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Anita Opper ~ Zen to Zany |
31 October 2024
26 September 2024
Go Home!
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Zen To Zany ~ Anita Opper |
I was never a fan of that phrase which I thought was insensitive, but THANK YOU Anita Opper for pointing out this perfect perspective! 😍
"Home" with a capital H....Namarie! 💙
09 September 2024
Catching Up! ~ Part 1
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Zen to Zany |
Admittedly, there's quite a lot for me to catch up on so I'll see how this post goes. It could get really long and rambling ~ something not unusual for me, I know ~ or I'll do it in two parts.
So....how is everyone? Doing well and flowing with ease, I hope. If this is you, then celebrate, fire up that Soul Smile and continue Shining Your Light! If this isn't you, then celebrate, fire up that Soul Smile and continue Shining Your Light! 😄
Yep, that meme there says it all, doesn't it? Given that our Beautiful Planet is ever-increasing her frequency and our daily hours continue to compress....phew. It feels like lots of stuff is being thrown at us to resolve, wrap up or just let go. The growing sense of urgency yet at the same time the need to expand and Be. So much happening on so many levels simultaneously.
The Brain Area
Ah yes....the mush that was formerly my brain....I have no idea what's happening there but I will guess that the Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus are all sharing the spotlight. The periodic pain, moments of zoning out, going blank mentally....all such fun when I have a list of things to attend to. The icing on the cake appears to be the giant rash-like flare-up between the brows in the Pineal area. Again, I can only guess that there's some intense partying going on there, resulting in the itchy inflamed spot. Castor oil to the rescue!
As I'm writing this, I'm also patting myself on the back 😆 because despite the fact that I'm struggling to write (very close to zoning out) I remember I have kept a screenshot of something to do with this trio of glands that E'Asha Ashayana briefly touched on in a workshop. A moment, please....
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Arhayas Productions |
Thankfully I found it without any trouble. I will again qualify that I'm just guessing what's happening with the brain, and any connection I'm making to E'Asha's teaching is purely my own.
This isn't the first time I've mentioned stuff happening in the brain area, but this round feels quite brutal at times.
Ancient Memories & Emotions
I mentioned just last month that this period feels more challenging because there are strong emotions compounding situations. I feel that a large part of the rising emotions come from flashbacks of ancient memories that seem to sweep across our psyche in brief moments. It's like they are surfacing to be acknowledged, healed and cleared but they sometimes leave wisps of emotional charge behind, and that could be what's affecting us. Daily clearing of all that no longer serve is compulsory, in my opinion.
These flashes of the distant past may just feel like a strange sensation, and not necessarily a memory that plays out in our mind. I strongly believe it's not necessary to know what the details are of the memory in order for them to be healed and cleared ~ that is happening at a subconscious level and it's occurring frequently.
Tractor Beam
This is a visual I actually received last month but haven't yet written about it. Apart from being in cave-mode, I was waiting to see if I would get further clarification. Nope. All I have is a rather curt retort: What more is there to explain?
So okay, here goes. I'm still seeing all the various codes and geometries that are swirling, expanding and vibing in dynamic fashion. It's still a chockful of energies. Although I can't imagine how much more they're going to throw at us, I'm very certain the energies will only continue to increase in intensity and grow in numbers.
The new element that I felt more than I saw is that we're being pulled. Like in a tractor beam à la Star Trek. And THANK YOU Divine Team again for reminding me to link to an update from April 2024 (here ~ about a grid being locked-on to secure us) which is connected to this tractor beam thing I felt and saw.
Wow. OK. I'm actually quite speechless.
Synchronicities: More Obscure
I'll finish this post after this part, I'm really trying to be coherent 😄 This one is nice and simple, very easy on my brain ~ Synchronicity!
Synchronicity is presenting in more obscure and interesting ways now. I've heard several instances of this happening with others, and I'll relate a personal one.
Someone recommended a short video of Michael Tellinger talking about how patinas on rocks can be used to estimate age. (I had to research what "patina" meant in this case, very fascinating.)
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Michael Tellinger |
Barely a couple of hours after watching this, I went to search for Peter Gregson's theme music from A Little Chaos. On his yt page, I noticed that he has an album called....Patina.
I will continue in Part 2.
Namarie! 💟
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