Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts

07 January 2023

2023: Year of the Soul

Happy 2023! Yes, I know ~ our current calendar is pretty much a distorted version of measuring Time in a sequential and linear manner, but never mind, Happy 2023 all the same 😄 

Personally and energetically, the "New Year" felt like it started in late November, right around the time I started seeing the "Source-Field Codes". It has been such a _____ (no words left to describe) period of time since then ~ many things have presented, most of which I have yet to process and comprehend, and at the same time, there's been (increased) clarity over many other things. For now, I will translate into text the main theme that's been presenting very strongly and persistently over the past weeks, which I believe will run throughout 2023 and beyond.

In June 2020, I put together the image below to illustrate what was going on at that time:

No Soul left unchurned

I had meant to post it in The Earth Plan, but unexpectedly found out a year-and-half later that I hadn't for some unfathomable reason. So I posted it here on Divine*Emanations in January 2022, and added the years 2021 and 2022 because I felt the same theme continuing (here).

I bring this up because I feel the "Soul" theme is still presenting very strongly for 2023. This year, it's all about the Soul and hence, the title of this post. I believe that no matter which stage we are at in our Awakening & Ascension process (for many this is unfolding simultaneously....this is seriously accelerating globally now), it will be a Soul-based year and we will find ourselves at one or more of the following levels....

Soul Searching

After almost three years of Soul-churning in the Collective Consciousness, comes the belated Soul-searching. In the Soul-churning phase, Humanity in general was akin to the proverbial hamster-in-the-wheel ~ much going on (mostly frenetic) but never really properly advancing positively. There was a lot of awareness, yes ~ but bearing in mind that I'm speaking in terms of energy and/or Spirit/Soul, there was still largely only churning going on. Those who started becoming aware of the global control system focussed mainly on external events and did not make any connections within in terms of Spiritual awakening. Many who were already aware and on the spiritual path found themselves distracted by major psyop narratives or false light/false ascension channels that diverted their attention and energies away from continued spiritual growth. Hence, churning.

For those who have resisted and stubbornly remained oblivious to the visible signs of the control system, it will be a time of intense Soul-searching. Endless questions with seemingly no answers, accompanied by much teeth gnashing and hand wringing. There are answers, but they are not the preferred answers that these beings are expecting. Souls who are Soul-searching will eventually have to face the person staring back at them in the mirror, they will have to at long-last turn away from the external noise and listen to the growing voice within. This will also apply to those who were jolted awake and saw through the health agenda manipulations and control mechanisms, but fell straight into extreme polarisation, blame-game and saviour programmes, bypassing any real spiritual connection and growth.

As we know only too well, the related outcome of Soul-searching almost always is the dreaded Dark Night of the Soul. The saving grace is that in this accelerated timeline of the Ascension process, this inferno will be much shorter and infinitely more merciful than those who had theirs 20-and-more years ago. It's like there's a redeeming aspect that's factored in for this current time, and thankfully too! 🙏🏽 Imagine what it would be like if the Collective Consciousness is near-drowning in the quagmire of this phase for months on end 😔

External events aside, there are also the masses who will be going through this phase after coming out of personal traumas or issues...and there's lots of these around ~ may they receive all the guidance they need. 

Many will also become disenchanted with the fake glitter and glamour of the superficial reality that masqueraded as "Life", many more will see through the inverted "value" systems that Humanity was conditioned into adopting as principles. To face these stark realisations and the dismantling of long-held belief systems in a short space of time can be traumatic, to say the least.

This phase will also see many who have been on the spiritual path but were derailed by the false light/false ascension channels and/or saviour-psyop narratives, and are now disconnecting themselves from them. This is evident to me through what I hear from a number of people who had unravelled themselves from such webs of deception and are now going through their own processing. Then there are also those who have gone through challenging personal episodes from which they need to heal.

And before someone protests that those on the spiritual path are immune to this Dark Night phase after having gone through it before, I have heard two public and popular Wayshowers reveal that they had recently emerged from their own Dark Night of the Soul, and are now stronger and better than they were before. Anyone can detract or be distracted from their Spiritual Path, or even become a little lost for a while for a myriad of reasons. Course-correction may require some Soul-searching and the ensuing Dark Night of the Soul. But again, thankfully, we've been through this nightmare before so we know what to do to clear and heal quickly. It should be no more than a blip (or two) on the radar. 

Soul Streams

This is something I've mentioned before briefly some years back, but I feel it will become quite pronounced in 2023. This is about many who are gravitating (evolving) more into who we are at the Soul-origin level and expressing the traits inherent of the particular Group or Star Race as opposed to holding on to a polished personality or carefully crafted identity. I can't say how high up the dimensional (Creation) scale this goes up, but I'm inclined to opine that this is after all, quite a natural progression of Ascension as we embody more and more of our True Essence through DNA activation and accretion. It's not a pre-requisite that we know our Soul Origins ~ our Soul knows😇 and we will, too, soon enough.

So how does this affect Unity Consciousness? Aren't we all supposed to think of ourselves as Earth Humans, one Planetary Race? Yes, of course! This is our birth Planet, and we are made from the stuff of Earth Mum. But like the Planet herself, we are also from the Stars, and this is what true Unity Consciousness is about. It's easy to talk about Unity Consciousness when everyone is the same(ish), but true Unity Consciousness is Unity from Diversity. You can't get a harder test than what we have here right now ~ apart from numerous Soul Race origins, we have the underlying various Earth races, nationalities and cultures. We will eventually transcend these "man-made" attributes but while we're at it, it will get interesting.

At this point, I will bring up something related that's been strangely silent in the spiritual world, as far as I'm aware. It is commonly acknowledged that we have very many various streams of Soul origins, and many are happy to lay claim to the more "popular" ones such as Sirian, Lyran etc....but nobody seems to be accepting that some of us are actually from Reptilian Races. Yes, many of these Races became distorted and fell in Consciousness a very long time ago, but there are also some that are not fallen and are actually part of the Founder Races Collective. 

Reptilian Races seem to have had a broad brush effect applied over them ~ after all, there are also fallen ones from other Progenitor Lineages but they do not seem to suffer from being summarily maligned as the Reptilians. Benevolent Reptilian Souls incarnated here will also naturally evolve into more of their True Essence, like the rest of everyone else who is ready for this stage.

Note: I did a bit of poking around and found this chart in the Keylontic highlight is mine.

Soul Signature

As we continue to embody our True Essence and evolve into our Soul origins, we will also increasingly express our individual Soul Signature. By this I mean not only our unique frequency at an energetic level, but also in a literal sense ~ our true Soul mission, what we signed up for a long, long time ago. We may find that what we thought was our Soul mission really wasn't, or that we no longer wish to pursue it and wish to engage in something totally different. There's a refining phase that will see changes in direction in terms of Soul purpose/mission as clarity is gained through growing embodiment of our True Essence. I also feel that there's been a huge shift in the Cosmic Plan that Earth Mum herself has initiated to some degree and this has brought about more accelerations as well as changes in the overall Cosmic Re-write ~ this will undoubtedly affect many at the Soul level.

Add to this the rising number of people who are liberating themselves and voiding/revoking forced Soul contracts with the dark. There will be lots of fresh contracts signed in Cosmic ink happening.

On the other side of the Soul theme is that of Souls who will or have chosen not to evolve through in-body Ascension but through biological expiration/physical death instead, or at some Soul-exit choicepoint. Then there are also those who will or have chosen not to evolve, period. Or at least, their version of "Evolution" is through fallen methodologies or inorganic means such as AI. 

No matter which stage of this Awakening & Ascension process we are in, no matter what Soul choices have been made, ultimately everything is Spiritual. This is something I reiterate often, and going into 2023 I believe that if people still refuse to acknowledge the existence of their Soul, they will have unnecessary personal battles to plough through ~ this will include the diehard atheist, the extremely religious, the malevolent ones that believe in a distorted view of Spirituality.

Most 0f 2022 was already beyond surreal for us, and I feel that 2023 will top that by a mile or more! Faster than ever before, for sure. I am personally very relieved and greatly humbled by the Source-field Codes that are coming in ~ it's a huge assurance to know that we are now energetically tethered in this manner. Additionally, Earth Mum is doing her own thing and nothing can stand in her way.

Welcome to 2023!

Namarie! 💝


29 July 2022

Soul Surrender into Stillness

This transition is weird wonky wonderful raw rough radical bewildering beleaguring beautiful.... in fact, just throw in any word and you won't be wrong.

We have differing streams of transformational energies that do different things to our various bodies (physical, mental, emotional, etheric etc), at the same time we are contending with disruptive ones courtesy of the dark. And simultaneously having to be present enough to attend to our own spiritual practices and "duties" to assist in whatever manner we can. I can only imagine what it must be like for those who have to work at a "regular" job and/or have a young family ~ thank you for doing what you do under such challenging circumstances 🙏 I know for sure it would be near impossible for me to be in that situation.

It's a time when the contrast between the breathtaking beauty of Light juxtaposed against the distorted demented Dark paints such a stark surreality that I sometimes wonder how much longer both can exist together before some Law of Creation is severely breached. I can easily see why some sources had cautioned years ago that this phase would see the manifestation of madness.

As the dark is desperately churning everything out all at once in chaotic fashion, we're feeling even more removed from the distorted and inauthentic construct. We feel even more keenly the sharp shards and jaggedness of an inverted creation that's masqueraded as the real thing for far too long. Those that still choose to close their awareness are not spared acute discomfort ~ they are feeling that they are losing grip of "reality", one that they had believed in all their lives to script most aspects of their made-up identity.

I feel very strongly that being aligned with our Divinity or nurturing some form of Source connection (in other words, plugging into higher frequencies) is the only antidote to this. I know I'm preaching to the choir😄so do please bear with my thought expressions in text.

Dream-like states seem to be increasing in duration as days go by. Coupled with shrinking hours as we whizz through the Corridor of Time and our days can get very interesting indeed. I sometimes wake up with some confusion as I try to figure out where I am, or whether I'm still dreaming. At times, I find myself drifting in and out of sleep during the day, but sometimes I can't even be sure if I actually fell asleep or thought I did. 

We're all too familiar with the fatigued feeling we've had to cope with over the years as our bodies process the incredibly (and increasingly) high frequency energies coming in. However, there seems to be a new "type" of fatigue that I'm getting, and it's very pronounced. Simply put, my Soul is weary.

I have no idea how many incarnations on Earth I've had, and I truly have no wish to find out. (I'm told that thousands of reincarnations is a "normal" count in this quarantined matrix.) But I DO know that my Soul is tired and has no desire to be entrapped a second longer than necessary. It longs for freedom, for true organic expressions of Life, for enriching experiences that encourage growth in positive benevolent ways. It strongly desires the sense of Home.

There's a feeling that at Soul-level, a preparation is on-going for an impending "next stage", whatever and whenever that may be. It's already entered a state where it has surrendered into Stillness. It's as if Divinity/Higher Selves (I'm using very general terms here) are busy fine-tuning things for this new stage, and it's necessary for all processing to stop while this major update is underway. (Please fix all bugs, malware, trojan horses etc and pretty please could I have all the bells and whistles, thank you 😁) Seriously though, by "update" I mean perhaps some changes in Soul script.

So at this stage it's the I-don't-know-anything and it-doesn't-matter Zen-like outlook that takes dominance over other types of responses. And as Divine Dichotomy would have it, it also means being in tandem with the overall Purification process that's been unfolding for some months now. This could look like various things to different people, and again it's very much dependent on how we work with these energies. For me, I would say it involves calling upon the energies to cleanse and purify me on the individual level, and the Planet in general (my practices are very basic 😆).

I apologise if what I've written isn't very coherent, but I really hope that you get what I'm trying say. Most times the notion is crystal clear in my mind, but when I try to conceptualise it in text, it gets rambly 😅

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💙

PS. I read an article several years back that the word "hallelujah" carried dark connotations related to yhwh and/or jehovah (fallen angelics), and was typically introduced as something "divine" by the dark for nefarious intentions. I would be horrified if "Namaste" is in that category....

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