Showing posts with label skywatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skywatch. Show all posts

01 January 2025

A New Year Message?....

A very happy 2025 to All! 💙🤩 Let Divine Light, Divine Love & Divine Grace drench this beautiful Planet and her Humanity always, in all ways! 

I promised myself in the last few days of 2024 that once I completed all that I needed to write, I would double-down and do as much cave-time as possible. Oh the naive things we tell ourselves 😂....

This morning, there was a beckoning to pick up my phone for a picture so that's what I did. It was the photo above. I looked at it, admired the Emerald halo around our Sun and said OK I've posted this sort of photo before but alright, I'll do that today if it means something frequency-wise.

A few seconds passed and I felt I needed to take more photos, which was exactly what I did.

It was just pointing my phone towards our Sun and clicking the button a few times. But when I looked at the pictures, I saw what looked to me like a figure inside the Emerald sphere lens effect above our Sun. It was a stronger "feel" than "see", so I was a teensy bit doubtful about it.

Since I was in the middle of something before I started taking the photos, I wanted to get going so I could finish what I was doing, but was pulsed to take more photos....just two and that will be done was what I got. So point phone towards our Sun, two clicks, done.

As if to dispel my doubt about what I felt/saw inside the sphere, I got this:

A giant arrow pointing to the Emerald sphere.

The final photo showed a shorter arrow:


I promise you, I haven't edited the photos in any way, apart from cropping them and adding my blog name.

So there's most definitely something being depicted within the Emerald sphere, which technically is a lens flare. 

At this point, I won't attempt to decipher or explain anything ~ I feel I should (for now) leave it to each individual to see what they perceive, or even if they see nothing out of the ordinary. More importantly, I don't have any meaningful explanation for now, so I'm allowing myself the time to see what develops. Pun unintended.

I'd also like to highlight those wispy formations to the left of the 3rd and 4th photos. I have no idea what it means.

I did send the 2nd photo to a couple of dear Souls to ask their opinion ~ one said she could see a figure, the other one reverted saying he saw spheres "coming out, maybe multiplying?".


Namarie! 💗

02 October 2024

Another Comet: Sungrazer A11bP7I


There’s a brand new comet in the sky! No, not Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. And like the incredibly bright Comet Ikeya–Seki (above) in 1965, the new one is what’s called a sungrazer comet. How bright will it get? 
Image via NASA/ Wikimedia Commons (public domain).

It's all happening! October is looking like a very "celestial" month indeed.

This one hasn't been named yet as it was just discovered on 27 September 2024. We should be getting some interesting footage of this Sungrazer when it orbits around our Sun.

It is expected to be so bright that we could even see it in daylight! There's more information about this Sungrazer at Universe Magazine:

Whenever a comet visits our skies, I often wonder what payload they carry....

Namarie! 💛

01 October 2024

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS & Mini Moon

Source: LiveScience
After months of anticipation, Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS will be visible in the predawn sky starting this week 
(Image credit: Wladimir Bulgar / Science Photo Library via Getty Images)
Called "Comet of the Year" (some say century), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is currently putting on a dazzling display for Skywatchers. Please head to StarWalk for the report. LiveScience also has a good write-up about this Comet.

At the same time, also from LiveScience:

On Sunday, Sept. 29, Earth captured a new "minimoon" called 2024 PT5. The bus-size asteroid is expected to orbit our planet for 57 days, but is too small to be visible to amateur skywatchers.

Source: LiveScience
An illustration of a small asteroid orbiting the Earth. 
Our planet just acquired a new "minimoon" called 2024 PT5  
(Image credit: Getty Images)

I don't really know what these celestial events mean in terms of Cosmic purpose, but it's long been my belief that they are not totally random occurrences devoid of any meaning, especially during our current Ascension Timeline. Am I reading too much into this? Perhaps 😄....

Namarie! 💜

05 May 2024

"BEHIND The Moon!" ~ MrMBB333


Two sighting videos from MrMBB333 ~ the first one was such a hoot while the other one featured fascinating footage of a couple of objects.

Here's the link to the first video. While I do understand MrMBB333's excitement over the fact that the craft was seen flying behind the moon (which implies a sizeable craft), his repeated ".....behind the moon" was hilarious. I'm wondering what he would say if he ever gets a video of those colossal crafts chilling out near our Sun. This particular sighting is at the 4:30-minute mark.

The next video shows footage of two sightings that occurred on the day of the Total Solar Eclipse, 8 April 2024 (3:30-min & 6:30-min). Very strange, both. 

What's the sphere-like thing below the 3:30-min object?

MrMBB333 said that the later sighting (6:30-min) looked saucer-like ~ no argument there but when I slowed down the video, I see that the meteorite (or whatever) seems to fly through the object? Or is it the resolution/pixelation? Glitchy hologram? (shades of 911?).

Namarie! 💙

26 March 2024

Sightings Near Our Sun ~ Video By Myunhauzen74 ~ 20 March 2024

It's been a long while and I'm glad that Myunhauzen74 is back with a new video. 

I note that Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol is now posting quite a lot of these types of sightings near our Sun. Which is actually quite a logical process, actually ~ when you spend a lot of time viewing our Sun's activity, it's only a matter of time before you realise there are other types of activity around it (fb has deleted some of his posts). Especially in this historical cycle of massive transition, where Cosmic operations are probably unfolding non-stop, getting nearer and nearer to us as the dark is being systematically cleansed.

Back to Myunhauzen74, here's the link to his video. As with his usual (and earlier) sightings, these objects are massive.

15 January 2024

Florida Sightings on 10 January 2024 ~ MrMBB333

This video from MrMBB333
features several sightings in Florida, all on 10 January 2024. 

As for "the incident" on 1 January 2024 at Bayside in Miami.... it boggles the mind why over 60 patrol cars plus some black helicopters were necessary to quell a brawl involving 4 teenagers. Apparently air-space was closed off as well. 

From the intel side as reported by Kim Goguen, there was ET presence at the vicinity to assist her team in the prevention of an SSP operation that aimed to create a shooting, aided by black technology and involving DEWs.

21 October 2023

Objects Near Our Sun ~ Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

These are massive! There are more photos at the link given above, taken from the 20 October feed.

Gregorio has also posted this:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

....and again, more photos at the link given. These ones are from 14 & 15 October 2023.

08 October 2023

In Plain Public Sight....

Sightings have become a regular thing now. This intriguing one (with scout ships?) was posted by someone in a group chat. Looks Plasma-ish.

Video below:

26 December 2022

Plasma Cloud: Thailand 10 December 2022

Red Climatica Mundial

It's been said that such formations (I'll call them Plasma Clouds for want of a better name) are presentations of plasma ships. It's also been said that these are the effects of extreme chemtrailing or similar toxic weaponry. Hey, 2022 is wrapping up (!? already ?!) and I'd like to believe it's the former....

Watch the clip here. Taken in Thailand 10 December 2022.

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...