27 June 2023

Spotlight on Darkness

Positive Bloom

Last month, while searching online for a suitable image to depict the idea of something positive breaking up a period of negativity (here), I decided to go with the proverbial Lotus. I specifically wanted a beautiful bloom against a backdrop of murkiness to depict what I had written.

What I repeatedly saw in many of the images I scrolled through was the use of the Lotus flower as evidence that it requires mud to grow and bloom, that only from something dirty dark dank like mud could you get to admire the beauty of the Lotus. This isn't a new idea ~ I've seen it more and more over the years, spawning all over social media and side-tracking even the spiritual communities. It is just one of countless psyops over the years that have successfully convinced the Collective to believe in to adversely impact their psyche and therefore, their Consciousness. There's a bigger picture behind it in relation to the multi-cogs-and-wheels that is the Ascension Cycle. 

The more obvious and visible aspects of this operation initiated back in 2001. I knew very little then of the Cosmic chaos that had spanned billions of years of warfare ~ what I had learnt at that time was limited to the mere bare bones basics of Ascension. So in that same regard, what I will document (as briefly as possible) will be limited to only what has played out publicly on the world stage, but always bearing in mind that there were numerous massive missions and mechanisms that were at the same time playing out in the Greater Cosmos. 

This social conditioning of Humanity isn't something that is unknown to you, but this is me taking a stand to  shine the spotlight on what's been happening, with the intention to energetically disrupt the psyop. The more we make a stand against something like this and the more of us doing it, the weaker the programming frequencies.

With that said, let's wind back to 2001.

Going Back

The aftershock of the 911 agenda immediately intensified the already tenuous and fragile situation between the world's two major religions. The agenda gave the religious a valid reason to increase their rhetoric against the other, many times descending into downright derisiveness. It was yet another successful propagation of the holy wars that had plagued Humanity for millennia, perpetuating the fighting between faithful followers of the two major religions so that a vast sector of the population remain divided, something that the control system does best.

The agenda left the population feeling insecure and unsure, in need of reassurance and at the same time, in need of distraction to allow them to withdraw from the uncertainties of the external. With the fearful and vulnerable world now made more pliable in the hands of the control system, more agendas were executed in quick succession, many of them carrying long-term objectives and all of them designed in some manner to disrupt the Ascension Cycle, which was then in its initial and barely budding phase.

Things started to look strange, paranoia grew and spread. Societal conditioning moved into high gear with the focus on distracting and moulding young children ~ many Souls had already been coming in with high coding and many more were expected over the years. For lack of a better term, the Indigo Kids ("Indigo" actually refers to the frequency signature that spans generations, not just children)....the new generation that was expected to supplant the older generation of Lightworkers, or at least significantly add to the Ascension effort. This generation was expected to be the new super-charged torch bearers ~ of course this is also something that is known by the dark who are esoteric experts of their own. Hence, the vast array of deterrents implemented to lead the Collective astray and nip the Ascension process in the bud, with specific focus on the youths. Humanity in general succumbed.

Within just a short span of a couple of years, Light and Beauty in the Art and "entertainment" worlds (strongholds for social conditioning) were systematically siphoned out, and in sauntered darkness to take their place.

The music industry showed signs of a ship being steadily steered into murky waters, becoming increasingly music-less and broadcasting aggressive and questionable lyrics no ears should hear. The mood turned dark, literally and figuratively. Same with music's ever present partner-in-crime ~ the TV and movie medium. We were desensitised into accepting as "normal" more violence, gore, swearing, promiscuity, premature sexuality. Young kids had networks spearheaded by Disney with their not-secret-anymore direct and subliminal programming of hypersexuality.

Youtube came into the picture, encouraging "free speech" in their comments by inviting "opinions"(read: enabling youths to normalise being rude and inconsiderate, while inculcating an attitude of non-accountability). Social media platforms came in steadily, voraciously consuming large chunks of an individual's daily hours, reinforcing behaviour that meet required parameters set by the control systems.

Somewhere in that mindless morass emerged the RPG video juggernaut with ever-realistic violence decorated with pornographic tendencies and riddled with ethical-moral concerns. Cluedo they are not. 

(The "medical" industry was also determined not to be outdone. There's much to elaborate but it would have to be at another time as this post is about social programming.)

In less than two decades, the moral and ethical rot was festering full-time ~ everywhere you turn, there was some social mechanism that was hard at work shaping young and impressionable minds as well as those of older adults. A real and tragic epidemic of stress, addictions, mental ill-heath, lack of self-esteem/overblown egos (same thing, different extremes), self-harm, skewed priorities, misplaced loyalties, status-fame chasing etc exploded. A populace constantly kept on edge, highly stimulated by artificial constructs and having increasingly unrealistic social goals (thanks to social media programming) translates into the sympathetic nervous system being thrown on overdrive for far too long. Nothing good can come out of this condition.

The well-spring of all these social agendas is the overall objective to create a culture of darkness and despair. In its highest public form it would be the Luciferian/Satanic rituals openly demonstrated by "celebrities"; in its everyday-everywhere influence, it would be the "naturalisation" of darkness and its variants.

Which is where we're at now.


How to Grow Lotus

Lotus & clear water
I'll side-track for a bit on the timeline and talk about the Lotus flower.

To me, this beautiful and humble bloom is an exquisite symbol of our Ascension. Regardless whether this is "officialised" as such, some  Ascension teachers use the Lotus to signify the process, be it to represent blossoming chakras or a reference to some form of transcendence. 

The Lotus is an aquatic plant, and that obviously means it requires a water medium to grow. Being in water can result in buoyancy issues, so an "anchor" is desirable. Naturally-occurring pools of water are typically lakes and ponds, with muddy sediments at the bottom from decomposed matter. So, if Lotus grows in such environments, they will anchor to the bottom. Which is mud.

Based on the sole fact that the Lotus is an aquatic plant, the simple translation is that we can of course domestically grow it in clear water. Which it does! We can use sand or even gravel to anchor the base, if necessary. No mud required, period full-stop the end.

Let me highlight that again. Lotus does not need mud to grow.

So, to every single person quoting otherwise ~ especially spiritual and psychological sources ~ please, JUST STOP.

Lotus & clear water

Seen from the vantage point of truth ~ even when a Lotus plant is rooted in the dirt and darkness of mud, it seeks to grow out of this and heads towards the Light. It does not wallow in the mud ~ it strives to reach upwards so that it can bloom in the Light of the Sun.


Going Forward

Back to the Now. 

After more than two decades of intense social transformation of core values, adults today entertain themselves and their children in more destructive ways than ever before. What we find entertaining can say a lot about our Consciousness. The rampant brainwashing of Humanity has led to not just normalising but also romanticising darkness and its many expressions.

Another one of so many disturbing ways the self-sustaining psyop is fortified is through the widely-accepted notion that artists need darkness to motivate their creative flow and breathe life to their creations. So much of "Art" today is filled with dark and despairing elements, with hardly any sense of motivation or life. There is even the sense of glorification of the morbid and macabre. I think this program is genius ~ diminish the importance of Art in schools to discourage true creativity in our children, then condition the reduced population of Artists to enhance darkness through their own darkness. Darkness within creates darkness without ~ the analogy is that we can't produce a beautiful painting using dirty canvas, brushes, paint and water. So we end up with Artists despairing in darkness, producing Art that's dripping in that darkness, which results in an Art-world devoid of Light and Beauty. All we need to do is to look around and see "modern" Art & Architecture.

And the icing on the cake? Convince Humanity that AI can be the replacement for a human Artist. (Synchronistically, as I write this, there's an uproar over AI art used by Marvel in one of their products.)

Over and over again, I've read, heard and been told that darkness is part of us, that our shadows must be embraced and accepted, that darkness is a necessary part of Life. These are false belief systems borne out of that terrible Lotus-and-mud psyop that's infiltrated the Human psyche. 

Yes, we have shadows, we have darkness. Yes, we must accept that they exist and embrace them....so we can heal them. As for darkness being a necessary part of Life....well, which sane parent wants their bright and beautiful children to be instilled with darkness so that they can experience Life? 🤷🏽‍♀️

And remember, the Lotus grows out of the mud, towards the Light of the Sun.

Darkness creeps in and shadows form when Light gets cut off. Darkness is the absence of Light. Switch off the light in the room and it gets dark. Switch on the light and darkness disappears. Our shadows were birthed when Light was blocked, be it through our own mental-emotional processes or even through entity attachment. Turning the Light back on again will make a difference in both situations, even if it requires repeated effort since course-correction can sometimes be more manageable when taken in little steps, as long as it's headed in the right direction. A strong determination for constant reaffirmation certainly goes a long way.

Leave now and never come back!


Choosing Our Dinner Companion

We are a Collective in Crisis. We are also a Consciousness under construction. We are in an Ascension Cycle, and we get to choose which lane we wish to get on ~ the one rife with shadows, or the one bathed in Light.

The darkness is not Who We Truly Are.... it is an aspect of ourselves that was deprived of Light for too long. The power that darkness has over us comes from the power that we give it, allowing it to gain in strength as time passes. Each time we choose to believe the lie of the dark over the truth of the Light, darkness inflates.

When we continue to treat darkness as a life-long companion that requires us to feed it daily meals, we're doing such a great disservice and injustice to ourselves. The same applies when we continue to use darkness as an emotional crutch to avoid looking at ourselves in the mirror.

Image source: Unknown

Darkness underpins much of the maladies and madness of the world today. Pull the plug on darkness and the muck starts to drain away. Allow Beauty and Light to come in, and the tapestry of our Life will start to look beautiful again.
Beauty and Light are part of our True Essence and Divine Nature, which we should be deep in the process of reclaiming. Darkness has no place in this Ascension Cycle.

Let's continue to shine a spotlight on the darkness, so that more and more will start to shine their own Light.
Namarie! 💝

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