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It's taken me a while to write this energy tune-in because I wanted to be sure before I report what I was seeing about a week ago. In September, I had written that there wasn't anything very different that I "see" in the massive amounts of various Energy Codes pouring in, apart from them becoming more 3D, more "alive" and dynamic. Last week, I saw not just one but four new codes, so I wanted to take some time to internalise the experience and allow it to formulate to see where it goes ~ to allow anything different to come up apart from the initial "get" that I received on the day of observation itself, and to allow more information to come through, if any.
Same, But "More"
Generally, the various Energy Codes presenting are still about the same except for even more fluidity and more dynamism. Again, there were all sorts of geometries and patterns that I have described in detail in the past ~ vortices, waves, kaleidoscope, specific geometrical patterns, bubbles, cloud-like. These are all still swirling around, "breathing" and in constant motion. Then, there are the "new" ones....
The "New" Ones
The "new" ones, yes.... I write "new" in inverted commas because they are new to me, as I only saw them last week. There may be others who are already seeing these codes (or however they appear to them, bearing in mind individual "filters and lens" of perception) of whom I am not aware.
So let me do my best to describe these codes:
This third set of "new" codes I saw, bloomed. As simple as that. Like a bud opening up, the codes blossomed into a bloom geometry. Much gratitude for the cliff-notes that presented, without which I may second-guess incorrectly about the origins.
They are Earth Mum's codes! For the first time ever, I am seeing codes from Earth Mum! I have only been sensing them, but have had no visuals. In April I had written (New Phase):
So let me do my best to describe the Energy Code ~ it's the hardest of the four to put into words because it's more of a sense than a visual.
They look like crystalline columns of Light, with a sense of orderliness and structure. Pure, pristine, precise. Columns of Pure Light, undifferentiated from First Creation. A sense of the "Now" being bridged with "Ancient/First Creation". More than that I'm unable to explain, but I will do my best to relate the memory that was triggered when I saw these codes. Maybe that story will help to expand upon what I'm trying to convey. So this is it for now.