07 November 2022

Sacred Science 5: Grid Issues ~ Noel Tobin ~ 31 October 2022

There are at present 5 videos from Noel Tobin available on his yt channel ~ for some reason I started with no.5 so that's what I'm featuring.

I thoroughly enjoyed Noel's teaching, where he uses the Kathara Grid to beautifully explain not only Creation mechanics, but also a very brief yet informative summary of our Local Universe's history. Noel talks about how our Local Universe ended up as a fallen creation, cut off from 12D and higher, thanks to a group of deranged 11D beings who wanted to control the creation matrix. This resulted in a closed system with degenerative entropic properties and declining consciousness over the long ages of time, our connection to the Higher Worlds severed.

(This birthed the age-old warring between Annunaki (Belial Sun) and Draco (Black Sun) who are often frenemies and integrated into Humanity their traits of blame, victim-victimise, aggression. This is also why I had mentioned earlier that when we are being repeatedly told that in 5D and higher there is no negativity, it is pure deception. These wars ~ "Original Sin" ~  were started by factions from 11D Anu-Elohim and 10D Seraphim.)

Noel also discusses how the pentagon came to be designated as "sacred geometry" by the Fallen Angelics (FA) and therefore their promotion and focus of (limited) ascension to 5D only as well as the creation of false/deceptive geometries such as fibonacci spiral, flower of life (daisy of death), etc. He also explains how they distorted our creation matrix by supplanting our organic grid with their fallen grid, energetically cutting off our Planet's direct connection with our Sun and connecting it to the Moon instead (which was obviously not even part of the organic grid).

Some other topics that Noel outlines are the FA's creation of an artificial reversed 13D in an attempt to overtake 12D (this is no longer a threat), the  3-6-9 Arc of Covenant (path of Salvation) and Tesla's 369 principle (Earth is 3!), rise of extreme polarisation in the absence of ManU's transcendental nature (ManA ~ masculine/electrical; EirA ~ feminine/magnetic), the "Big Bang" being more of a Big Crack when the FAs played gods (Big Bang theory says our Universe is 14 billions years, this compared to 950 billion years when our Universe was first created), and many more topics.


Noel also eloquently explains empowered spiritual growth in simple practical terms.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as (or more) than I did!

Namarie 💜

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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