14 August 2022

Realise Rinse Remove Repeat ~ Republished from 22 February 2022

UPDATE 14 August 2022
 This post has been edited to substitute the word "release" with appropriate alternatives


Realise-and-Let-Go has been one of my main mantras ever since my second major purge which culminated in 2019. I've touched on this quite a few times in my previous blog, and I'm feeling nudged to write about it again as a main topic in view of what's unfolding as well as what's up ahead. Please be reminded that this is how I see things, and what I write is my own persrelonal opinion only.

They say that things come in threes. When I look back at my two previous major purge phases, I'm beginning to see the pattern and more importantly, the specific stages of each phase.


Phase One

Phase One was generally about letting go of all the conditioning and belief systems that society had constructed. An exit-from-the-matrix type of purge, as demonstrated by the scene in "They Live" ~ to clarify, I haven't watched this movie and have no intention of doing so. This phase would have been very distressing to go through as our worlds literally fell apart, but since it was a Soul activation/frequency kicking in at the right moment, it was more of a ahhh-yes-of-course type of experience, and thankfully it was a smooth and easy transition.


Phase Two

I call this phase the "Spiritual Purge". As the term indicates, it has to do with our Spiritual world and all that it ensconces ~ teachers, guides, practices, rituals, modalities, methods, teachings, and of course, beliefs. 

This one was met with resistance to the letting go. It took me about two years of active self-debate before I reached the stage where I was willing to move on, and then it was effortless, as if it was the most natural thing for me to do. The frequent answer I gave to any doubt that arose was, "But these are spiritual people, these are spiritual teachings, these are spiritual modalities....etc." I felt that since I was a spiritual person, I should be believing in all these spiritual things. What I did not realise was that I had simply substituted an entire complex of control matrix belief systems for another entire complex of "spiritual" belief systems that came with plenty of in-built assumptions.

This person is channelling this powerful Being, so it must be authentic. She's an incarnated 15-D Ascended Being, so she must know what's true. He's a famous healer, so he must be good. Everyone is following this belief, so it must be right. And so on.

Having said this, let me be clear that I'm not saying everyone and everything is false. I'm saying that I had to generally walk away because it was time for me to do so. I had learnt very many good things that assisted greatly in my own spiritual path, but I felt that it would no longer serve my continuing growth to remain entrenched in that environment. Although I believe that "truth" is multi-faceted multi-layered multi-level and comes in 144 shades, I also feel that the infiltration in the spiritual community is quite widespread.

(Given the length <eons> and extent <global> of dark control, we must accept that the dark web pretty much covers everything. In this current incarnation, we get to free ourselves.)


Phase Three

I feel that this one hasn't got an actual "birth point" in that its barely-detectable undercurrents were already running from Phase One. But for this phase to properly activate, the requisite earlier phases must complete first.

This one gets personal. It's all about the individual, and the "Who I Truly Am" route which runs simultaneously with "Who I'm Truly Not". It doesn't matter which route we take ~ either one will arrive at the "I Am This I Am" destination.

This phase will be pretty challenging if we are overly attached to any sort of identity, label, qualification, status, past incarnations or " DNA pedigree". This isn't just with the spiritual aspect, but also encompasses every other arena in which we have an attached identity. Daughter, friend, husband, entrepreneur, confidante, story-teller, diplomat, leader, vegan, and so on. Everything or everyone we believed we were, are or will be. How we believe we should look or dress. Or the exact opposite just to be "individual", to create/make a statement, or to stand out. (Example: convincing others to eat/drink/smoke whatever they like because it doesn't matter. Please note that I'm just quoting this example for explanatory purposes only.)


Once Upon A Time

The further along we progress on our Ascension path, the closer we get to embodying and expressing more and more of our True Essence. Whether we look at this from the point of view of DNA activation, frequency accretion or assimilation with our Divinity, it's the journey back to our True Selves. Not necessarily retracing our path back ~because the Cosmic Compass is being recalibrated ~ but returning to and reclaiming our rightful residency prior to our fall. 

I am once again reminded of what the Mysterious Gil said some years back:

The past is old
The future is ancient

We are returning to our Ancient Origins, back to true Source Creation. We are going back to our Cosmic and Soul roots, to the place of our Original Birth, once upon a time so very long ago. 

And this is why I feel this particular phase of clearing out our identity and personal imprints is pertinent. I can't help but think that these greatly striated and differing bandwidths of energies coming in has to do with, in addition to other functions, activating our Soul Origins. We come from such a diverse mix of Cosmic lineage, and I feel that as time passes (very quickly at that!) we will be going through our own Sorting Hat sequence in terms of DNA realignment. To take on any identity that isn't authentic will only serve to complicate this process. It's far easier to let go of all identity attachments now so that we can openly embrace and welcome DNA activations that are meant for us. Existing identity attachments may be vastly different from who we truly are ~ having no attachments will greatly facilitate our "sorting" process as well as allowing us to have more awareness of what development our higher consciousness is bringing in.


Just Let Go

I learnt a simple and most valuable lesson many years ago ~ I always have a choice whether to choose the easy way or the hard way. Through observations as well as my own experiences, the simplest solution is usually the best. I'm fully aware that there are many who do not agree with this advice, and that's perfectly okay because it's not my intention to convince anyone of my opinion. 

Take letting go, for example. This process is something that many find challenging for various reasons (usually tied to emotion or ego). I will make some suggestions on how to approach this from "easy", as opposed to "hard".

This is based on the title of this post ~ Realise Rinse Remove Repeat.

Realise: Identify and acknowledge what needs to be cleared or removed
Rinse: Send Divine Love and Divine Light to bless and transmute the situation to be cleared
Remove: Let it go
Repeat: Daily repetition of clearing process, until no longer required.

I spend some daily meditation time to clear a whole bunch of things, as well as a more general "I now let go of all that no longer serves my highest good" or words to that effect. 

I avoid over-analysing the situation I need to remove from my reality, I do my best to not get emotionally entangled, I stay away from ego-tripping as a defense mechanism. I may not know or understand the "lesson" involved, I just focus on the intention and act of clearing.

What I find is that whatever I need to know or learn about the situation that I'm clearing is always revealed to me when the time is right, so I trust that this will happen and therefore I don't need to dissect the situation and place it under a microscope. What I also find is that if I'm clearing something that's meant for me, it will return in better shape and under improved circumstances.

If what I need to remove is something of a more complex nature and it's wieldy to clear in one go, then I do it in parts. For example, if I believe that I'm a Sirian on a mission to be a famous contactee bringing in vital information as well as being an author, then perhaps I first work on relinquishing the notion that I have to be a contactee, then move on to the author part, then let go the Sirian identity. I know, I know....this isn't a good example but I really need to wrap this up 😁

The main thing is to just begin the process, and that's already a step in the right direction.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💜

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