16 December 2022

New Codes: Part 2 of 2


This is the continuation of the previous post, where I tried to describe the "new" codes that I saw coming in.



Several years ago, I listened in to the enjoyable and profound thoughts of someone called "Mysterious Gil" (who has since then, mysteriously disappeared....). He observed that ".....the past is old, the future is ancient". I just went back to my previous blog to see what I could pull up about this phrase ~ according to the notes I took, this is how Gil explained it (taken from The Earth Plan, August 2014):

The past is old, the future is ancient ~ our destiny is our origin, we spring from Source and now we are returning to our core, to Source.

(Interestingly, the tagline of this blog is "....and now, the return Home")

I bring up this phrase because that was what came to mind when I was tuning into the 4th code which I described previously, the ones that looked like columns of Light. As I had mentioned:

They look like crystalline columns of Light, with a sense of orderliness and structure. Pure, pristine, precise. Columns of Pure Light, undifferentiated from First Creation. A sense of the "Now" being bridged with "Ancient/First Creation". 

Just like the other two codes ("Emanations" and "Projectiles"), they all gave me a very strong sense of Source, as if they were codes that came from the very realms of Source.....the ancient future is not just our destination, it is also our own restoration back to the Original Divine Blueprint from First Creation itself. The process of our own Ascension is the ancient future.


I have written before that where Earth Mum's transmission codes are concerned, the keyword is "NEW". Everything about her Ascension is new, including a new Covenant (here). I also felt nothing ancient at all about the codes I saw ("Blooms of Frequency").

Admittedly, while I was writing about these codes earlier, I did wonder why Earth Mum's codes did not feel ancient, as did the other three. Before then, I hadn't questioned why everything was new where Earth Mum was concerned ~ I just basically reported what I received. But at that time of writing the previous post, I started to ask questions ~ we are being rehabilitated and restored back to our Divine Blueprint (that is obviously not "new"), but why is everything about Earth Mum new?

Thankfully, I was saved from mental self-torture when I got that it has all to do with Earth Mum's origin itself. She is an aspect of Tara from Density 2 (Harmonic Universe 2/Dimensions 4-5-6) that fell into Density 1 (HU 1/Dimensions 1-2-3). Earth Mum's origin is a fallen one. In a fallen sector of the Cosmos, with distorted Creation Codes that are not of Source origin, not of Divine Blueprint.

So....that is why she's not returning to her Divine Blueprint, because basically she has none. Therefore, everything is NEW about her dazzling bright future where she will be transforming into a Star. (Not to mention she has the Rescue Codes of a Noble Nomi Planet to restore the fallen parts of this sector....and that's another story for another day.) She is definitely a Special Lady beyond description, with her own special status. And mysteries. (Don't ask me why I wrote that last bit....🤷🏽‍♀️)

Namarie! 💝

(Part 1 is here)

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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