Showing posts with label matt kahn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label matt kahn. Show all posts

19 December 2023

Our True Self ~ Matt Kahn ~ 18 December 2023

Matt Kahn ~ click link for video

The spiritual crisis is that you are all spiritual masters denying the truth of your being while insisting on doing things that no one is requiring you to do to remember who you've always been.

*Matt Kahn

We are all downstepped aspects of our own Ascended Master ~ we have forgotten or became disconnected from this truth over the long ages through many biological mutations and DNA distortions. Our journey back to our True Self enables us to remember and re-discover our own truths.

19 October 2023

In the Name of Peace ~ Matt Kahn ~ 11 October 2023

With global waning interest in "The Bear" region, diminishing tolerance and draining resources, the ever-glowing embers of the age-old manipulated religious sparring partners were ignited to keep the war machine going. As always, innocent precious lives are lost or disrupted, with chaos ensuing in both countries.

Only with sufficient awareness of the control system will Humanity be moved to stand in its Collective Consciousness & Sovereignty, and reject all the agendas they are now desperately implementing everywhere.

This beautiful and relevant message from Matt Kahn is inspiring and given from the higher perspective of Ascension, which is so needed right now. He explains the situation in more detail using the Victim-Victimiser framework.

What is interesting is his mention of the "breaking point" but then again I do not follow his work regularly so it could be something he has brought up before without my knowledge. (Because the "breaking point" is said to start at the Planetary level's physical realm next month! More on this in later posts.)

Matt also includes a karmic clearing exercise in the video, please use your own guidance in this respect.

Here's the link to the video.

Let's do what we can to call in Divine Light & Divine Love for the entire world.

Namarie! 💛

07 October 2023

The Heart of Integration ~ Matt Kahn

Matt Khan

This is such an enlightening perspective of the deep integration process we are going through, that I wrote about earlier.

02 September 2023

Falling Apart....Or Falling Into Place? ~ Matt Kahn ~ 31 August 2023

Matt Kahn

Sometimes, we need to go through a de-construction before we can re-construct. 

In this time of Ascension that we are in, we are required to be our Authentic Self, nothing less. This can mean that if what we had constructed for ourselves ~ persona, lifestyle, mindset etc ~ did not align with our Authenticity, then rebuilding needs to happen. 

And sometimes, a shift in perspective is all it takes to turn things around.

27 February 2022

"More Love, Not Less"

Bahman Farzad

"More love, not less." Wise words indeed from Matt Kahn.

This post is a response to some of the things I've come across in Lightworker circles in the past couple of days, relating to the current conflict that erupted on the 24th of this month. This recent event has further increased the gaping chasm in our communities but it's not something that I'm writing about now, as I've addressed this topic adequately in the past. I'm just focussing on the response or reaction to the conflict.

The response from very many denote praise and applause for what is transpiring, and this is what I'm directly addressing here. Generally, the notion is that we should not do anything and just allow things to escalate. We should not impede its progress but let it reach the maximum peak so that Light Forces can step in, so this operation is justified and legitimate. Many disasters happen around the world all the time, this one is no different. Collateral damage is normalised as it is a sacrifice for the greater good. And anyway, no one really dies because our Souls are immortal.

I wish to clarify, highlight and stress that this post has nothing to do with who is the good guy and who is bad, who is with the Light and who is working for the dark, whether this is a White Hats/Positive Military operation or not, etc. This isn't even about wanting a certain outcome.

This is just about being a Human Being and therefore expressing the quality of being humane. It is simply about sending Love, Blessings, Light, Prayer or benevolence to a volatile situation where lives are at stake. Every citizen and every soldier involved is someone's daughter or son, wife or husband, sister or brother, mother or father. Even if we are adamant "not to go against free will" or "alter the outcome", we can still send Love or Blessings. And the barest minimum we can do is to radiate that Love and Light that we've worked so hard to grow and nurture within.

A change in circumstance can bring about a rapid shift in perspective. Those responses expressed may not be the same if they or their loved ones are directly involved in or affected by the situation.

We all need more Love, not less, not none. Even "enemies". Especially them.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! And much Love to ALL OF HUMANITY.

Barbara Pozzi

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...