Showing posts with label solar observer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solar observer. Show all posts

21 March 2023

Solar Activity

LiveScience: A close-up image of an enormous wall of falling plasma, known as a polar crown prominence, above the solar surface on March 9. (Image credit: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau)

Thanks to Solar Observer, I can generally keep track of some Solar activity without having to go all over the place for information. There has been so much attention on our Sun this year because of all that's occurring, including some really wild moments. 

I'll post some highlights here from Solar Observer but please go through the site itself for more resources and information.

X2.1-Class Solar Flare on 3 March 2023

Huge prominence eruption behind the southeast limb 15 March 2023

Prominence eruption on Sun´s north pole 18 March

Huge filament eruption on the southwest limb 19 March 2023

60,000-mile-high Plasma waterfall.

19 February 2023

Solar Activity & (What's Not Going On) SR

Solar Observer

We've had two X-class flares within a week, and yep we're feeling it alright, based on feedback from others as well as my own experience. 

Look at the expected spread of this Earth-facing CME from the recent flare! 

Areas affected by the resultant radio blackout:
Solar Observer


Now we take a look at what's going on with the SR. Or more precisely, what's NOT going on. As mentioned before, I've never seen such prolonged periods of near-nil-activity since I first started tracking the SR in 2016. Given that our Planet is well on track in her Ascension process and is inexorably accreting frequency ~ no matter what ~ I have great doubt as to what's being shown in the charts. There's also been quite a number of blackouts (or no readings, be it due to equipment malfunction or otherwise) in the past few months. On most days, it's a sea of blue:

Space Observing System

I'm inclined to suspect that there's something odd about this. While our Planet and Humanity are being laser-bombed with all the Divine Light they can throw at us, I can't imagine there being no effect on the SR for such long periods of time.  Bearing in mind that 7.8 Hz is a distorted diminished pulse that the system planned for us to believe is "normal and natural" and therefore we cannot survive for long out of this range, assumptions beg to be acknowledged.

If these readings are indeed true, then my already-limited comprehension of the SR and its related factors are almost zilch. If the readings are somehow not really reflecting what's happening, then....why? I can only guess that since awareness of the rising frequency of the SR over the years has been exponentially increasing, it could be an attempt to tell us "nothing to see, nothing to get excited over, the SR people are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists!"

Or.....if the readings are accurate, could it be that they are reflecting the situation in the fallen Metatronic Spiral reality? After all, we are at the merge-split point of both Krystal and Metatronic Spirals. Ya, I know....strange at best and silly at worst 😄 Well, it shows that at least my imagination is working, even if I feel like this right now:

Namarie! 💙

11 January 2023

SR & Solar Activity

Nasa Solar Cycle

Our Beautiful Sun has been doing some highly fascinating things over the recent weeks. Although I keep track of both on a daily basis I haven't posted anything on either for some time. 

I won't go into details here as it would take quite a while, but for those who already follow sites such as Solar Observer or any of the live/daily trackers, our Sun's activity has been quite something. The same cannot be said for the SR, because for most of December 2022 and the first week of January 2023, there has hardly been any major reading recorded. I can't help but wonder if there's been some equipment error because my senses tell me that it can't be so ~ there has been so much Planetary intensity almost continuously (and ever-increasing, too!) that I am hesitant to accept that SR for that long period of time has been basically "flat" aka the distorted 7.83Hz.

Here's the archived charts for December 2022, thanks to Disclosure News Italia:

Disclosure News Italia

I don't have images to show, but the first week of January 2023 looked similarly blue until a blackout registered on the chart a few days ago, after which SR readings seem to spring back to life:

Space Observing System

Space Observing System

 ....and it's gone quiet again since 10 January 2023.
Look at the number of Solar Flares for December 2022, with much of the month experiencing multiple flares daily:
And recent X-class flares:
For more details of Solar activity, please visit Solar Observer, who does a fabulous job of monitoring our Sun.

Namarie! 💗

26 December 2022

Plasma Cloud: Thailand 10 December 2022

Red Climatica Mundial

It's been said that such formations (I'll call them Plasma Clouds for want of a better name) are presentations of plasma ships. It's also been said that these are the effects of extreme chemtrailing or similar toxic weaponry. Hey, 2022 is wrapping up (!? already ?!) and I'd like to believe it's the former....

Watch the clip here. Taken in Thailand 10 December 2022.

30 October 2022

Our Sun


The following report was referenced by Solar Observer on 20 October 2022:

Will the Sun Ever Burn Out? (

The first sentence of the article reads:

"Here's what will happen when our sun dies, billions of years from now."


This topic is one (of many) that I've been intending to write about over the past few months, but have been unable to do so until now, so I'll start with this one since Solar Observer featured this article and I read a written reference to our Sun by E'Asha Ashayana just a couple of days ago.

One of the main reasons I've not written about this topic is because my knowledge is very limited since I've only come across information about it in a sporadic and sketchy manner. They were in the form of a few fleeting references made by E'Asha in video excerpts. Another point I had to consider is that there have been numerous "upgrades and updates" in recent years as Divine Cosmic Interventions continue to escalate, so information that was given years ago may have become obsolete or irrelevant. I've been trying to form at least a coherent outline picture of this topic but I realised that may take some time so I'll just do what I can now, nudged by this article as well as E'Asha's article.

(For those who are already familiar with this "Sun-Raid", apologies in advance as I try to present this.)

Based on E'Asha's information alone and from what I understand, our beautiful Sun was attacked by the dark in March 2007 ~ the event is known as "Sun-Raid". This attack negatively impacted our Sun's Prana Seed, which effectively triggered its death cycle and initiated the gradual separation of its dark-matter energy body from its Light/Matter body. 

Our Sun will supernova not in billions of years from now, but in a few hundred years (900?), if I understand correctly (I've seen various numbers mentioned by different people, so it gets a bit confusing). 

I also finally started reading the (not-recent) updates written by E'Asha on her website, and here's something about our Sun:

"6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field."

The Bhardoah cycle is considered a "completion and renewal" phase, marking the return of our beautiful Sun's essence back to its Spiritual source, albeit very much earlier than originally designed.

I also remember coming across some information from E'Asha (from 2007?) that Gamma rays are expected to increase (they are) as a result of what's happening to our Sun, but they will be attenuated through intervention by Cosmic Guardians and forces. At the same time, events pertaining to Planetary Ascension are also expected to be accelerated in view of this incident.

I hope I've made adequate sense of this topic. There is much more I intend to address but I feel it will be a couple more weeks before I can do that. Additionally, as mentioned, I am finally making my way through E'Asha's written updates on her site and many things that I've read so far have added a much-appreciated layer of information and level of understanding in relation to ~ of all things ~ my previous and current blog names.

I've found myself having an even stronger connection with our Sun since I first heard about the Sun-Raid a few months back. Admittedly, it horrified me initially, but I also realised that it was all the more reason to love our Sun even more 😊

I'd like to end with this image of our beautiful Sun, with thanks to Solar Observer once again:

Namarie & Bright Blessings! ☀️

28 August 2022

Always the Sun ☀️

Nasa Sun Science

Catching up on some Solar stuff. These were meant to be posted a few days back, but I was unable to get to it, apologies. It has been an intense month, and these past couple of weeks idea how to describe it. I thought 2020 was crazy and could not possible get any crazier, but 2021 was even crazier, and now 2022....

Let's start with the video clip of this burst which occurred on 22 August 2022, a screenshot of which is shown at the top of this post.

Here's all the flaring for August so far:

Solar Observer has loads of great resources, as usual. Here are some of them, like this flare!

Solar Observer

And this is some news about a developing Sunspot.


Now on to something from 2003. I watched this intriguing video from MrMBB333 a couple of weeks back, thought of posting it, then decided "No".  A few days after that, I somehow came across this piece of information without even looking for it, so I guess I'll post it now😄 This is the chart I saw:

Space Weather Live

Those geomagnetic storms were way off the charts! Unfortunately I had not started my Solar thing at that time, so I honestly haven't a clue what took place. I was already not following any mainstream media then, and internet resources were still limited, so I was blissfully unaware of any Solar carnage. Nasa called this activity "Halloween Storms of 2003". How lovely, of course they would 🙄🙄🙄

There's some write-up about this from As seen from the above chart, the measurements were off the scale, and it was estimated that the actual strength of the flares reached X45.

On this page from Space Weather Live, you can watch the actual flares from 2003.

Let's go back even further in history, all the way back to 1986. This is an 80s classic from The Stranglers called "Always the Sun" and one of my all-time favourites.

Yes....those were the days when music was innovative, had actual melodies, clever lyrics (sometimes witty to boot) that usually rhymed. And had actual words instead of being filled with sounds like hmmm ahhh oooh....I feel a rant coming on so I'll stop now 😇

Interesting that the song/video is 3:33 minutes in length. I also just realised that the link for Solar Observer starts with 333.....

And then there's MrMBB333....

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝

16 August 2022

Solar Stuff

Posted by Solar Observer

I miss Tesis....sigh.

This is a cobbled-up post of charts, videos and links pertaining to our beautiful Sun's on-going as well as forecast activity. (I'll ignore the dark name they've given their Solar wind prediction model.)

Lasco (click link for animation)

03 April 2022

Solely Sol Stuff

Suspicious Observers

It won't be wrong for me to say that our beautiful Sun has taken centre-stage lately. I've been wanting to post some graphs from my good old source Tesis (which includes historical data) but the site has been down for days, so I'll have to resort to other sources.

First, let's listen to some "static" from our Sun. This is an excerpt from

The gentle roar of static you just heard emerged from the loudspeaker of a shortwave radio receiver in New Mexico. Amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded it. "The sun was well positioned in my radio antennas for the X1.3 solar flare," says Ashcraft. "The left channel of the audio file is 22.2 MHz, the right channel is 21.1 MHz."

Recent geomagnetic storms:

Look at the size of that filament! Suspicious 0bservers has said that it's the size of Neptune ~ for the record, 57 Earths would fit into Neptune:

The Solar Observer

You can view a clip of one of the CME's spread  here at The Solar Observer or here for those without fb.


For some spectacular visuals of what our Sun has been spewing out, please watch Suspicious observer's video here. (Notice that the prediction model of the Heliosphere is called "Enlil Spiral" 🙄 Which reminds of the the Vatican's telescope called "Lucifer" 🙄🙄🙄 They sure love to flaunt their "gods".... in plain sight.)

And finally, an item of interest that's not exactly about our Sun, but related to our Sun. For this, we turn to In2ThinAir's video. If you wish, you can skip to the 7:17-minute mark (link provided in video description) for the "....what just flew by the Sun" part. Here's a screenshot, the left object being the magnified version of the right-side magnified version:

My only question, as usual, is....whose is this? The fallen, or the Light?

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...