12 January 2023


"Flip". This is what I keep getting. 

It all started when I noticed that the hand soap bottle and my ointment bottle had changed sides on my bathroom sink, with the former being on the left of the tap and the latter on the right. The word "flip" immediately registered. I would never consciously place the soap on the left of the tap ~ soap has always been on the right, it's habitual.

Within just a couple of hours thereafter, I heard two different instances where the word "flip" was used in separate conversations. Used "properly", that is, and not in the sense of slang or swear.

What also kept coming to mind is the above image that I put together in 2015 (hence the seven billion population count). 

Eight years on, it is my strong intention and HOPE that 2023 is when we finally and at long last get to flip the script.

Namarie! 💛

The Solar Tally So Far....

EarthSky At this time of writing, we've had 25 X-class Solar Flares since this phenomenal year of 2024 commenced. Out of those 25, eight...