24 June 2022

Resources and "The Other Reason"

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**Note: As I was finishing this post, Blogger locked me out and I couldn't access it for a while. I have therefore edited some terms using symbols or other means to avoid detection by bots.**
The previous post (here) served as a stage-setting for this one, so thank you for taking the time to read it if you've not read it before in The Earth Plan. I do not relish writing this one, because I don't quite know how to approach it, but approach it I must. And the best way I know how is to be real open and honest about many things. I think it'll get rambly but there's a point to it, I promise 😄 


I will start with key personal experiences of reactions from people who had previously given me the impression were more than mere readers of my previous blog, The Earth Plan. In the mid-phase of the DeeTee/Cue (phonetic alphabets) psyop ~ when it was in full swing, having garnered a massive global following ~ many readers tried to get me on board, sending me articles, updates etc and urging me to post them. I had repeatedly declined, but that did not stop their determination. When I finally wrote a public post requesting everyone to stop sending me such resources as I did not (and still don't) align with the information, a number of people who had previously claimed to be my "Star Brethren" left my circle.

Paradoxically, while I lost "Star Brethren" over my stand on the DeeTee/Cue narrative, a number of readers took that to mean I was in full support of the "anti-DeeTee/Cue side" 😐 That resulted in me writing regular posts cautioning about polarisation but many still insisted on taking sides or being polarised to something or other. Then I finally wrote the Same Coin Same Agenda post, which of course led to more people choosing to take offence and leaving my circle, especially the "anti-DeeTee/Cue side" (who had previously steadfastly assumed I was on "their side").

There's more. The recent round of people being offended was over my "health agenda" stand 🤷‍♀️ I suppose there will be yet another round after this post. Que sera sera.


Not Hijacked, But Well Orchestrated

Since late 2017, I was seeing more and more symptoms of the Spiritual, Truther and Ufology communities being increasingly hijacked and infiltrated. I have since realised this was not an accurate observation ~ it was not hijacking or infiltration. Rather, it was a carefully planned and well orchestrated process since Atlantean times, or even before. This means they've had 25,000 years or so of time to prepare and perfect their plans prior to this Ascension cycle. They had the time and means to set up the mechanisms and cast numerous nets in different "streams" to draw us in. This is why I had mentioned several times to not fall into their well-planned traps. What better way to thwart the Ascension of Humanity than to:

1. Ensure the entrapment of Wayshowers using mis/dis-information;
2. Lead them onto paths of False Ascension;
3. Divide and conquer them.

How did we end up placing our faith in political leaders, 3-letter/alphanumeric "government" agencies, secret services or elite forces, business moguls, militaries....the very people we had learnt were not to be trusted when we first became aware of the control system?

Revering/channelling ancient Greek Roman Viking Egyptian "gods and goddesses" etc....even the Anunnaki (En_ki En_lil Mar*duk Inan*na) or anticipating their/Nibiru's "return"?

A huge new(ish) crop of channels with various Ascended and Galactic beings, many of them providing  information at odds with each other, and some even working with S_S*P and/or Sp@ce F*rce (seriously???) with massive following.

Sources of intel that keep pushing goal-posts further and further away each time some promised date comes and goes without anything happening. Without apology.

Remember this?
I could go on but I don't think I need to.

I had cited my pressing need to stop, step back and chart the next phase of my journey as the reason to close The Earth Plan. But in truth, I had also gotten to the point where I felt was a massive problem brewing in the communities. This is the "other reason" why I had to move away and move on. Having said that, I will readily thank all from whom I have learnt over these long years. Even things that turned out to be mis/dis-information ~ that is part of the learning process.


The Present Time

At this point in time, I actually follow very few sources. I do spend time scanning what's out there, but find that I actually can't listen to, watch or read most of them. Sometimes I come across something that seem to resonate, but then halfway through it gets on to a track that I do not wish to follow.

Having said that, there are a couple of resources that I would like to mention that I follow fairly regularly, as and when updates become available. One of them is intel-based, and the other is knowledge-based. Although both are relatively new to me, I do resonate strongly (at this point in time) with them. As always, these are my recommendations only, please use your own Higher Guidance and decide for yourself if they align with you.

I had come across several resources that referenced K!m G*guen in the past, but have not accessed any of her information. A few months ago, a close friend asked me my opinion about K!m. Since this is a dear friend (and I was already curious at that point), I obliged and watched the update she sent. I went through a few more video updates just to be sure, and I genuinely liked what I saw and heard, and felt energetically. I have a lot of respect for her as a person, as well as for doing what she's doing for Humanity and our Planet.

Apart from the energy aspect, what I truly appreciated was finally and at long last an intel provider who called out the DeeTee/Q/Military/Wh!te H@ts narrative, the "Drag...ons", the "El_ders", Pu...tin, Sp@ce F*rce, S..SP, Nes@ra/Gesar@ (a friend told me about this one 20 years ago so I guess at least 40 dates must have come and gone with nothing happening since then) and so on....all of them aspects of the GLOBAL control system. Kim also calls out many other things but this point was a major Yes for me because so many aware individuals have been waylaid and distracted by these psyops.

l'm well aware that much of what Kim brings forth is what you already know and have learnt about throughout the years, and it's not my intention to waste your time. However, I did clarify earlier that one of the resources I would recommend is intel-based, and this is the one. I like keeping track of her intel updates ~ she is the intel source at the moment that I trust much more than the rest.

What's more, Kim includes factors that I believe are relevant in this time period we are in ~ she talks about frequencies and energies, takes into consideration our Planet, includes events from outside our Planet, and brings Source into the conversation. What's happening now is a Cosmic event, not just what we see around us in the physical realm. Someone who is able to see things collectively and is tuned into the Cosmic Currents will have a much broader perspective and comprehension of what's at play right now.

Kim's work can be accessed here.  You will need to sign up to watch the most recent videos (archive access requires a small monthly subscription). There are other ways to access older videos through "alternative" sites, but I will have to point out that this is basically a violation of ownership rights.

There are two legit links I know of, and they are very recent. For those interested, it's here and here.

This is the knowledge-based resource. E'Asha Ashayana is also a relatively new source for me and I have posted excerpts of her work before on The Earth Plan. Her information is generally based on Keylontic Science and the mechanics of Ascension. I don't have access to most of her work and what's freely available online is scarce. What I can say right now is that I'm really enjoying and appreciating her teachings, which provide me with missing pieces of a massive puzzle that help me form a Bigger Picture (and as you know, I'm a great fan of Bigger Pictures). E'Asha transforms the pictures I have into something more detailed, adding depth and dimension. She goes as far back in Creation as possible, and that is something that feeds my Soul.

From what I understand, E'Asha has been holding workshops for more than 20 years now, so the volume of information (including her book, "Voyagers ~ Secrets of Amenti") must be mind-boggling. It was her detailed video explaining the Fallen Angels that made me sit up and take notice ~ so many lightbulb moments and so many gaps were filled, thereby producing more clarity and a presenting a higher perspective. For me to adequately understand the Now, I like going back to the Beginning.

The other video that helped me decide to follow her work was the one about our Planet's Ascension which touched me on a very deep level as I've long maintained that this is Earth Mum's show and her role is pivotal for this part of Cosmic Creation (hence my blog's name "The Earth Plan").

And this beyond-beautiful prayer:

Organic Ascension

Since her work goes back more than 20 years, some of the information is no longer valid (such as the Evacuation Timeline ~ this was nicely outlined by Tuella in "Project World Evacuation" in 1993), but Keylontic Science is still Keylontic Science, as is Ascension Mechanics.

E'Asha's website is here, and I follow Voyagers for excerpts. Again, you can find some videos posted on alternative sites, very likely without permission.


Recognising Integral Factors

These two sources have areas of information that overlap nicely, albeit from different perspectives or interpretations. At this point, I try not to get overly fussed about differences because I'm thinking no one really has the perfect perception to view all things ~ everything is relative.

What I see as strong suits for these two sources are integral factors like taking into consideration Planetary and Cosmic Cycles, and recognising that there is a Divine Cosmic Plan unfolding at all times that involves not just us and our Planet, but all of Creation in this part of the Cosmos. This Ancient Cosmic Saga that has distilled into our Planetary tragedy has been unfolding for such a very long time, following a humongous cycle that goes into millions, if not billions of years. It is, at long last, running its end.

Everything is Spiritual, and this is how things need to be so we can finally and properly evolve.

In Closing

(That's a terribly lame title, I know.....but I'm getting really tired 😄)

Could I be wrong about these two sources? Yes.

Do I believe everything they say? No.

So please ~ broken record ~ use your own Higher Guidance.

Ultimately, does it matter how much intel we know? Would it make a difference if we understand how Ascension works? I've written about all this before, so some of you will know my answer is NO. But I personally like to follow intel, and I like learning about Ascension. I also know beyond any sliver of doubt that ALL that matters is what we do/be as an individual, and our connection to our Divinity in some way.

Inner work never stops. With inner work we can create a beautiful inner world that manifests in the external, because creation always starts from within. And so does Ascension.

When we are right with ourselves from within, we will be in the best possible situation to help others appropriately. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💛

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