09 September 2024

Catching Up! ~ Part 1

Zen to Zany

Admittedly, there's quite a lot for me to catch up on so I'll see how this post goes. It could get really long and rambling ~ something not unusual for me, I know ~ or I'll do it in two parts.

So....how is everyone? Doing well and flowing with ease, I hope. If this is you, then celebrate, fire up that Soul Smile and continue Shining Your Light! If this isn't you, then celebrate, fire up that Soul Smile and continue Shining Your Light! 😄 

Yep, that meme there says it all, doesn't it? Given that our Beautiful Planet is ever-increasing her frequency and our daily hours continue to compress....phew. It feels like lots of stuff is being thrown at us to resolve, wrap up or just let go. The growing sense of urgency yet at the same time the need to expand and Be. So much happening on so many levels simultaneously.


The Brain Area

Ah yes....the mush that was formerly my brain....I have no idea what's happening there but I will guess that the Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus are all sharing the spotlight. The periodic pain, moments of zoning out, going blank mentally....all such fun when I have a list of things to attend to. The icing on the cake appears to be the giant rash-like flare-up between the brows in the Pineal area. Again, I can only guess that there's some intense partying going on there, resulting in the itchy inflamed spot. Castor oil to the rescue!

As I'm writing this, I'm also patting myself on the back 😆 because despite the fact that I'm struggling to write (very close to zoning out) I remember I have kept a screenshot of something to do with this trio of glands that E'Asha Ashayana briefly touched on in a workshop. A moment, please....

Arhayas Productions

Thankfully I found it without any trouble. I will again qualify that I'm just guessing what's happening with the brain, and any connection I'm making to E'Asha's teaching is purely my own.

This isn't the first time I've mentioned stuff happening in the brain area, but this round feels quite brutal at times.

Ancient Memories & Emotions

I mentioned just last month that this period feels more challenging because there are strong emotions compounding situations. I feel that a large part of the rising emotions come from flashbacks of ancient memories that seem to sweep across our psyche in brief moments. It's like they are surfacing to be acknowledged, healed and cleared but they sometimes leave wisps of emotional charge behind, and that could be what's affecting us. Daily clearing of all that no longer serve is compulsory, in my opinion.

These flashes of the distant past may just feel like a strange sensation, and not necessarily a memory that plays out in our mind. I strongly believe it's not necessary to know what the details are of the memory in order for them to be healed and cleared ~ that is happening at a subconscious level and it's occurring frequently. 

Tractor Beam

This is a visual I actually received last month but haven't yet written about it. Apart from being in cave-mode, I was waiting to see if I would get further clarification. Nope. All I have is a rather curt retort: What more is there to explain?


So okay, here goes. I'm still seeing all the various codes and geometries that are swirling, expanding and vibing in dynamic fashion. It's still a chockful of energies. Although I can't imagine how much more they're going to throw at us, I'm very certain the energies will only continue to increase in intensity and grow in numbers.

The new element that I felt more than I saw is that we're being pulled. Like in a tractor beam à la Star Trek. And THANK YOU Divine Team again for reminding me to link to an update from April 2024 (here ~ about a grid being locked-on to secure us) which is connected to this tractor beam thing I felt and saw.

Wow. OK. I'm actually quite speechless.


Synchronicities: More Obscure

I'll finish this post after this part, I'm really trying to be coherent 😄 This one is nice and simple, very easy on my brain ~ Synchronicity!

Synchronicity is presenting in more obscure and interesting ways now. I've heard several instances of this happening with others, and I'll relate a personal one.

Someone recommended a short video of Michael Tellinger talking about how patinas on rocks can be used to estimate age. (I had to research what "patina" meant in this case, very fascinating.) 

Michael Tellinger

Barely a couple of hours after watching this, I went to search for Peter Gregson's theme music from A Little Chaos. On his yt page, I noticed that he has an album called....Patina.

I will continue in Part 2.

Namarie! 💟

*Update: Part 2 is here.

Calling Back Our Energy & Power

There are loads of resources available online for calling back our energy and power. This spiritual habit is one I do daily ~ for anyone interested, this is what I say mentally:

I call back any or all true aspects and energies of my True Essence that I have given away or have been taken away from me, with or without my knowledge.

I ask that these aspects and energies be cleansed and purified, and that they be returned to me for reintegration into the Wholeness of my True Essence once purification is completed.

With Love & Gratitude, and So It Is.

I hope that some will find this useful.

Namarie! 💗

03 September 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

There's been quite a development on the Solar front as well as SR activity recently so I'm peeking out of my cave for a bit to document some charts and stuff.

The chart above is the current SR reading ~ since I still have access, here it is. I was also going to post some screenshot highlights for the past few weeks that I saved, but remembered that Disclosure News Italia does a nice compilation of the readings for the entire month, so here it is for August, thanks to them and of course the actual source, Space Observing System:

Disclosure News Italia & Space Observing System

There were brief spells of geomagnetic storms and disturbances, but what I wanted to point out is that the Solar activity "reverse-spike/hearbeat" pattern is back:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Started on 31 August and still on-going now:

The previous phase of this reverse-spike/heartbeat activity ended on 11 April 2024, after going on for more than a month since end-February 2024 (here).

The following are clips of what our Sun has been up to, with massive amounts of Cosmic Plasma being thrown Venus' way. Interesting to note that in mid-July it was Mars getting our Sun's attention.

Large Eruption Headed to Venus (The Sun Today)

Solar Expulsion (Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol)


SpaceWeather reports that this is the 3rd CME being hurled at Venus in as many days:

The CME won't hit Earth. Instead, it is heading for Venus. A NASA model predicts it will strike on Sept. 3rd. This will be the third CME hitting Venus in as many days, each one eroding a thin layer of the planet's unprotected cloudtops.

I can only wonder what's happening over at Venus. And at Mars. And at the rest of the Solar System, for that matter. Given the Rescue Mission that is on-going in our part of the Cosmos, I often wish for information regarding the other Planets in our Solar System.

Namarie! 💙

16 August 2024

Solar Storm Symptoms ~ Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts

Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts

Generally speaking, I do my best to not get caught up in the "symptoms" club because I personally feel that to be over-invested in this may not be helpful in the long run. 

This is a long-term thing with energies getting stronger, energies that we have to assimilate so that we can accrete the frequencies necessary to ascend. Being overly-obsessed with symptoms on a daily basis will hamper our daily living and distract us from helping ourselves. I've seen too many people give their power away in this manner. 

Also bearing in mind that technically, many started going through Ascension symptoms more than two decades ago! We have to learn to roll with it as best as we can.

Having said all that, I admit that this round has been particularly challenging. I'm hearing from quite a few people that they feel more impacted than usual. I also feel that this time around, emotions are strongly involved, which of course compounds everything. I had felt that earlier this month and mentioned it when that far-side X-14 erupted (here).

Empaths, Old Souls & Introverts has some guidance.


Self-care and be kind to yourself. Find Joy in small things as well as create daily habits that make you happy. Celebrate and give Gratitude for as many things as you can. Take one step at a time and if necessary, pause.

Namarie! 🩵

15 August 2024

40+ Hours

This is like a continuation of an earlier post pertaining to the prolonged geomagnetic event which commenced on 11 August 2024. All in it lasted about 45 hours!

It got pretty stormy for most of 12 August 2024, and an X-1.1 flare presented early on the 14th:



....resulting in a shortwave radio blackout in the above areas.

For gorgeous stunning displays of Auroras, please visit Space.com:

They are certainly a panacea for any symptoms brought on by these template-changing energies 🤩

Namarie! 💜

13 August 2024

Intention Appears to Pre-Empt Change ~ Veda Austin ~ 6 August 2024

Veda Austin

Water Whisperer Veda Austin proved tangibly ~ with the help of Water, of course! ~ that intention can be a powerful manifestation tool, especially so when the time-gap between thoughts and creation is diminishing.

I continue to be fascinated with her work ~ please visit her site to see the amazing results she gets. She has taken the beautiful legacy of Dr Masaru Emoto to an entire new level, and we benefit all the more because of her discoveries. 

Please see what she's written about Intention here.  I like what she says about Water "feeling better".

As an aside, I have mentioned previously that I believe that the Water Element is being healed and purified, and the other Elements will follow suit in time. (I think the Air Element could be in its initiation phase now, but this is just my opinion.) If it aligns with your Lightwork, please do include the Elements in your location/country in your daily prayer/meditation ~ send them Divine Light & Love and Gratitude, or whatever works for you. 

Ditto with the Water we drink.

Speaking of Elements, if your area is going through severe weather conditions, please also know that you can play a role in remedying the situation.

Namarie! 💙

12 August 2024


Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

We're currently storming strongly, with geomagnetic disturbances for almost the whole of yesterday. I'm not insisting I'm right, but I'm blaming my itchy skin and runny nose on this geomagnetic event 😆

Since I'm here, I might as well post the data for the trio of X-class flares we had recently:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

This was an X-1.3 on 8 August 2024.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Two presented on 5 August 2024!

Namarie! 💗

06 August 2024

Shine Your Light!

A quick check of my notes tells me that the first of two visuals which I'm going to write about occurred on 22 July 2024. I didn't feel ready to write until now but I'm also not going to lie ~ I wasn't looking forward to it.

Anyhooo, let's get to it.


The Visuals

On that particular morning, I saw the usual and dynamic everything-all-at-once energy flows, geometric presentations and the predominantly emerald-aqua (and sometimes gold) hues. Then, another colour appeared ~ lilac.

I don't get that often, so I should have been pretty stoked to see it but I wasn't. It was crystal clear that the colour was murky ~ it was downright "dirty". I could tell with some scrutiny that the "underlying" colour or the "essence" was beautiful, but in its present form, that lilac not only looked unattractive but it held a vibration that wasn't pleasant.

Again, I won't lie....I felt a degree of dread seeing it because I immediately knew what it meant without any interpretation assistance. We were going to enter a major cleansing cycle. Add that to the already boiling pot that is the external....yikes.

To clarify, we've had several cleansing cycles before since 2012, and it's been pretty much free-for-all in terms of everything happening simultaneously now. But this one felt like it was going to be very significant. Like a main plot instead of a sub-plot, if you will. Intense cleaning means getting to all the dark dirty depths, and that in turn means those crevices need to be found or revealed.

As if to console me, I was given the assurance that I will get another visual in a few days' time. I had no idea what that meant, or how that was an "assurance" but I knew better so I let it be.

Four days later on 26 June, I saw a lilac hue again but this time whoa....pristine and so gorgeous! It was obvious this meant the cleansing cycle was successful and the lilac hue was restored to its glorious essence. And yep, this time I was well and properly stoked!

What was also made very clear to me was that the vibrant lilac did not mean that the major cleansing cycle was over. In fact, it hadn't even begun yet, and it would take some time for the cycle to play out. I got both images within a few days only to show me that we're entering this major phase and that we will be coming out of it, mission accomplished. How long it would take, I do not know.


Be The Lighthouse

The following day (27 July) was the Olympics Opening Ceremony....need I say more? Barely a fortnight since, and it feels like the world stage shenanigans are spiking up, with so many events exploding in various parts of the world. It's like we're having several colossal Cosmic water jets being directed at us as the first stage of cleaning. 

So here's my Lighthouse suggestion again ~ I've said it before in my previous blog if not here. If we are unable to directly make a positive difference to any situation, then we be the Lighthouse We Shine Our Light.

We refrain from feeding the fear and frenzy and instead fuel our own field, our own Light Bubble. We focus on creating and living our daily lives that is in alignment with Divine Creation, and we continue to build and accrete our frequency no matter what is unfolding in the external.

If possible and if we feel called to do so, then we also be a Lighthouse for our own country ~ we have the "visa" for the job. Even if we feel we are the only one around to be a Lighthouse, we still do that because everything we do matters, no matter how insignificant we think it is.

We do what we can in whatever manner works best for us, to shine our Light.

Namarie! 💙

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...