I had reached the point of reclaiming my abilities and am able to levitate 😇 but what I'm getting at is that in order to get through the falling structures, I have to rise above them. That is, not get entangled or allow myself to be pulled down, but to raise my frequency and be connected to my Divinity as much as I can.

How we respond to our own lives include what we do to take care of our biology. Many have experienced a changed preference in their diet and are generally more in-tune with what the body needs. How we entertain and enjoy ourselves, what we do to continue anchoring into our own Divinity and Ascension process, what our spiritual practices are....these are just some of the areas that will see a reassessment as we continue to reinforce more Authenticity into our daily lives. 


It's On Us

With each response that we make in authentic alignment with our True Self, we are progressing along in the right direction, step by step. If we remember that we always have a choice in how we respond ~ saying NO or taking no action are also choices ~ then we can decide to make the choice that honours our True Self, as many times as we possible can.

Whatever our response is, it's on US, no one else. After all that's said and done (literally), we are fully accountable for our own thoughts-words-deeds.

Minimise distraction and maximise dedication to our True Self and Ascension process as much as possible, moment by moment.

Namarie! 🩵

Link to Part 2.

02 January 2024

New Year Decree ~ Sandra Walter ~ 1 January 2024

Just jumping in here to say Hi👋🏾 and to wish Everyone a Happy Healthy & Thriving year ahead! ....and what a year it will be!

The above Divine Decree from Sandra Walter is an appropriate way to start off 2024. Interestingly, my last post for 2023 was also a Divine Decree from Sandra Walter! 

Please visit Sandra's page to read her "Now Year" message.

Namarie! 💚

05 November 2023

Bifurcation: End-Snap & End-Pop

Here are more details on the Bifurcation of Timelines, which is set to commence on 8-9 November 2023. These two charts are taken from E'Asha Ashayana's currently on-going workshop KDDL-3 Session 8B (

The chart above shows the summary for activities that are expected to take place in the next few days and thereafter:

8-9 November 2023
TJ-7 Fire-Storm End-Snap
C-7 Wave Peaks and Entrains TJ-7 Wave

Trumpet-Jehovian-7 (last of 7 waves) will be snapped out of the artificial templates; this starts the separation of Organic/Inorganic templates, by way of Chevron Burst-7 Wave entrainment of the final TJ-7 Wave.


22-27 May 2024
C-8 Starts
C-7 End-Lull & Transmutes TJ-7

Transmutation of TJ-7 by CB-7 is complete. Meanwhile, Chevron-Burst-8 initiates.

22-27 May 2025
C-8 End-Pop

C-8 Wave End-Lull & Transmutes Earth's inorganic TJ-Met-Net Seed-Atom.

From what I understand, this operation means that the last inorganic structure that has kept our Planet hostage, bound and gagged for billions of finally and at long long long last GONE!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Namarie! 🩵🩵🩵

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...