07 December 2021

December = 2021 x 31

Special effects fun with our Sun


And there goes 2021. (Almost.) 2022 will whizz by even faster, and 2023 faster yet. Until we get to....well, whenever it is 😁 and then the nature of Time will be very different. As it is, Time has already become so strange, and I truly have no idea at the moment what it will feel like when....well, when we "get there". 2021 has been but 11+ rapid blinks of an eye, but paradoxically each day of December has felt that I've lived the entire year of 2021 in one day. That is not to say December so far has stretched out ~ the days still go by like a whirlwind in a huge hurry. I can't explain it properly but I'm sure you know what I mean 😄


Energy Tune-In

When I got out of bed on the first of this month, I immediately felt something major unfolding. Literally and figuratively, it was difficult for me to find my footing. It was as if I had stepped into a reality that was unknown, and the energies were thick, in the sense that there seemed to be several bands of energies conglomerating together. It felt all over the place, with the sense that everything was happening, and anything could happen. Throughout the day, I found myself wading through what felt like an ocean of energies that had been dumped onto the Planet overnight.

This continued for five days, with clumsiness presenting strongly. The low-level migraine that constantly threatened to explode into a full-blown episode hung heavy in my head, but I knew that that wouldn't happen, so I was generally fine and able to function without issues. However, the clumsiness cranked up several notches and I just resign myself to it.

Electronics acted up like they were the main stars on stage. I found myself having to constantly  negotiate with them and blessing them. Several times I couldn't find my phone although I could have sworn I left it in places different from where I eventually found it. And the battery on my PC drained so fast I had to leave it charging every time I used it.

In an earlier update I wrote about the constant heat flashes. They are still present, but what I did not expect were the cold freezes. I was so cold at times I wondered if it was the monsoon rain or if I was coming down with something. There were freezing moments and then there were the heat flashes. It's like Polarity is determined to make its last hurrah as strongly as possible, in all ways, as we make our way out of this realm.

What I had left out in my previous Energy Tune-In was the energy of Gold. I didn't really "see" this, it was more of a sense that a lot of Gold was (and still is) presenting ~ not in a major way but "peripherally".

Pressure also feels like it's been increased tremendously since December dawned. The Planet is in a great hurry with many thing accelerated, and Humanity is being pressed from the top and poked from behind to get their act together. Our Planet has been continually ratcheting and amping up her progress so Humanity needs to pick up as much speed as possible so we don't lag too far behind or the pressure will become unbearable.

Phasing in and out of dimensions is another regular occurrence. Sometimes it gets to the point that it can take a bit more time to be present in the physical body. I believe that this is more to do with DNA than veils or boundaries thinning even more. 

I get the sense that yet another volley of dark interference was unleashed in the early days of December. I also get that the intention was severe but the execution was weakened (thwarted?). It feels like this is also why our Planet's plans/progress has accelerated because the attempts get more desperate as time passes and "the end" approaches. More than this I'm unable to say as I don't know the details. However, this does create an even more challenging scenario for Humanity, which is already lagging in progress due to the collective fear from the dark health agenda. I think that key Lightworkers/Light Warriors will be playing an even more expanded role as they attempt to make up for the increased lag on behalf of Humanity. These will be the ones that had special Energy Codes delivered and activated in them, which I wrote about a few years ago in The Earth Plan.

And finally, we come to diet. I really enjoy my food so this one actually pushed my patience to the limit. No matter what I did, it seems that I'm not getting the food that my body needs. I tried semi-fasting, didn't work. Liquid diet, didn't work. Raw food, eating more, eating less....nothing made my body feel happy. It's as though my body wants food that doesn't (yet) exist. I've experienced this phase before a couple of times some time ago, so it's not entirely unfamiliar to me. I just need to do my best, and allow this phase to pass. What compounds this situation is that I get cravings but when I actually act on them, my body still feels  unhappy.


Some Relief

Yesterday, the 6th of December, felt different in the sense that the pressure has been released somewhat. There was more "space/room" as compared with the compacted conglomeration of energies before. I do note that this is after the Total Solar Eclipse, which I'm quite certain is connected with what's been unfolding since the first day of December. I'm thinking there must have been some crucial and very significant events that have taken place which would be critical for this time period leading to the new year of 2022, and indeed for that year itself. Which brings me to the next topic....

Major Shifts Today

I had planned to do this write-up on the 4th, but something always came up unexpectedly to prevent me from doing so. Obviously I see now that I had to wait for the energetic pressure to lift so that I could mention it. One more thing that I can now add is that this morning (7th), I felt more than one major shift 😮 I don't quite know how many (three?) but what I can say for sure is that there's some serious stuff transpiring.

It's really important for us this month to ensure that we focus on our Light work and not get too distracted by the loud noises of wrenches being thrown in the works. Keep our vibes high and create our own Bubble of Reality as often as possible. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛💙

PS. I forgot to mention the Solar Flares.... 19 flares over three days 4 - 6 December.


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