04 March 2025
05 February 2025
M31 Andromeda, M33 Triangulum & Milky Way Procyak Merger ~ A Cosmic Restoration
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Nasa |
Over the past years, the topic of Andromeda Galaxy has been talked about consistently since the main concern was over the possible "collision" of this Galaxy with our own Milky Way. The experts had determined that both Galaxies are drawing nearer each other at a rate of 110km/second or 400,000km/hour. According to reports, this means that the meeting of both Galaxies is expected in about 4.5 billion years. Or not.
Will They Won't They
Astronomers and related experts have been flip-flopping over the potential of a "collision" for several years now, and I believe that the changes in status have been decided behind the scenes. In this 2012 article, Nasa was highly confident that a "titanic collision" would occur:
NASA astronomers announced Thursday they can now predict with certainty the next major cosmic event to affect our galaxy, sun, and solar system: the titanic collision of our Milky Way galaxy with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy.
The article also contains an animation of the "collision".
Then in 2024, for some significant reason, several articles started coming out saying this will not be happening. Here is one such report from Science.org:
For years, astronomers thought it was the Milky Way’s destiny to collide
with its near neighbor the Andromeda galaxy a few billion years from
now. But a new simulation finds a 50% chance the impending crunch will
end up a near-miss, at least for the next 10 billion years.
Astronomy is another voice assuring that it's "far from guaranteed":
If you’ve ever attended a star party, it’s more than likely that the astronomer on site pointed out the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) — currently around 2.5 million light-years away — and mentioned that it’s expected to collide with the Milky Way Galaxy in about 4.5 billion years. But recently, an international team of astronomers posted a study on the arXiv preprint server stating that the merger of the two galaxies is far from guaranteed.
So the latest status of this "collision" is now statistically down to a coin flip.
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The merger between our Milky Way and neighboring Andromeda ~ EarthSky |
Restoration Across The Cosmic Board
Before proceeding, I will reference this 2022 report from EarthSky, which called this Galactic event a "merger":
Milky Way and Andromeda merger has begun
The Andromeda galaxy, the nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way, isn’t noticeable in our night sky, unless you look for it. Under dark skies, however, you can see it without optical aid, but only as a barely visible fuzzy patch of light. But one day, far in the future, Andromeda will be bright in our sky, growing larger and larger … as it gets closer and closer to us. And even though the two galaxies are still 2.5 million light-years apart, the eventual merger of our two galaxies has, in fact, already begun.
....and in my opinion, that's an appropriate term to use instead of "collision". The article contains a lot of information and a couple of videos, it's worthwhile reading.
As we know, this part of the Cosmos is now actively involved in a massive Ascension Cycle requiring restoration on an uber-monumental scale. All that can be healed and brought back to its Divine Blueprint will undergo this process, and that includes Milky Way. Originally a part of Andromeda, our Galaxy split off when it fell in frequency as a result of attacks by the Fallen Races more than 300 billion years ago. It became known as Procyak, and later on Milky Way.
It has spent eons of time being a fallen system, subjected to so much darkness inflicted by the fallen ones. And now, after almost an eternity of waiting, our Milky Way has started its own restoration process, to culminate in a merger back with Andromeda as well as M33.
In E'Asha Ashayana's highly-detailed and extremely complex document (here), we can see that there are Ascension passages that link back to Andromeda. E'Asha uses the terms "Safe Havens" and "Emancipation" to describe aspects of these corridors ~ that gives us a very good idea what Andromeda represents to us. Here is a tiny snippet:
Such Transposition-Platform Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum “Pass-through potentials” occur through progressive activation, engagement and accretion of the Frequency Spectra inherent to the M31-Emancipation(M31-Andromeda galaxy)& M33-Transposition(M33-Triangulum galaxy)Passages of the Krystal-Bridge Passage Network.
I won't even try to explain or summarise the document because for me, it's just not possible ~ I won't even know how to start. If you haven't yet read the document, I do recommend it as it contains so much information. Even though it's just one aspect of the Ascension process, what E'Asha explains there provides a huge chunk of data to help us understand the technical mechanics of what's happening.
Milky Way is going through its own Ascension and Restoration that will reinstate its Divine Template....Andromeda is reclaiming back part of itself.
Namarie! ๐ฉต
03 February 2025
Star Gates
All the charts shown in this post were gathered some time back when I was trying to find additional information to better understand E'Asha Ashayana's teachings. They are all based on E'Asha's mind-boggling vast body of work, but I cannot tell if the first two are her actual productions or if they have been reproduced by others. Either way, thank you and due credit to the people involved.
From the Universal Star Gates chart above, we can see that both Earth and our Sun are included ~ this is one of the primary reasons why our Planet has been highly coveted by the fallen ones over the eons, and why there's so much footage of craft traffic around our Sun (mostly of unbelievable size).
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Solar System Star Gates |
This chart shows the locations of the Planetary Star Gates. I believe ~ based on the Korean text ~ I could have screenshot it from one of TrhUah School's videos.
And this corresponding chart is definitely an E'Asha production:
Namarie! ๐
07 November 2024
Trumpet-Jehovian-1 Out-Picturing....?
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KDDL3 E'Asha Ashayana |
Thankfully May 2025 it's CB-1 out-picturing....it cannot come soon enough. Plenty of Lightwork in all its various forms required over the next months!
Namarie! ๐
31 October 2024
Cosmic Order ~ E'Asha Ashayana
A new video uploaded by TrhUah School, excerpted from "Science and Spirituality of Creation 2003", please watch here.
Interestingly, when E'Asha describes channellings as "broadcasts", it reminded me of my own experience (Radio Metatron).
10 October 2024
BE The Light!
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Share Love To All |
So much playing out in the external realm right now. And most of it bears the hand of the dark's agenda or manipulation ~ prolonged wars, invasions, not-so-natural disasters, escalating political/religious/racial tensions, new conflicts.
It's such a challenging period all around the globe, happening simultaneously with the greatest Ascension event that our Planet and Humanity has experienced in a very, very long time. We've known for several years now that it would not be easy, but I think we were not really prepared for how challenging things could get.
We are creator beings. Energy flows where attention goes, as they say. We attract the creation that we are, said in another way. With the media working hard to bombard the Collective Consciousness with the most negative and hyped-up version of "news", imagine the massive potential of a worldwide population's focus to create or sustain the crises being broadcast round the clock.
Our Lightwork never stops ~ in fact, it's becoming more crucial as we progress forward. Let's remember to pray, ask, intend, visualise, focus on the desire outcome or solution instead of the problem.
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Mystic Sounds |
We stand steadfast and strong in our Sovereignty, unwavering in our support of the Ascension process.
We Shine Our Light. We BE the Light.
Namarie! ๐
09 September 2024
Catching Up! ~ Part 1
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Zen to Zany |
Admittedly, there's quite a lot for me to catch up on so I'll see how this post goes. It could get really long and rambling ~ something not unusual for me, I know ~ or I'll do it in two parts.
So....how is everyone? Doing well and flowing with ease, I hope. If this is you, then celebrate, fire up that Soul Smile and continue Shining Your Light! If this isn't you, then celebrate, fire up that Soul Smile and continue Shining Your Light! ๐
Yep, that meme there says it all, doesn't it? Given that our Beautiful Planet is ever-increasing her frequency and our daily hours continue to compress....phew. It feels like lots of stuff is being thrown at us to resolve, wrap up or just let go. The growing sense of urgency yet at the same time the need to expand and Be. So much happening on so many levels simultaneously.
The Brain Area
Ah yes....the mush that was formerly my brain....I have no idea what's happening there but I will guess that the Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus are all sharing the spotlight. The periodic pain, moments of zoning out, going blank mentally....all such fun when I have a list of things to attend to. The icing on the cake appears to be the giant rash-like flare-up between the brows in the Pineal area. Again, I can only guess that there's some intense partying going on there, resulting in the itchy inflamed spot. Castor oil to the rescue!
As I'm writing this, I'm also patting myself on the back ๐ because despite the fact that I'm struggling to write (very close to zoning out) I remember I have kept a screenshot of something to do with this trio of glands that E'Asha Ashayana briefly touched on in a workshop. A moment, please....
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Arhayas Productions |
Thankfully I found it without any trouble. I will again qualify that I'm just guessing what's happening with the brain, and any connection I'm making to E'Asha's teaching is purely my own.
This isn't the first time I've mentioned stuff happening in the brain area, but this round feels quite brutal at times.
Ancient Memories & Emotions
I mentioned just last month that this period feels more challenging because there are strong emotions compounding situations. I feel that a large part of the rising emotions come from flashbacks of ancient memories that seem to sweep across our psyche in brief moments. It's like they are surfacing to be acknowledged, healed and cleared but they sometimes leave wisps of emotional charge behind, and that could be what's affecting us. Daily clearing of all that no longer serve is compulsory, in my opinion.
These flashes of the distant past may just feel like a strange sensation, and not necessarily a memory that plays out in our mind. I strongly believe it's not necessary to know what the details are of the memory in order for them to be healed and cleared ~ that is happening at a subconscious level and it's occurring frequently.
Tractor Beam
This is a visual I actually received last month but haven't yet written about it. Apart from being in cave-mode, I was waiting to see if I would get further clarification. Nope. All I have is a rather curt retort: What more is there to explain?
So okay, here goes. I'm still seeing all the various codes and geometries that are swirling, expanding and vibing in dynamic fashion. It's still a chockful of energies. Although I can't imagine how much more they're going to throw at us, I'm very certain the energies will only continue to increase in intensity and grow in numbers.
The new element that I felt more than I saw is that we're being pulled. Like in a tractor beam ร la Star Trek. And THANK YOU Divine Team again for reminding me to link to an update from April 2024 (here ~ about a grid being locked-on to secure us) which is connected to this tractor beam thing I felt and saw.
Wow. OK. I'm actually quite speechless.
Synchronicities: More Obscure
I'll finish this post after this part, I'm really trying to be coherent ๐ This one is nice and simple, very easy on my brain ~ Synchronicity!
Synchronicity is presenting in more obscure and interesting ways now. I've heard several instances of this happening with others, and I'll relate a personal one.
Someone recommended a short video of Michael Tellinger talking about how patinas on rocks can be used to estimate age. (I had to research what "patina" meant in this case, very fascinating.)
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Michael Tellinger |
Barely a couple of hours after watching this, I went to search for Peter Gregson's theme music from A Little Chaos. On his yt page, I noticed that he has an album called....Patina.
I will continue in Part 2.
Namarie! ๐
21 July 2024
12 DNA Nucleotides ~ E'Asha Ashayana
In this clip, E'Asha Ashayana explains that we were supposed to have 12 nucleotides instead of the existing 4 (A-C-G-T), as per our Divine Template.
If I remember correctly, Crystalai called the little rungs "harpstrings".
E'Asha's website is Arhayas Productions.
27 March 2024
The Maharaji of Sirius-B: Blue-Skinned "Gods" in Hindu Sacred Texts
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Temple Purohit |
Some years ago, while enjoying lunch with a friend at a well-established Temple-affiliated vegetarian restaurant, I thought it would be a good opportunity to sneak in some paradigm-shifting conversation. Diverting her attention away from the delicious food to the elaborate Hindu "gods" paintings on the wall, I highlighted their blue skins, pointing out that they were not accidental or mistakes as the paintings were very detailed and realistic. Appropriately intrigued, she wondered what the significance was and asked if I thought the deities actually had blue skin.
I knew very little true history at that time about the blue-skinned deities enshrined in sacred Hindu texts such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, but I was emphatic enough to say that yes I believe they actually had blue skin, that it wasn't just a symbolic depiction as "scholars" would have us believe, that it wasn't some mythological representation of history. And....yep I also told her that I believe they were actually ETs (which I underscored by showing her the "flying chariots" ~ Vimanas ~ in the paintings). Kudos to my friend for taking it all in without losing her appetite since we've known each other for over two decades and she's accepted the fact that I tend to come out with some weird stuff now and then ๐
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The Archaeologist |
It did bother me for a long time because I just could not seem to find more information about these obviously Guardian-type ETs who had fought against "demons" at what must have been a most perilous time for Humanity. Given that there would be distortions/alterations in even the most unblemished or protected of scriptures, I also wondered about the Reptilians' prominence in the texts.
Some attribute the origin of these deities to Sirius-B, based on their blue-skin and very little else. I was happy to agree with this assumption but wanted a whole lot more. It would take several years before I would come across adequate information about this ET race, thanks to E'Asha Ashayana.
A few months ago, I came across a video where E'Asha was talking about the various ET races that helped to guide Humanity in our evolution, one of them being the blue-skinned Maharaji from Sirius-B. I distinctly remember her saying that these were the same Beings that came to our Planet to battle the Fallen ones as the Angelic Race was in an extremely dire situation. The Maharaji were one of the Guardian Races, and they were also the closest to Earth at that time, hence their swift arrival and subsequent defeat of the Fallen ones. E'Asha also confirmed that these were the same blue-skinned Beings worshipped as deities in Hindu scriptures. I was very excited and grateful for that piece of information but unfortunately, I do not have that video so I'm not able to extract that bit out.
What I can do is to post the following, which are excerpts from the book Voyager II Secrets of Amenti by E'Asha Ashayana (then Ashayana Deane, published 2001). They are basically segments about the Maharaji, denoted by page number.
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pg.250 |
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pg.266 |
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pg.271 |
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pg.312 |
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pg.318 |
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pg.320 |
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pg.321 |
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pg.328 |
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pg.329 |
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pg.339 |
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pg.341 |
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pg.371 |
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pg.379 |
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pg.382 |
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pg.392 |
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pg.427 |
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pg.512 |
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pg.557 |
From the texts, we can see that the Maharaji were indeed Guardians and they have been very involved with the long and convoluted history of the Angelic Human Race, intervening whenever they had to and helping us with our evolution. We also see that the Guardians' attempts to negotiate treaties with the Fallen Angelics (FA) were largely unsuccessful ~ the FAs generally appear to be unable to honour them.
The last two pages I posted (pg.512 & 557) indicated a 2012 grand plan for our Planet's and Humanity's Ascension as well as a physical contact with specific races (that would be the ones who look most similar to Earth Humans, to minimise....well, shock to the majority who have been deceived and programmed to not believe in ETs). Obviously, this was not the case as the FAs gained more control following the aftermath of September 2001 and our Planet was almost lost to the Phantom Matrix. This triggered the events that launched the Fail-Safe Ascension, our Planet's Nomi-Code and the Grand Salvage Mission for the fallen sectors.
And Accelerated Ascension! The Ascension Passages are all open, and the Inorganic Timeline has been severed.
So, even though we did not get to experience the 2012 Universal Day of Renewal and we had to go through several years of teetering on the edge, with things getting so bad that instigated the highest Divine Intervention possible....we are now in Fail-Safe mode, receiving Cosmic energies from the Highest Heavens, and taking the express route Home ๐
Namarie! ๐ฉต
14 February 2024
Chevron Bursts & Trumpet-Jehovian Waves
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KDDL3 S8B 31May2020 |
A video excerpt from E'Asha Ashayana (May 2020) about the Chevron Bursts (CB) Organic and Trumpet-Jehovian (TJ) Inorganic Waves, and their definitions. As before, I've done what I could to sharpen the screenshots but it still looks like a bit of squinting is required. (Click on image to enlarge.)
It's so satisfying to hear E'Asha explain the bit about CBs neutralising TJ waves. The Cosmic Cavalry is clearing out the cancerous growth in affected parts of Creation.
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E'Asha Ashayana |
19 January 2024
Kryst-Shifting Planet ~ E'Asha Ashaya & Ari Rishi ~ 14 January 2024
The Bifurcation partially explained using Spiritual Physics, and why it simply has to occur when a Planet goes through an Ascension Cycle.
Here's where to watch the video.
Using my own basic words (and all this you already know but I will proceed to summarise for the purpose of this post)....our Planet ~ as a sentient Being in her own right ~ has chosen to ascend out of her distorted template form, sustained from eons of abuse by the fallen ones. She is connecting with her own Divinity/god-Self (or whatever term you prefer) and is raising her frequency through accretion of energies coming from the Source-fields, healing her template realms and evolving "upwards" back to her original Divine Blueprint. Earth Mum is Going Home.
As Life-forms inhabiting her realms, we too must ascend in synch with her....we are the micro to her macro, and we must also heal our own DNA and template distortions. (Furthermore, this is the ultimate objective for the Angelic Human Race ~ to ascend back Home after long passages of Time being trapped in this fallen part of Creation.)
In a "normal" Ascension Timeline, the process can take hundreds of thousands of years as Planet and her Humanity shifts and heals stage by stage in the evolution path back to their original Divine Blueprint. However, with the Krystal-River Fail-Safe Host and the Highest Heavens in Source-Fields involved, Earth Mum's uber-accelerated Ascension journey will take just 900-1000 years.
Those who have chosen not to ascend ~ using their own Free Will ~ will be "sifted" out of the Planetary realms as their energies will be progressively incompatible with that of an ascending world. The choice is up to each individual ~ to Kryst-Shift or Sift.
The following three screenshots are taken from the video:
We are Divine, We are Sovereign, We are Free!
Namarie! ๐ฉต
17 January 2024
EFFI Prayer ~ E'Asha Ashayana
Over the next couple of weeks or so, I plan to roll out some suggestions for daily practices as we journey through 2024. There are already a couple posted towards the end of 2023 as well as one on 1st January this year ~ I hope that you can find something that aligns and works well with you.
This prayer is profound yet simple, powerful yet beautiful. You can offer this anytime of the day ~ every morning and before sleep is my suggestion but of course please go with your own guidance.
The following are screenshots of an explanation for the term "EFFI" and the prayer itself, taken from E'Asha Ashayana's KDDL3 S6B 14Feb2019 workshop. She also advised that if your first language is not English, then please translate it to your spoken language to help with the frequency. As for the term "EFFI", E'Asha asks that you feel free to substitute the first line to whatever name or term you prefer. "EFFI-Source" is my personal choice.
I also add another line:
Please Heal me and Fill me with your Divine Perfection
I do not know if this will disrupt the flow or frequency, I'm just sharing what I do.
E'Asha Ashayana's website is ARhAyas Productions.
Namarie! ๐
14 January 2024
12-Strand DNA Activation ~ E'Asha Ashayana
Synchronicity strikes! I just came across this clip from E'Asha Ashayana about the promise of 12-strand DNA activation offered by spiritual teachers. I have personally been solicited by several over the years to take such activations (for a very high fee, of course) and I will admit that a couple were so convincing I was tempted.
A few hours ago, I posted my personal caution against taking monatomic gold (previous post), and yes that is just my opinion. Then I come across this video so of course I have to publish this as well.
Remember that the Anunnaki were originally these high-coded Beings before they fell. Generally speaking, they are the ones who set up the Spiritual and esoteric systems and are largely responsible for false light/reversed teachings. (Drakos/Reptilians are more of the military and orthodox side of things.)
The following is from Ava Marie's fb page ~ I've included the video at the bottom of this post for those without fb:

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (ะะะ ะฒะพะทะปะต ะกะพะปะฝัะฐ - ะคะตะฒัะฐะปั 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025
myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...

KDDL-3: 4 June 2023 On 4 June 2023, E'Asha Ashayana gave a (rare) update on some major and significant developments of the current Cosmi...
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This mantra from Lee Harris & Davor Bozic is something we can use not only as an affirmation, but also to play in the background to allo...