
28 July 2021

We've been away from Home for such a long age of Time. So long that we had become lost and mired in worlds that did everything they could to prevent our return.

We've taken detours, got distracted, stumbled and fell, took another's path instead of our own, were misguided or misled, and even gave up.

We've picked ourselves up repeatedly, savoured every step we took, discovered Beauty around us, enriched places we were in, and even created better routes for easier navigation.

We've been pauper and prince, tyrant and slave.

We've been hauled through hell, and have paraded in Paradise.

We've spawned collective experiences that fill Akashic Libraries and cram the crowded Corridors of Cosmic Creation.

Throughout the long Saga of Falling and Forgetting, it was always about returning Home. Going back to our original state of Divine Consciousness and reuniting with Source Family. But over eons come and gone we kept being yanked back over and over again each time we tried to return, tethered to an inauthentic reality masquerading as Divine Creation.

Now, with Divine Right Timing, our Beloved Planet has pulled out her Ace card and flashed its brilliant Light in the darkness ~ a triumphant signal to Cosmic Creation that she's breaking free and heading Home. Cosmic events and processes in the rehabilitation, renewal and re-Creation of fallen sectors have accelerated and amplified.

Guided and buoyed by Divine Emanations from Home, she's charting her course, steadfast and sure in her stride. These silent energies are also calling us ~ speaking loudly and directly to our DNA. It's largely been about the DNA, the Source Codes within our own physical bodies. And for the first time since we left, we can finally and at long last see the faint but determined Light radiating from the Porch, a homing beacon to show the way.

It's time. Homeward bound.

Namarie! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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