Showing posts with label thought forms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thought forms. Show all posts

07 September 2023

Daily Clearing


Just recently, I posted a video from A'sha Love where she talks about Spiritual/Psychic Hygiene. This is one of my daily clearing exercise, for anyone interested. Perhaps it can provide an idea of how you can set up a daily routine for Spiritual cleansing and clearing.

Namarie! 💙

02 September 2023

Falling Apart....Or Falling Into Place? ~ Matt Kahn ~ 31 August 2023

Matt Kahn

Sometimes, we need to go through a de-construction before we can re-construct. 

In this time of Ascension that we are in, we are required to be our Authentic Self, nothing less. This can mean that if what we had constructed for ourselves ~ persona, lifestyle, mindset etc ~ did not align with our Authenticity, then rebuilding needs to happen. 

And sometimes, a shift in perspective is all it takes to turn things around.

23 August 2023

Divine Decree: Highest Trajectories ~ Sandra Walter ~ 22 August 2023

Sandra Walter

There's so much going on energetically at the physical level and therefore in our biological bodies ~ having to heal much and work through many changes, they need all the love and care we can provide.

The mental body, unsurprisingly, can be on overdrive and distracted, trying its best to make sense of all that is happening. Meditations are usually the remedy, and so are affirmations that will re-focus wayward thoughts and entrain mental patterning. 

(Having said all that, please do bear in mind every body accesses and processes these Ascension energies differently.)

I find myself gravitating towards Sandra Walter's decrees. She has already posted so many over the past years ~ I find them to be powerful spiritual tools.

Namarie! 💜

19 August 2023

Keeping Our Word ~ Hafiz


"Every time a man upon the path does not keep his word
Some angels grumble and have to remove a few of the bets
they had placed upon his heart to win"    

* via Rumi Hugs

I think of this as keeping our word to our own Divine Self....

Light Beings have faith in us....and that's the least we can do for ourselves.

Surrendering Limitations & Embracing Divine Awareness ~ Sandra Walter ~ 14 August 2023

Sandra Walter


16 July 2023

Blame It On The Rain

Luke Coutinho

With thanks to Dianne Warren for the title ~  and to Milli Vanilli for being the "front"....

This is like the second part to Spotlight on Darkness as this psycho-tactic gained traction about twenty years ago and rapidly elevated itself to a major catch-all blame in both spiritual and psychotherapy camps. It is another huge mental-emotional warfare control agenda designed to cripple spiritual growth and perpetually feed both medical and psychotherapy industries.

And just like the earlier post, this was also something that I had wanted to highlight, spotlight and call out for quite some time. Synchronicity sent me relevant quotations in the past couple of weeks that echo my thoughts on this, so thank you to Synchronicity as well.

Blame vs Self-Accountability

Blaming something or someone else is so easy and such a convenient way of letting ourselves slip away from self-accountability. Is it so wrong to blame someone or something else, if that's really what happened? Of course not! There is a huge difference between assigning blame for who/what caused the situation, and assigning blame for allowing the situation to continue unaddressed. 

To take an extreme example: An individual can blame the drunk driver for killing his entire family and leaving him confined to a wheelchair. However, to continue to blame the driver and allow the tragedy to slowly destroy him by not trying to live his life again....that is also in itself tragic. If he refuses to do anything to help himself heal and instead chooses to spend his life-energy on blaming the driver, then each day that passes is a day squandered and gone forever.

He has effectively given away total control of his life to this driver by holding on to the blame instead of working to improve his situation. In essence, it's like allowing the accident to successfully wreck the individual's life for good if the individual continues to focus on the blame instead of doing what he can to make his life better.

Each moment, he has the fresh opportunity to take back control of his own life, heal and move forward. Or he can continue to choose to be powerless by blaming the driver and doing nothing to help his situation. I know middle-aged people who still blame their now-deceased parents and childhood for their current setbacks, refusing to help themselves make adjustments to improve; it is both self-defeating and self-sabotaging.

Blame is so deceptively simple while healing and being self-accountable is hard work, this much is true....for the short-term. Ultimately, the former can eventually destroy the individual while the latter leads to life-changing improvement.

Getting Off The Boat

Caroline Myss

There is no denying that therapy has a place in healing from trauma by providing a "safe" place for cathartic dialogue and liberation/transformation of trapped energy (emotions). Oftentimes a pair of neutral listening ears and a supportive attitude can provide the precise prescription to help propel the individual forward, or at least take that important first step in the right direction. However, if the process is enabling individuals to continuously blame others for their situation, foster life-long dependency or arrests forward movement, then there's certainly something very wrong.

Therapy must have a limit ~ the boat must take us across the river, and once we reach the other side, we must get off.

I've said earlier that talking about the trauma can provide huge healing, but when individuals are repeatedly re-hashing their stories, it goes against proper healing. Reliving trauma by thinking or talking about it over and over and over again is not much different than actually being in it ~ it's all energy and that's how our psyche sees and interprets an actual experience. 

Here's how friend described this dark side of therapy ~ "It's like a wound that's healing, and then every time the patient digs up the trauma during therapy, the wound is opened up again." And to that I add ~ open wounds are more susceptible to fresh suggestibility and vulnerability to adversity.


Let It Go

Nikita Gill via Tiny Buddha

LET IT GO. This has become something like a mantra in this blog because I've said it so often. But it truly is the one of the most basic and simplest thing to do when we wish to really heal from a situation. Bearing in mind that our psyche perceives through interpreting energy ~ whether it's a real experience or a mental thought/spoken words, it's seen as the same thing.

One of the things I usually suggest for healing is this ~ blame all you want, scream the loudest and longest you can, rant and rave, sob, judge the heck out of the person. ...but set a timer. Give yourself 10 minutes, an hour, 24 hours, a week. And then LET.IT.GO.

Letting go relieves us of unwanted baggage that drags us down further into the pit. Letting go means releasing our vise-like grip on someone else's chains so we can move forward. Letting go means breaking out of the self-imprisonment so we have the freedom to shape our life, freedom to discover who we really are, freedom to express a higher reality.

Letting go is the first step, and then we just do what we can moment by moment, one baby step at a time.

If there's one thing I need to add to "Let it go", it would be "....and don't pick it up again."


Suffering Is Optional

Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts

Culture, tradition, religion, nationalism and society ~ they are all designed to be instrumental in making us believe there's honour and integrity in suffering. Martydom is held in very high regard instead of seeing it for what it truly is ~ a sacrificial program.

Suffering is optional, it is entirely up to the individual if they wish to take it on or choose better instead. Suffering gets us no where except into unnecessary misery and unwarranted martyrdom.

Moving On & Growing Into The Light

Due to the long and winding past Humanity has had, we have been up against countless blocks and barriers that stood in our way of spiritual growth. We have been like putty in the hands of the control system for far too long, and this is the time when we are receiving so much support to stand up and say NO!!! IT ENDS HERE AND IT ENDS NOW! This is the gift of Ascension we've been bestowed and this is something each one of us must extend our hands out to receive. This is the time we focus on our personal journey and not be swayed by all that's being done to prevent our Ascension. 

The past pain and history do not define our Now, they do not define our True Self.

We reclaim our self-accountability, we reclaim our self-empowerment, we reclaim our self-love.

We grow our own Divine Light within and stand strong in our Sovereignty.

We place the control of our lives back into our own hands where it belongs.

Namarie! 💗

09 July 2023

06 March 2023

Forgiveness: Part 2

Background image: shutterstock

Forgiveness ~ a topic that's challenging for many, as far as I've discovered. 

On numerous occasions quite recently, I find myself encouraging people to forgive those (especially loved ones) who had, in their experience, hurt them deeply. The hurt or betrayal had left such a gaping gash that it was very challenging for them to move beyond that point in time when it happened. I comforted them the best I could, listened as long as it required, gave out tissues and hugs. I also suggested taking their time to heal but added that it would help greatly if they forgave their offenders. That last bit usually doesn't go down well.

While most of them said hesitantly (and very reluctantly) that they will think about it or work on it, someone actually looked at me and asked with pure disbelief in her eyes and near-horror in her tone of voice, how is it possible for her to forgive such a major thing?! Another one had a look that implied "Are you serious?!" 

In short, I didn't do a good job. Much more was said after they got over their initial indignation, and from what I have read beyond the words, I do believe that there's a part of them that would be willing to consider forgiveness (given sufficient time) but surely it can't be as easy as just saying let it go and move on? 

I'm not really into lengthy processing or procedures, so all I could offer them was a simple method of just doing a "decide it's time/forgive/let go/move on". And each time the mind strays and replays the hurtful past, repeat the process again. And again, and again, and again....with each time becoming easier and faster to get past the past. 

But since it would appear that most people would prefer to be walked through a more thorough process (of which I was clueless), Sandra Walter's step-by-step guidance was perfect both in tutoring and timing because it arrived the following day after I had tried in vain to convince someone that forgiving really is key in moving forward. I think it's also really astute that she calls it a Forgiveness "Ceremony" ~ I believe it will certainly appeal to many to at least give it a go.

Will the hurt be fully healed and not bother us ever again? Maybe, but likely not. The point is to move on and free ourselves, even if we still feel the vestiges of pain or flashes of memory. It's like some of us have childhood scars from painful falls or accidents that never go away, but they no longer bother or debilitate us any more.

Forgiving others does not in any way shape or form equate to agreeing or condoning what happened. Forgiving enables us to extricate ourselves from that shared field of time-space reality in which the "deed" took place so that it no longer remains phase-locked in our own field. It's like taking back our energy that the shared reality-field was repeatedly expending each time we re-lived the experience in agony, resentment, bitterness, hatred etc. The price we pay is horrendously high each time we are presented with the bill after we order up the experience over and over again.

Forgiveness is so much more than being "kind". Forgiveness is ultimately for ourselves as well, because it truly frees us from the studded shackles we've placed around our hearts, the crown of thorns that hurt our heads, and the ball-and-chain we've cuffed to our lives. Forgiving others is liberating ourselves from being bonded to the past. Forgiveness inspires self-growth. 

Forgiving is "for-giving ourselves"....for giving ourselves the freedom and the signal to move forward.

What about the other end of the equation? When we are laden with guilt over something we did? When we ourselves hurt someone else? The principle is the same, except with one pertinent aspect ~ what we have learnt in the process, to ensure that we don't make the same mistake again. "When we know better, we do better."

Pass It On (Values)

Namarie! 💚


12 January 2023


"Flip". This is what I keep getting. 

It all started when I noticed that the hand soap bottle and my ointment bottle had changed sides on my bathroom sink, with the former being on the left of the tap and the latter on the right. The word "flip" immediately registered. I would never consciously place the soap on the left of the tap ~ soap has always been on the right, it's habitual.

Within just a couple of hours thereafter, I heard two different instances where the word "flip" was used in separate conversations. Used "properly", that is, and not in the sense of slang or swear.

What also kept coming to mind is the above image that I put together in 2015 (hence the seven billion population count). 

Eight years on, it is my strong intention and HOPE that 2023 is when we finally and at long last get to flip the script.

Namarie! 💛

07 January 2023

2023: Year of the Soul

Happy 2023! Yes, I know ~ our current calendar is pretty much a distorted version of measuring Time in a sequential and linear manner, but never mind, Happy 2023 all the same 😄 

Personally and energetically, the "New Year" felt like it started in late November, right around the time I started seeing the "Source-Field Codes". It has been such a _____ (no words left to describe) period of time since then ~ many things have presented, most of which I have yet to process and comprehend, and at the same time, there's been (increased) clarity over many other things. For now, I will translate into text the main theme that's been presenting very strongly and persistently over the past weeks, which I believe will run throughout 2023 and beyond.

In June 2020, I put together the image below to illustrate what was going on at that time:

No Soul left unchurned

I had meant to post it in The Earth Plan, but unexpectedly found out a year-and-half later that I hadn't for some unfathomable reason. So I posted it here on Divine*Emanations in January 2022, and added the years 2021 and 2022 because I felt the same theme continuing (here).

I bring this up because I feel the "Soul" theme is still presenting very strongly for 2023. This year, it's all about the Soul and hence, the title of this post. I believe that no matter which stage we are at in our Awakening & Ascension process (for many this is unfolding simultaneously....this is seriously accelerating globally now), it will be a Soul-based year and we will find ourselves at one or more of the following levels....

Soul Searching

After almost three years of Soul-churning in the Collective Consciousness, comes the belated Soul-searching. In the Soul-churning phase, Humanity in general was akin to the proverbial hamster-in-the-wheel ~ much going on (mostly frenetic) but never really properly advancing positively. There was a lot of awareness, yes ~ but bearing in mind that I'm speaking in terms of energy and/or Spirit/Soul, there was still largely only churning going on. Those who started becoming aware of the global control system focussed mainly on external events and did not make any connections within in terms of Spiritual awakening. Many who were already aware and on the spiritual path found themselves distracted by major psyop narratives or false light/false ascension channels that diverted their attention and energies away from continued spiritual growth. Hence, churning.

For those who have resisted and stubbornly remained oblivious to the visible signs of the control system, it will be a time of intense Soul-searching. Endless questions with seemingly no answers, accompanied by much teeth gnashing and hand wringing. There are answers, but they are not the preferred answers that these beings are expecting. Souls who are Soul-searching will eventually have to face the person staring back at them in the mirror, they will have to at long-last turn away from the external noise and listen to the growing voice within. This will also apply to those who were jolted awake and saw through the health agenda manipulations and control mechanisms, but fell straight into extreme polarisation, blame-game and saviour programmes, bypassing any real spiritual connection and growth.

As we know only too well, the related outcome of Soul-searching almost always is the dreaded Dark Night of the Soul. The saving grace is that in this accelerated timeline of the Ascension process, this inferno will be much shorter and infinitely more merciful than those who had theirs 20-and-more years ago. It's like there's a redeeming aspect that's factored in for this current time, and thankfully too! 🙏🏽 Imagine what it would be like if the Collective Consciousness is near-drowning in the quagmire of this phase for months on end 😔

External events aside, there are also the masses who will be going through this phase after coming out of personal traumas or issues...and there's lots of these around ~ may they receive all the guidance they need. 

Many will also become disenchanted with the fake glitter and glamour of the superficial reality that masqueraded as "Life", many more will see through the inverted "value" systems that Humanity was conditioned into adopting as principles. To face these stark realisations and the dismantling of long-held belief systems in a short space of time can be traumatic, to say the least.

This phase will also see many who have been on the spiritual path but were derailed by the false light/false ascension channels and/or saviour-psyop narratives, and are now disconnecting themselves from them. This is evident to me through what I hear from a number of people who had unravelled themselves from such webs of deception and are now going through their own processing. Then there are also those who have gone through challenging personal episodes from which they need to heal.

And before someone protests that those on the spiritual path are immune to this Dark Night phase after having gone through it before, I have heard two public and popular Wayshowers reveal that they had recently emerged from their own Dark Night of the Soul, and are now stronger and better than they were before. Anyone can detract or be distracted from their Spiritual Path, or even become a little lost for a while for a myriad of reasons. Course-correction may require some Soul-searching and the ensuing Dark Night of the Soul. But again, thankfully, we've been through this nightmare before so we know what to do to clear and heal quickly. It should be no more than a blip (or two) on the radar. 

Soul Streams

This is something I've mentioned before briefly some years back, but I feel it will become quite pronounced in 2023. This is about many who are gravitating (evolving) more into who we are at the Soul-origin level and expressing the traits inherent of the particular Group or Star Race as opposed to holding on to a polished personality or carefully crafted identity. I can't say how high up the dimensional (Creation) scale this goes up, but I'm inclined to opine that this is after all, quite a natural progression of Ascension as we embody more and more of our True Essence through DNA activation and accretion. It's not a pre-requisite that we know our Soul Origins ~ our Soul knows😇 and we will, too, soon enough.

So how does this affect Unity Consciousness? Aren't we all supposed to think of ourselves as Earth Humans, one Planetary Race? Yes, of course! This is our birth Planet, and we are made from the stuff of Earth Mum. But like the Planet herself, we are also from the Stars, and this is what true Unity Consciousness is about. It's easy to talk about Unity Consciousness when everyone is the same(ish), but true Unity Consciousness is Unity from Diversity. You can't get a harder test than what we have here right now ~ apart from numerous Soul Race origins, we have the underlying various Earth races, nationalities and cultures. We will eventually transcend these "man-made" attributes but while we're at it, it will get interesting.

At this point, I will bring up something related that's been strangely silent in the spiritual world, as far as I'm aware. It is commonly acknowledged that we have very many various streams of Soul origins, and many are happy to lay claim to the more "popular" ones such as Sirian, Lyran etc....but nobody seems to be accepting that some of us are actually from Reptilian Races. Yes, many of these Races became distorted and fell in Consciousness a very long time ago, but there are also some that are not fallen and are actually part of the Founder Races Collective. 

Reptilian Races seem to have had a broad brush effect applied over them ~ after all, there are also fallen ones from other Progenitor Lineages but they do not seem to suffer from being summarily maligned as the Reptilians. Benevolent Reptilian Souls incarnated here will also naturally evolve into more of their True Essence, like the rest of everyone else who is ready for this stage.

Note: I did a bit of poking around and found this chart in the Keylontic highlight is mine.

Soul Signature

As we continue to embody our True Essence and evolve into our Soul origins, we will also increasingly express our individual Soul Signature. By this I mean not only our unique frequency at an energetic level, but also in a literal sense ~ our true Soul mission, what we signed up for a long, long time ago. We may find that what we thought was our Soul mission really wasn't, or that we no longer wish to pursue it and wish to engage in something totally different. There's a refining phase that will see changes in direction in terms of Soul purpose/mission as clarity is gained through growing embodiment of our True Essence. I also feel that there's been a huge shift in the Cosmic Plan that Earth Mum herself has initiated to some degree and this has brought about more accelerations as well as changes in the overall Cosmic Re-write ~ this will undoubtedly affect many at the Soul level.

Add to this the rising number of people who are liberating themselves and voiding/revoking forced Soul contracts with the dark. There will be lots of fresh contracts signed in Cosmic ink happening.

On the other side of the Soul theme is that of Souls who will or have chosen not to evolve through in-body Ascension but through biological expiration/physical death instead, or at some Soul-exit choicepoint. Then there are also those who will or have chosen not to evolve, period. Or at least, their version of "Evolution" is through fallen methodologies or inorganic means such as AI. 

No matter which stage of this Awakening & Ascension process we are in, no matter what Soul choices have been made, ultimately everything is Spiritual. This is something I reiterate often, and going into 2023 I believe that if people still refuse to acknowledge the existence of their Soul, they will have unnecessary personal battles to plough through ~ this will include the diehard atheist, the extremely religious, the malevolent ones that believe in a distorted view of Spirituality.

Most 0f 2022 was already beyond surreal for us, and I feel that 2023 will top that by a mile or more! Faster than ever before, for sure. I am personally very relieved and greatly humbled by the Source-field Codes that are coming in ~ it's a huge assurance to know that we are now energetically tethered in this manner. Additionally, Earth Mum is doing her own thing and nothing can stand in her way.

Welcome to 2023!

Namarie! 💝


14 August 2022

Realise Rinse Remove Repeat ~ Republished from 22 February 2022

UPDATE 14 August 2022
 This post has been edited to substitute the word "release" with appropriate alternatives


Realise-and-Let-Go has been one of my main mantras ever since my second major purge which culminated in 2019. I've touched on this quite a few times in my previous blog, and I'm feeling nudged to write about it again as a main topic in view of what's unfolding as well as what's up ahead. Please be reminded that this is how I see things, and what I write is my own persrelonal opinion only.

They say that things come in threes. When I look back at my two previous major purge phases, I'm beginning to see the pattern and more importantly, the specific stages of each phase.


Phase One

Phase One was generally about letting go of all the conditioning and belief systems that society had constructed. An exit-from-the-matrix type of purge, as demonstrated by the scene in "They Live" ~ to clarify, I haven't watched this movie and have no intention of doing so. This phase would have been very distressing to go through as our worlds literally fell apart, but since it was a Soul activation/frequency kicking in at the right moment, it was more of a ahhh-yes-of-course type of experience, and thankfully it was a smooth and easy transition.


Phase Two

I call this phase the "Spiritual Purge". As the term indicates, it has to do with our Spiritual world and all that it ensconces ~ teachers, guides, practices, rituals, modalities, methods, teachings, and of course, beliefs. 

This one was met with resistance to the letting go. It took me about two years of active self-debate before I reached the stage where I was willing to move on, and then it was effortless, as if it was the most natural thing for me to do. The frequent answer I gave to any doubt that arose was, "But these are spiritual people, these are spiritual teachings, these are spiritual modalities....etc." I felt that since I was a spiritual person, I should be believing in all these spiritual things. What I did not realise was that I had simply substituted an entire complex of control matrix belief systems for another entire complex of "spiritual" belief systems that came with plenty of in-built assumptions.

This person is channelling this powerful Being, so it must be authentic. She's an incarnated 15-D Ascended Being, so she must know what's true. He's a famous healer, so he must be good. Everyone is following this belief, so it must be right. And so on.

Having said this, let me be clear that I'm not saying everyone and everything is false. I'm saying that I had to generally walk away because it was time for me to do so. I had learnt very many good things that assisted greatly in my own spiritual path, but I felt that it would no longer serve my continuing growth to remain entrenched in that environment. Although I believe that "truth" is multi-faceted multi-layered multi-level and comes in 144 shades, I also feel that the infiltration in the spiritual community is quite widespread.

(Given the length <eons> and extent <global> of dark control, we must accept that the dark web pretty much covers everything. In this current incarnation, we get to free ourselves.)


Phase Three

I feel that this one hasn't got an actual "birth point" in that its barely-detectable undercurrents were already running from Phase One. But for this phase to properly activate, the requisite earlier phases must complete first.

This one gets personal. It's all about the individual, and the "Who I Truly Am" route which runs simultaneously with "Who I'm Truly Not". It doesn't matter which route we take ~ either one will arrive at the "I Am This I Am" destination.

This phase will be pretty challenging if we are overly attached to any sort of identity, label, qualification, status, past incarnations or " DNA pedigree". This isn't just with the spiritual aspect, but also encompasses every other arena in which we have an attached identity. Daughter, friend, husband, entrepreneur, confidante, story-teller, diplomat, leader, vegan, and so on. Everything or everyone we believed we were, are or will be. How we believe we should look or dress. Or the exact opposite just to be "individual", to create/make a statement, or to stand out. (Example: convincing others to eat/drink/smoke whatever they like because it doesn't matter. Please note that I'm just quoting this example for explanatory purposes only.)


Once Upon A Time

The further along we progress on our Ascension path, the closer we get to embodying and expressing more and more of our True Essence. Whether we look at this from the point of view of DNA activation, frequency accretion or assimilation with our Divinity, it's the journey back to our True Selves. Not necessarily retracing our path back ~because the Cosmic Compass is being recalibrated ~ but returning to and reclaiming our rightful residency prior to our fall. 

I am once again reminded of what the Mysterious Gil said some years back:

The past is old
The future is ancient

We are returning to our Ancient Origins, back to true Source Creation. We are going back to our Cosmic and Soul roots, to the place of our Original Birth, once upon a time so very long ago. 

And this is why I feel this particular phase of clearing out our identity and personal imprints is pertinent. I can't help but think that these greatly striated and differing bandwidths of energies coming in has to do with, in addition to other functions, activating our Soul Origins. We come from such a diverse mix of Cosmic lineage, and I feel that as time passes (very quickly at that!) we will be going through our own Sorting Hat sequence in terms of DNA realignment. To take on any identity that isn't authentic will only serve to complicate this process. It's far easier to let go of all identity attachments now so that we can openly embrace and welcome DNA activations that are meant for us. Existing identity attachments may be vastly different from who we truly are ~ having no attachments will greatly facilitate our "sorting" process as well as allowing us to have more awareness of what development our higher consciousness is bringing in.


Just Let Go

I learnt a simple and most valuable lesson many years ago ~ I always have a choice whether to choose the easy way or the hard way. Through observations as well as my own experiences, the simplest solution is usually the best. I'm fully aware that there are many who do not agree with this advice, and that's perfectly okay because it's not my intention to convince anyone of my opinion. 

Take letting go, for example. This process is something that many find challenging for various reasons (usually tied to emotion or ego). I will make some suggestions on how to approach this from "easy", as opposed to "hard".

This is based on the title of this post ~ Realise Rinse Remove Repeat.

Realise: Identify and acknowledge what needs to be cleared or removed
Rinse: Send Divine Love and Divine Light to bless and transmute the situation to be cleared
Remove: Let it go
Repeat: Daily repetition of clearing process, until no longer required.

I spend some daily meditation time to clear a whole bunch of things, as well as a more general "I now let go of all that no longer serves my highest good" or words to that effect. 

I avoid over-analysing the situation I need to remove from my reality, I do my best to not get emotionally entangled, I stay away from ego-tripping as a defense mechanism. I may not know or understand the "lesson" involved, I just focus on the intention and act of clearing.

What I find is that whatever I need to know or learn about the situation that I'm clearing is always revealed to me when the time is right, so I trust that this will happen and therefore I don't need to dissect the situation and place it under a microscope. What I also find is that if I'm clearing something that's meant for me, it will return in better shape and under improved circumstances.

If what I need to remove is something of a more complex nature and it's wieldy to clear in one go, then I do it in parts. For example, if I believe that I'm a Sirian on a mission to be a famous contactee bringing in vital information as well as being an author, then perhaps I first work on relinquishing the notion that I have to be a contactee, then move on to the author part, then let go the Sirian identity. I know, I know....this isn't a good example but I really need to wrap this up 😁

The main thing is to just begin the process, and that's already a step in the right direction.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💜

24 June 2022

Resources and "The Other Reason"

Background image: Wallpaperflare

**Note: As I was finishing this post, Blogger locked me out and I couldn't access it for a while. I have therefore edited some terms using symbols or other means to avoid detection by bots.**
The previous post (here) served as a stage-setting for this one, so thank you for taking the time to read it if you've not read it before in The Earth Plan. I do not relish writing this one, because I don't quite know how to approach it, but approach it I must. And the best way I know how is to be real open and honest about many things. I think it'll get rambly but there's a point to it, I promise 😄 


I will start with key personal experiences of reactions from people who had previously given me the impression were more than mere readers of my previous blog, The Earth Plan. In the mid-phase of the DeeTee/Cue (phonetic alphabets) psyop ~ when it was in full swing, having garnered a massive global following ~ many readers tried to get me on board, sending me articles, updates etc and urging me to post them. I had repeatedly declined, but that did not stop their determination. When I finally wrote a public post requesting everyone to stop sending me such resources as I did not (and still don't) align with the information, a number of people who had previously claimed to be my "Star Brethren" left my circle.

Paradoxically, while I lost "Star Brethren" over my stand on the DeeTee/Cue narrative, a number of readers took that to mean I was in full support of the "anti-DeeTee/Cue side" 😐 That resulted in me writing regular posts cautioning about polarisation but many still insisted on taking sides or being polarised to something or other. Then I finally wrote the Same Coin Same Agenda post, which of course led to more people choosing to take offence and leaving my circle, especially the "anti-DeeTee/Cue side" (who had previously steadfastly assumed I was on "their side").

There's more. The recent round of people being offended was over my "health agenda" stand 🤷‍♀️ I suppose there will be yet another round after this post. Que sera sera.


Not Hijacked, But Well Orchestrated

Since late 2017, I was seeing more and more symptoms of the Spiritual, Truther and Ufology communities being increasingly hijacked and infiltrated. I have since realised this was not an accurate observation ~ it was not hijacking or infiltration. Rather, it was a carefully planned and well orchestrated process since Atlantean times, or even before. This means they've had 25,000 years or so of time to prepare and perfect their plans prior to this Ascension cycle. They had the time and means to set up the mechanisms and cast numerous nets in different "streams" to draw us in. This is why I had mentioned several times to not fall into their well-planned traps. What better way to thwart the Ascension of Humanity than to:

1. Ensure the entrapment of Wayshowers using mis/dis-information;
2. Lead them onto paths of False Ascension;
3. Divide and conquer them.

How did we end up placing our faith in political leaders, 3-letter/alphanumeric "government" agencies, secret services or elite forces, business moguls, militaries....the very people we had learnt were not to be trusted when we first became aware of the control system?

Revering/channelling ancient Greek Roman Viking Egyptian "gods and goddesses" etc....even the Anunnaki (En_ki En_lil Mar*duk Inan*na) or anticipating their/Nibiru's "return"?

A huge new(ish) crop of channels with various Ascended and Galactic beings, many of them providing  information at odds with each other, and some even working with S_S*P and/or Sp@ce F*rce (seriously???) with massive following.

Sources of intel that keep pushing goal-posts further and further away each time some promised date comes and goes without anything happening. Without apology.

Remember this?
I could go on but I don't think I need to.

I had cited my pressing need to stop, step back and chart the next phase of my journey as the reason to close The Earth Plan. But in truth, I had also gotten to the point where I felt was a massive problem brewing in the communities. This is the "other reason" why I had to move away and move on. Having said that, I will readily thank all from whom I have learnt over these long years. Even things that turned out to be mis/dis-information ~ that is part of the learning process.


The Present Time

At this point in time, I actually follow very few sources. I do spend time scanning what's out there, but find that I actually can't listen to, watch or read most of them. Sometimes I come across something that seem to resonate, but then halfway through it gets on to a track that I do not wish to follow.

Having said that, there are a couple of resources that I would like to mention that I follow fairly regularly, as and when updates become available. One of them is intel-based, and the other is knowledge-based. Although both are relatively new to me, I do resonate strongly (at this point in time) with them. As always, these are my recommendations only, please use your own Higher Guidance and decide for yourself if they align with you.

I had come across several resources that referenced K!m G*guen in the past, but have not accessed any of her information. A few months ago, a close friend asked me my opinion about K!m. Since this is a dear friend (and I was already curious at that point), I obliged and watched the update she sent. I went through a few more video updates just to be sure, and I genuinely liked what I saw and heard, and felt energetically. I have a lot of respect for her as a person, as well as for doing what she's doing for Humanity and our Planet.

Apart from the energy aspect, what I truly appreciated was finally and at long last an intel provider who called out the DeeTee/Q/Military/Wh!te H@ts narrative, the "Drag...ons", the "El_ders", Pu...tin, Sp@ce F*rce, S..SP, Nes@ra/Gesar@ (a friend told me about this one 20 years ago so I guess at least 40 dates must have come and gone with nothing happening since then) and so on....all of them aspects of the GLOBAL control system. Kim also calls out many other things but this point was a major Yes for me because so many aware individuals have been waylaid and distracted by these psyops.

l'm well aware that much of what Kim brings forth is what you already know and have learnt about throughout the years, and it's not my intention to waste your time. However, I did clarify earlier that one of the resources I would recommend is intel-based, and this is the one. I like keeping track of her intel updates ~ she is the intel source at the moment that I trust much more than the rest.

What's more, Kim includes factors that I believe are relevant in this time period we are in ~ she talks about frequencies and energies, takes into consideration our Planet, includes events from outside our Planet, and brings Source into the conversation. What's happening now is a Cosmic event, not just what we see around us in the physical realm. Someone who is able to see things collectively and is tuned into the Cosmic Currents will have a much broader perspective and comprehension of what's at play right now.

Kim's work can be accessed here.  You will need to sign up to watch the most recent videos (archive access requires a small monthly subscription). There are other ways to access older videos through "alternative" sites, but I will have to point out that this is basically a violation of ownership rights.

There are two legit links I know of, and they are very recent. For those interested, it's here and here.

This is the knowledge-based resource. E'Asha Ashayana is also a relatively new source for me and I have posted excerpts of her work before on The Earth Plan. Her information is generally based on Keylontic Science and the mechanics of Ascension. I don't have access to most of her work and what's freely available online is scarce. What I can say right now is that I'm really enjoying and appreciating her teachings, which provide me with missing pieces of a massive puzzle that help me form a Bigger Picture (and as you know, I'm a great fan of Bigger Pictures). E'Asha transforms the pictures I have into something more detailed, adding depth and dimension. She goes as far back in Creation as possible, and that is something that feeds my Soul.

From what I understand, E'Asha has been holding workshops for more than 20 years now, so the volume of information (including her book, "Voyagers ~ Secrets of Amenti") must be mind-boggling. It was her detailed video explaining the Fallen Angels that made me sit up and take notice ~ so many lightbulb moments and so many gaps were filled, thereby producing more clarity and a presenting a higher perspective. For me to adequately understand the Now, I like going back to the Beginning.

The other video that helped me decide to follow her work was the one about our Planet's Ascension which touched me on a very deep level as I've long maintained that this is Earth Mum's show and her role is pivotal for this part of Cosmic Creation (hence my blog's name "The Earth Plan").

And this beyond-beautiful prayer:

Organic Ascension

Since her work goes back more than 20 years, some of the information is no longer valid (such as the Evacuation Timeline ~ this was nicely outlined by Tuella in "Project World Evacuation" in 1993), but Keylontic Science is still Keylontic Science, as is Ascension Mechanics.

E'Asha's website is here, and I follow Voyagers for excerpts. Again, you can find some videos posted on alternative sites, very likely without permission.


Recognising Integral Factors

These two sources have areas of information that overlap nicely, albeit from different perspectives or interpretations. At this point, I try not to get overly fussed about differences because I'm thinking no one really has the perfect perception to view all things ~ everything is relative.

What I see as strong suits for these two sources are integral factors like taking into consideration Planetary and Cosmic Cycles, and recognising that there is a Divine Cosmic Plan unfolding at all times that involves not just us and our Planet, but all of Creation in this part of the Cosmos. This Ancient Cosmic Saga that has distilled into our Planetary tragedy has been unfolding for such a very long time, following a humongous cycle that goes into millions, if not billions of years. It is, at long last, running its end.

Everything is Spiritual, and this is how things need to be so we can finally and properly evolve.

In Closing

(That's a terribly lame title, I know.....but I'm getting really tired 😄)

Could I be wrong about these two sources? Yes.

Do I believe everything they say? No.

So please ~ broken record ~ use your own Higher Guidance.

Ultimately, does it matter how much intel we know? Would it make a difference if we understand how Ascension works? I've written about all this before, so some of you will know my answer is NO. But I personally like to follow intel, and I like learning about Ascension. I also know beyond any sliver of doubt that ALL that matters is what we do/be as an individual, and our connection to our Divinity in some way.

Inner work never stops. With inner work we can create a beautiful inner world that manifests in the external, because creation always starts from within. And so does Ascension.

When we are right with ourselves from within, we will be in the best possible situation to help others appropriately. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛

31 May 2022

Free Will, Divine Will


When we are connected with our Divinity

Free Will aligns with Divine Will

13 January 2022

No Soul Left Unchurned

Text: 2020 2021 2022 No soul left unchurned

In June 2020, I created this image below and posted it in The Earth Plan. Or so I thought.

I just spent more than an hour hunting for that image in my previous blog, but couldn't find it. Admittedly, it's difficult to search for things in my previous blog (and probably this one, too) because I simply did not bother with adequately labelling the posts, and most of the times when I'm posting someone else's resource, I only include about 20% of the content and lead readers back to the original source, for the simple reason that those resources do not belong me and I believe that readers should rightly visit the original sites of the owners.

After abandoning the search, I turned to my phone, hoping that it would be in there somewhere ~ phew....thankfully it was. 

So....I didn't post that after all. I could have sworn I did, I was so sure I posted it. But perhaps I didn't because, well, Souls are still being churned, and will definitely continue to do so this year and very likely into 2023 but let's leave 2023 out for the moment.

As you can see from the main image above, I've added in 2021 and 2022. I was unable to determine which font I used in 2020, so I decided to use an entirely different font.

I believe that this year, the churning will not only continue, but will get very strong. This is why I was thinking of the 2020 image, and I thought of pulling it out of The Earth Plan to add 2021 and 2022. I still can't believe I didn't post it there.

I'll leave this for now and continue in a few days. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💓

The Solar Tally So Far....

EarthSky At this time of writing, we've had 25 X-class Solar Flares since this phenomenal year of 2024 commenced. Out of those 25, eight...