31 August 2022

August 😐


Well, we've now sprinted our way past two-thirds of 2022 along the Corridor of Time, with the year end already visible just ahead. I had repeatedly planned (what a joke) to document a couple of key "events" this month but found myself unable to do so, no matter how strong my determination or how well I scheduled (another joke).

Looks like a combined write-up on the last day of August is the way. And with that, unexpected clarity over some things that I had not adequately understood earlier on. I'll start with the specifics, then move on to the general, then address the specifics again. That's my plan....ha.

August felt more rough and rocky as opposed to weird and wonky, and I will highlight two episodes I experienced.


17 August 2022

The first episode unfolded on the 17th ~ throughout the day, I could not shake off the feeling of foreboding. It hung in the air everywhere and refused to budge. Although I did not sense a panic-stricken Collective, it did feel very thick and heavy. If I were to describe it in the best way I could without worrying about how it would be received, I would say that it felt as if something potentially horrible was being pulled into manifestation and yet at the same time some other force was attempting to neutralise its birth into reality, and I was in the void between both scenarios. I felt removed from reality, in No-Time, in No Man's Land, and a sort of numbness. As the day wore on, there was a sense of "interference" developing, with the night being particularly stressful.

Thankfully, I felt a major energetic shift around 2pm the next day (18th). It was like I could breath easily again. I checked several sites to see if I could determine what had transpired over the prior 24 hours but drew a blank. The best I could come up with was a 5.7 M-class flare accompanied by geomagnetic storms but I sensed that that wasn't the reason. It was only much later in the day (18th) that I eventually got some information, and I will get to that towards the end of the post. Or so I plan. Ha.

25 August 2022

Another day with icky and "sticky" energies that were hard to transmute or clear. This time around, the energies felt decidedly dense and "other-worldly". It was clear that there was a major "disturbance in the Force" although I did not know any details. The day ended with an unpleasant personal encounter where I had to dig my heels in and stand my ground, no matter how much my actions were intentionally misinterpreted. Not fun but absolutely necessary. Once again, I only found answers the following day, and yes, I plan to elaborate on this later on. HA.

Anomalous Weather

August has "traditionally" been a hot and dry month for where I am in the Tropics. In alignment with all the abnormal-is-the-new-"normal" insanity that's raging in the external right now (and as with all infernal infernos, will burn itself out eventually), it's been pouring with rain pretty much constantly in the past weeks. A few days ago, after a long downpour, I decided to walk to the neighbourhood bistro for a quick meal, pick up some essentials then return home. I didn't take my umbrella because hey, we've just had a huge downpour and it won't rain again, surely! That's a big HA to my plan, because it did rain again after my dinner and I was stranded in the store for almost two hours as I waited for it to peter out.

Torrential rain and flooding is also prevalent in Pakistan, India, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Europe, parts of USA, China (after severe drought); I don't know if this is weather manipulation or a re-balancing of weather patterns as a result of a Planet in the midst of accelerated transformations.

Break Free/Down/Off (and Up?)

At times like this, the Grace-Human asks how much more can Humanity take as a Collective Consciousness. Some form of break is imminent ~ Humanity breaking free from its ancient dark spells, or Humanity breaks down from the immense pressure on several fronts, or Humanity breaks off from the fallen system in the Bifurcation (very little of which is really known at this time). 

Somehow I also feel that Humanity needs to very quickly break up its relationships with some control structures ~ dependence on governance (most who are aware still believe in substituting one political leader for another), its association with how things have been done (believing that a "better way" means maintaining status quo but doing it "better"), its belief in religious dogma that has become a filter for how they see "solutions" or how they interpret events.  

Sometimes I do wonder if Humanity is being very firmly pressed to surrender Suffering in light of so much that's happening. From what I've observed over the past 2.5 years, Humanity's acceptance of suffering as "necessary for redemption" has strengthened. We need to kick that massively deceptive belief to the Light for transmutation real soon NOW.


General Energetics

Chopped-Up Sub-Timelines
It took me a very long time to find the words to appropriately describe August. In my head, I see it with crystal clear clarity but once I try to describe it, I'm stumped. Finally, it came to me in an unguarded moment, and I hope it makes sense to you as I transcribe it the best I can.

Take two or more sub-Timelines, chop them all up into chunks, then put all the sub-Timelines back together, but mixed up with pieces from other sub-Timelines.

That is how August has been, at least in my perspective. An event following another that seems out of place, or doesn't quite fit. Not quite knowing if I've actually done something, or was it just the thought of doing it? Did that happen yesterday, or last week, or three weeks ago? Experiencing an event but discovering later on that others have a significantly different "version" of it (not quite Mandela Effect, but similar). Experiencing Wednesday, then realising I'm back to Monday (analogy).


In The Flow
Remember all those plans I was making? Yep, out the window. Making plans felt like forcing myself across a rough and narrow terrain, grating against the jagged rocks. Freeing myself from plans feels like flowing fluidly with the current, allowing it to carry me with minimal steering on my part. So cliched but most certainly, being in the NOW moment.

This month saw me going to several places I would not have otherwise voluntarily chosen to go. As a semi-hermit, I find it very disruptive to be going out so often and yet, there I was, having to go here and there for various reasons. What I have gathered from a couple of (semi-hermit) individuals is that they were also going through the same process this month. It was only later on that I realised we had to "spread out" for energetic reasons ~ I am certain there were many of us having to do that this month. One individual even had to cross an ocean!

Locking It Down
Related to the the constant going out (by hermit standards) is the sense of "locking it down". This is something I only understood very recently, and it has to do with an earlier post (Timelines, Thunder & Tracks) ~ while the "bolting down" occurred in the higher realms, apparently we've been busy doing that at our level this month. 

This is also related to my earlier thinking-out-loud concern over Humanity's Collective path ~ this "locking it down" that we are doing is on behalf of the Collective, like strengthening the Collective Timeline energetically. From what I understand, this is what we will be working on in the next few months. I will expand on this if I get more details but for now, this is the extent of what I feel I'm able to say.


Back to 17 & 25 August 2022

Feeling much better after the shift in energies around 2pm the next day (18th), I finally found out towards the end of the day what had transpired when I went through some breaking-news that Kim Goguen had. This was broadcast on 17th (USA timezone) and I am generally about 12 hours ahead. Kim reported a serious potential of the dark system triggering a major civil war that would plunge USA into complete chaos (with the rest of the world following), using the raid as an excuse. 

(The wildly successful dark psyop via "Cue" and then-president had nicely carved up the country into two main divisions, and until enough people see through it, this situation will remain vulnerable to dark attempts to initiate violence {this is my opinion, not part of the breaking news})

What about the 25th? Again, I found my answers via Kim Goguen's intel that I watched towards the end of 26th August. This time, the threat was global ~ operatives were instructed to initiate disasters around the world, including destabilising the Ring of Fire. Additionally, there were several repeated attempts/rituals to summon the "dark ET overlords" ~ this must have been the "other-worldly" feel I sensed.

On both days, much of the threats were neutralised. (Here for resources from United Netword News.)

I will quote references to resources that I use when writing my posts, but as always please go with what you are Divinely guided to follow, or what works for you. It is crucial to remember that much of what is "out there" are different versions of the same dark system.

Here's to September....may it be a wondrously beautiful month!

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💗

The Solar Tally So Far....

EarthSky At this time of writing, we've had 25 X-class Solar Flares since this phenomenal year of 2024 commenced. Out of those 25, eight...