Artist: Kate (original link unknown)
About 20 years ago, I wrote this little story as part of an article:
upon a time, a yuppie trekked halfway across the world to seek guidance
from a reclusive Yogi who was renowned for his Wisdom. After days of
crossing rough terrain and scaling craggy mountains, he finally arrived at the
Yogi's remote abode, where the latter was deep in meditation. Intruding
upon the Yogi's silent solitude, the yuppie pleaded, "Oh Great Yogi, please
tell me the secret of Life!" A long silence ensued as the Yogi took his
time to ground himself and finally opened his eyes. Looking squarely at
the yuppie, the Yogi replied quite simply, "Breathe."
As simple as that. When we stop breathing, we die.
In the past two extremely challenging, transformative and awareness-triggering years, the Breath has taken centre-stage. Apart
from the obvious lung infection that leads to difficulty in breathing,
there are other instances when our Breath is compromised, either consciously or subconsciously.
* Gasping in disbelief or holding our breath when extreme restrictions or "pre-emptive" measures are continuously rolled to "protect" people's health
* Shallow breathing during stressful times, generally on-going for two years
* Feeling smothered by fear
* Shortness of breath as just one of the several adverse reactions/injuries arising from the potion
* Inadequate intake of breath when mouth coverings are used (especially for the little ones).
Our breathing has been limited in so many ways. And since breathing is necessary for Life, it's as if we are being actively conditioned to not fully live Life.
Punctuated by George Floyd's
I-can't-breath tragedy in 2020, which turned out to be an ominous portend for
the many months that followed, Humanity in general has been fighting for Breath.
Personally, I've had a couple of bouts where I faltered and froze in fear, despite knowing better. It was the sheer shock of seeing blatant attempts of control and removal of basic rights of citizens. Admittedly, the greater jolt came from seeing people actually supporting extreme apartheid measures against those who chose to be potion-free. Regaining my proper breathing really helped in recovering my centredness during such encounters.
As 2021 draws to a hurried close, we are seeing growing pushback against the juggernaut of fear propaganda that had so easily swayed public perspective in the early days when the global population was intensely prepped to embrace, and even demand for the "potions". A few weeks ago, I had written that Humanity had ~ motivated by fear ~ resoundingly voted YES for the dark to roll out their agenda seemingly unimpeded, and that we will have to re-vote to get back on track (here):
The silver lining that can be wrought from this dark agenda is the ripples of growing awareness in the general population as Time passes. Increasing numbers of people all around the world are beginning to say NO to the dark agenda, and I am even seeing a few mainstream mediums coming out with murmurs of serious adverse effects. While there are many who are still in almost full-blown panic mode, I am also seeing instances of many others who are now angry for allowing themselves to be deceived.
Many are starting to see the first layers of the underbelly of the dark, courtesy of governments and health authorities who have little to no interest in the well-being of the people. The Drug Pushers' insidious antics are also on full display for public cognizance of the power they wield, being a major tentacle of the system. This extends to being a main influence in the medical industry, a fact that is now clear for anyone who wishes to see. No need to go down any rabbit hole ~ what's happening out in the open is enough for people to start seeing through the deceptions and control system.
There were also learning opportunities for Humanity, if they so choose to accept. One of them is that we are now learning to look after our own bodies, a responsibility that we had long abdicated to the medical industry and the drug-pushing conglomerate that had instilled the belief that we fix our ailments through lifetime dependence on drugs.
We have also learnt that our own fellow citizens are the ones making a positive difference to the lives of so many. The health scare prompted the mushrooming of private groups that formed and mobilised to assist those in need. Lawyers, doctors (the ones with integrity and who remembered their Hippocratic oath), people from all walks of Life provided support ~ legal, medical, financial, emotional ~ to those impacted from loss of employment or potion injuries. The Human Spirit in these groups shone bright and clear during the dim periods of the past two years.
The convergence of Cosmic Cycles massive and minor will ultimately see the recall of completely corrupted fallen Souls back to Source to be recast. This fate that awaits them is acutely known by the dark but it also galvanises them as they realise they have nothing to lose. Humanity must say NO to all their schemes ~ revoke, rescind, reject. And let's make that message loud and clear.
I keep getting "mountain-moving" when I tune into the energies of 2022. It sounds encouraging to me, and we'll do what it takes. Even if we just take one baby step at a time, we can still move mountains if we have billions beside us doing the same.
We've had two years of compromised breathing, of
compromised living. Enough already. We must resolve to turn all that
around in 2022. Humanity needs to catch its breath, get back on its feet, stand tall and reclaim its Sovereignty. 2022 is for us to focus on co-creating the Ascended world that we
were meant to live in, instead of the lower realm that the dark imposed
on us to build for them.
We will take those long, loving, life-giving breaths and
refresh, revive and rejuvenate our Lives. We will live Life, and love Life. And we will THRIVE.
Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗