Showing posts with label mary allison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mary allison. Show all posts

09 September 2023

Time of Purification & Accelerated Timeline ~ Mary Allison ~ 22 & 30 August 2023

Two messages from Mary Allison as expressed from her perspective ~ both are about this accelerated Ascension Cycle that we are in. I appreciate the different angles from which different sources interpret this Cosmic historical period as it serves to expand my own viewpoint.

The first message uses the analogy of water purification and the "separation" process, which I call "sub-Timelines":

We were born at a time of purification.
When water is purified, all impure sediments pass through filters to be separated from the pure water.

Please proceed here to read the rest.

In the second message, Mary Allison describes the accelerated process that's been unfolding, and explains the karmic feedback in a way that I believe allows more space for reflection for those who would normally dismiss the notion of "karma". There's much that she covers in this message, which is insightful and beautifully expressed. An excerpt follows, here's the full article:

The Earth and human consciousness have chosen to speed up their course trajectory via a timeline jump. This emerges from a collective (subconscious) decision between the earth, humankind, and all organisms present, to move faster towards a destined point of inner and outer metamorphosis. 
Karmic retribution is increasing in terms of timing. This means any "out-of-alignment" decisions not forged from the purity of one's heart, set off a chain of instant karmic (reflective) feedback. When a timeline jump occurs, past attempts at stagnation, or delaying of a lesson, are overridden as cosmological forces have been given permission to speed up the force of growth for all who remain interconnected in this reality.

05 August 2023

Timeline Split and Time Acceleration ~ Mary Allison ~ 1 August 2023

So beautifully said by Mary Allison. This is fits perfectly in continuing the Timeline topic that I've been writing about. Mary provides her unique perspective as she talks about the acceleration of Time and its connection to Timelines and Bifurcation. This wisdom is so pertinent to this stage we are in right now, and I believe this will apply even more strongly as we whizz our way towards the eventual physical Bifurcation.

From Mary Allison:

Because of the timeline split, time itself will appear to speed up along with karmic fallout.
Karma is just energetic patterns alive in one's field that no longer support the growth of their soul. Stagnating habits that slow down the power of the soul are becoming more and more difficult for the soul (the higher self) to put up with. 
During a timeline split higher timelines become more purified while lower timelines become more dense. All that is unnecessary will be shed so that higher timelines can solidify into purity, while all that clings to impurity (misalignment) will receive reckoning through karma sooner, as time is bent to increase energetic field reaction instead of slow it down.

Please continue reading here.

23 April 2023

"Celebrity" ~ Mary Allison ~ 21 April 2023

Movies Stack Exchange

Kudos to Mary Allison for continuing to shatter society's belief systems in a straightforward yet insightful manner that unaware folk can easily comprehend without overwhelm. And I got to learn the origin of the word "celebrity" 😊 which then explains even more why they are called "celebrities".

Based on various resources over the years (from both Light and Dark sources, purportedly), we know that ALL societal structures come under the dark global system, for the simple reason that they were all created for control. The "entertainment" industry is no exception ~ in fact, it is one of the most controlled sectors, serving to entrain and distort minds through varying degrees of hypnosis and sublimal programming, as well as different forms of behavioural patterning and social conditioning. Toddlers are practically being volunteered as soon as they are able to focus their eyes, thanks to children's channels. And we know how deep, dark and deplorable the underbelly of this huge "entertainment" beast is. And yes, full of s@t@nic symbolism and rituals which are also now openly displayed in public during performances.

The "entertainment" sector is considered the main prong for "educating" the masses (hence, celebrities promoting the poisons). If I remember correctly (it's been some years), this sector is led by a "parent" (mother) that is actually called Femme Fatale, which would explain the hypersexualisation programming. It is also interesting to note that this term draws parallels with "FA-Ta-LE", who are a species of powerful female demons from the fallen White Dragons.

An excerpt of Mary's article follows, here for the full read.

The word, celebrity, traces back to the late fourteenth century definition, "a solemn right or ceremony."
The names of celebrities act as energetic magnifications of energy personified, miniature ceremonies cast into the collective field. Names carry power, they are emblems of an entire existence. Millions of people chanting or writing a name creates an energetic ripple effect of this person's energy. This ripple creates a web of consciousness amongst humanity. The names humanity speaks are often the chains humanity forms....

08 April 2023

Mental Illness & Ascension ~ Mary Allison ~ 7 April 2023

While the title of this article is "Mental Illness & Ascension" and suggests something severe, I do believe it has wider connotations that also cover a false sense of superiority/ego, false sense of security, not being grounded and mental rigidity. Actually, there's more but I think the picture is there.

Some may feel that what Mary Allison writes is harsh and unfair. Perhaps. But I have observed such traits several times in various so-called "advanced" spiritual groups so yes, I do resonate with Mary's thought process which is articulated with clarity and objectivity.

Here for Mary's article ~ an excerpt follows.

Mental Illness and Ascension 
The ascension pathway, the study of esoteric wisdoms like Keylontic Science, Theosophy, or The Ascension Glossary are obviously sources of rich insight, but they're being used as shields to mask emotional and mental hysteria. A spiraled degeneration of the human mind and body is presented as an ascension, which bends the organic theory of ascension into a mockery of its original meaning. 
Many have studied geometrical patterns and dimensional escapades without implementing the emotional or mental work needed to fully understand such teachings. While the subjects above contain pearls of wisdom, these pearls have been looped onto strings and worn as beacons of egoic signaling to the New Age Matrix. Knowledge is being memorized and used to spawn social strands of recognition, not instinctively remembered then organically shared wisdom.
Please continue here for the rest of the article.

22 March 2023

Dark Feminine ~ Mary Allison ~ 5 March 2023

A topic that can easily trigger defensive reactions, for sure ~ Mary Allison presents it objectively from her balanced viewpoint, and I appreciate her effort because I believe that it's a subject that needs to be acknowledged and addressed. It's a topic that I myself had wanted to bring up for some time now but did not get to it, so I was really glad to see this article.

To read Mary's writing, please visit her site ~ the following is an excerpt:

Many get upset when I use the word "dark feminine", when "dark masculine" or the now normalized phrase, "toxic masculinity" activates zero resistance.
I believe there is cultural hypocrisy regarding masculine and feminine accountability.
When it comes time for the feminine to collectively hold herself accountable (and this stands for feminine energy in men too), many carry the notion that anything female is inherently innocent...
When in reality, dark feminine energy is an all consuming entrapment that imprisons the mind or body into believing it's hopelessly stuck in a sticky spidered web of manipulated shame and lies......

28 November 2022

The Measure of Esoteric Alignment ~ Mary Allison ~ 22 November 2022

Mary Allison


Esoteric alignment is not measured through knowledge of the ethers, but through how we treat others.
Put simply, the way we treat others is the barometer for how integrated our esoteric knowledge actually is.

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...