02 July 2022

Unplug & Wait One Divine Moment....


In April 2022, I wrote about Earth Mum's New Phase, an excerpt of which is the following:

There's a new "Covenant" that is being put in place, and this will govern our New Reality. This means that all incongruences will have to be "corrected" as they will become totally incompatible with the New Reality. Forward progression may not be possible if incongruences are present. This is Earth Mum's Covenant, and no being will have any right to amend it in any way, shape or form. We are guests, or at best, Stewards of her New Reality.

I believe it's rather undeniable that Earth Mum's frequencies are higher than they have ever been in recent history, and they will only continue to increase as she heads Homeward. Having said that, I have in the past weeks been aware that sometimes, when I tune in, Earth Mum is "not there" ~ it's like she's gone offline.

Additionally (and perhaps paradoxically), when I see if I'm able to get any information about the various energy torrents that are saturating our Space, I feel overwhelmed by the tsunami swirls of codes.

I was already confused (and very concerned!) that Earth Mum felt offline to me, so my being overwhelmed by the energy codes just exacerbated my situation. Thankfully, I did get the assurance that Earth Mum is just fine, it was just me not comprehending the situation, the point of which I hoped I would arrive at sooner rather than later.

Finally, after a period of time of me trying not to think about it, I understand the scenario somewhat enough to offer some sort of interpretation. It's not much to go on, but I'll do my best.

As referenced at the beginning of this post, Earth Mum has a new "Covenant". This new Covenant enabled much more momentum and progress than ever before. In the past couple of months, so much has unfolded (and exploded!) not only in the external world, but also Planet-wise. Developments are taking place at accelerated pace, Cosmic-instigated changes are occurring, and as I mentioned in a previous post (at that time not realising the connection to what I'm writing about now).... we've gone Cosmic and beyond Quantum.

The analogy I can offer is this ~ with so much high-end processing at hyperspace speed going on, as well as intense clearing, updating and transformation, a lot of junk waste is being produced. The cache build-up is massive. Earth Mum needs to clear her cache, go offline for a bit, then come back online with the next upgrade. Like an unplug-and-count-to-12 sort of thing 😄 How long will it take? One Divine Moment.

So, that's where she's at right now, as per my interpretation.

Prepare for when she comes back online....the upgrade will be _____ (no words to describe). And each upgrade thereafter will be even more ____ than the previous one.

(I need to work on my vocabulary....)

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💝

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