Showing posts with label Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol. Show all posts

06 February 2025

Solar Activity: Follow-Up For 1&2 February 2025 and New CMEs

Taken by Dave Curtis on February 2, 2025 @ Dunedin New Zealand

Following from an earlier post about Solar Activity, the expected strong geomagnetic storms didn't arrive although there were still some stunning Auroras to be savoured, like this gorgeous formation in the image above. And with Comet C/2024 G3 ATLAS to complement the visual!

In terms of CMEs in the past few days, there were plenty to be seen and Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol had some fascinating images to show, like the ones below highlighting this enormous filament that resulted due to strong Solar winds:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

 And this CME:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Namarie! 💚

30 January 2025

Our Sun's Huge Corona Hole & That Shield-Like Structure....Again

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol has posted some very interesting and intriguing images of our Sun and its vicinity. I can't help but see the first set of images as faces, as shown above. This is what SpaceWeather reports:

A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole in the sun's atmosphere is directly facing Earth and blowing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: Jan. 31st or Feb. 1st. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the gaseous material reaches Earth. CME impact alerts: SMS Text.

And this is the intriguing part, where Gregorio says:

Images dated 26-01-2025, a couple of years ago, we followed the appearance in space of a circular object with a star in the center, which many comments hinted at the call (Ezekiel's Wheel) or something like that, and that has appeared in different years in different dates and different position, that in those days as a consequence of his appearance seemed to again unfold a kind of shield such as happened in previous occasions, and now in January 2025 reappears, here again the new images of January 2025...

He's referring to this image:

Gregorio M Vigilante del So

There are several more images, so please click the link to Gregorio's fb page to see them.

The left arrow is pointing at a shield-like stucture, and Gregorio mentions seeing something similar two years ago. I've only followed Gregorio for about 1+ years so I don't know to what he's specifically referring.

However, what this image reminds me of immediately is something that I posted from In2ThinAir 3 years ago, here. If you haven't yet watched the video I featured in the post, I do strongly suggest doing so. It boggles my mind every time I watch it ~ just imagine the size of that structure.

My question then and my question now remains the same: Who is doing this?

So....does this mean that we'll be having a gargantuan Solar storm coming, one that is at the moment far too intense for our Planet and her Humanity, and therefore requires some shielding to step-down the potency?

Is it the same shield structure as before or is this an entirely new one?

So many more questions to ask.... I'll leave it here for now and look forward to seeing some follow-up videos very soon.

Namarie! 💜


24 October 2024

Recess Over


After an explosive fortnight of Solar activity in October (and a relatively active year so far), our Sun took the opportunity to rest a bit. From SpaceWeather:

THE SUN IS TAKING A QUICK BREAK: Solar Max is hard work. Just ask the sun. After flaring almost without pause for the past 10 months, the sun is taking a quick break. Solar activity has been low for the past 48 hours with no flares stronger than category C. The quiet won't last. Solar Max is expected to continue for at least another year; flaring should resume shortly. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text

Well, our Sun is at it again, this time with a sudden flare that maxed at X3.33 (!) and lasted for more than an hour:


There's the related CME spewing out:
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol


While our Sun went quiet for a few days, we could feel that something was brewing (OK apart from everything that's brewing these days!) ~ yesterday was particularly tough with nausea, strange sensations in the Solar Plexus area, dull headache, and generally extreme tiredness. Something was definitely building up. Then this happened, and thankfully it's so much better now apart from the itching skin.

And oh, I just saw this:

Namarie! 💗

03 September 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

There's been quite a development on the Solar front as well as SR activity recently so I'm peeking out of my cave for a bit to document some charts and stuff.

The chart above is the current SR reading ~ since I still have access, here it is. I was also going to post some screenshot highlights for the past few weeks that I saved, but remembered that Disclosure News Italia does a nice compilation of the readings for the entire month, so here it is for August, thanks to them and of course the actual source, Space Observing System:

Disclosure News Italia & Space Observing System

There were brief spells of geomagnetic storms and disturbances, but what I wanted to point out is that the Solar activity "reverse-spike/hearbeat" pattern is back:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Started on 31 August and still on-going now:

The previous phase of this reverse-spike/heartbeat activity ended on 11 April 2024, after going on for more than a month since end-February 2024 (here).

The following are clips of what our Sun has been up to, with massive amounts of Cosmic Plasma being thrown Venus' way. Interesting to note that in mid-July it was Mars getting our Sun's attention.

Large Eruption Headed to Venus (The Sun Today)

Solar Expulsion (Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol)


SpaceWeather reports that this is the 3rd CME being hurled at Venus in as many days:

The CME won't hit Earth. Instead, it is heading for Venus. A NASA model predicts it will strike on Sept. 3rd. This will be the third CME hitting Venus in as many days, each one eroding a thin layer of the planet's unprotected cloudtops.

I can only wonder what's happening over at Venus. And at Mars. And at the rest of the Solar System, for that matter. Given the Rescue Mission that is on-going in our part of the Cosmos, I often wish for information regarding the other Planets in our Solar System.

Namarie! 💙

02 August 2024

X-14 Flare on Solar Far Side

The Solar storms arrived as expected, and while I can't speak for anyone else, I think I wasn't the only one who felt affected by this magnetically (emotion) as well as electrically (mental). Yep. Yet again, I strongly recommend to the Ones-in-Charge....please please PLEASE consider mass hibernation next time any Planet and his/her inhabitants go through a mass expedited Ascension 😆
Functioning or not, what I wanted to actually highlight was this X-14 flare that erupted when our Sun was facing away from our Planet, on 31 July 2024 or 1 August 2024, depending on geo-location.
The Sun Today

It literally lit up Space! Watch the video at The Sun Today, which also has more details about recent and on-going Solar activity.
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol posted the following images that captured the magnitude of the CMEs:
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

I wasn't able to determine if these were from that X-14 flare, but I'm assuming they are. Here's the video:


Holy moly.

And here's the present SR, since I can still access the chart:

Space Observing System

Namarie! 💙

17 July 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

It's been relatively quiet at the Solar-front compared to the X-epic month of May ~ we've only had 2 X-class flares so far in July with little severe geomagnetic storming. However, don't let these statistics paint a misleading picture ~ our Sun is still doing its thing, busy producing numerous C and M-class flares daily and sending Cosmic stuff our way that are not detected or read by existing devices.

Let's see some resources pertaining to the recent X-1.9 flare, which just occurred on 16 July.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

The Sun Today

This produced CMEs that are heading Mars' way (click link below for video):

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Radio blackout covered these areas:


Here's another look at that X-flare:


Meanwhile, let's see how the current SR (top of post) develops.

Namarie! 💛

26 March 2024

Sightings Near Our Sun ~ Video By Myunhauzen74 ~ 20 March 2024

It's been a long while and I'm glad that Myunhauzen74 is back with a new video. 

I note that Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol is now posting quite a lot of these types of sightings near our Sun. Which is actually quite a logical process, actually ~ when you spend a lot of time viewing our Sun's activity, it's only a matter of time before you realise there are other types of activity around it (fb has deleted some of his posts). Especially in this historical cycle of massive transition, where Cosmic operations are probably unfolding non-stop, getting nearer and nearer to us as the dark is being systematically cleansed.

Back to Myunhauzen74, here's the link to his video. As with his usual (and earlier) sightings, these objects are massive.

24 November 2023

Solar Activity


It's been very active Solar-wise, with not one but two extremely high-speed CMEs observed on 23 November 2023, reaching max speed of 2016 km/sec.... that's 7,257,600 km/hour! 😲 


From, which includes spectacular footage of both the high-speed CMEs:

A SHARP INCREASE IN SOLAR ACTIVITY: Over the past week, sunspot numbers have increased almost 10-fold with dozens of dark cores now present on the solar disk. It is no surprise that solar activity has sharply increased as well. Just today multiple overlapping CMEs have billowed away from the sun:

Analysts will have to spend some time unraveling these clouds to determine their trajectories. However, a NASA model already suggests one may be heading for Earth. The first, bright southerly CME shown in the movie above could hit our planet's magnetic field during the late hours of Nov. 25th. Stay tuned for updates. CME alerts: SMS Text

There were some geomagnetic storms observed, but more are expected as a result of this recent Solar activity.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

And here's a collective snapshot video of this Solar spate from Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol.

21 October 2023

Objects Near Our Sun ~ Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

These are massive! There are more photos at the link given above, taken from the 20 October feed.

Gregorio has also posted this:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

....and again, more photos at the link given. These ones are from 14 & 15 October 2023.

24 August 2023

Solar Activity ~ Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol ~ 23 August 2023

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol has uploaded a video showing this gigantic Solar burst which occurred on 23 August 2023, please view it it here.

As if that wasn't eye-popping enough, note the (massive) object nonchalantly flying into our Sun. There seems to be quite a number of very large crafts around the vicinity of our Sun in recent weeks. I can only imagine the level of activity right now as it feels like a thousand projects are being carried out simultaneously to help this sector of the Cosmos through Ascension.

Gregorio also posted this image the day before:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

It was taken down, so he re-posted it.....and it got taken down again.

I can't tell from what perspective this image was taken, but I'm inclined to think the crafts must be massive. To whom do they belong ~ Guardians or Fallen? 

Namarie! 💛


28 May 2023

Plasma Power

In a year that's speeding by faster than we care to keep track of ~ simply because the daysweeksmonths are just blurring into each other ~ May has been paradoxically static, as if held in stasis. And here we are, nevertheless, in the final days May, with the year being more determined than ever to reach the end in the shortest duration possible. If what I've written so far made no logical sense whatsoever, I don't blame you 😆 but I know you know the meaning I'm trying to convey.

There's much that I wanted to write about this month but Mind, Body & Spirit all decided they were having none of this intention. So this will be super short.

Today feels like there's a ton of Cosmic Plasma being dumped onto our Planet. Anything that had some hint of light looked super Plasma-ish. It looked like there were hundreds of mini-Suns radiating brilliant Rainbow Rays.

Speaking of Sun ~ I finally got the special effects I wanted (image above), after countless attempts to get some resemblance of the mental picture I had. For those of you who are talented photographers, please don't judge ~ I'm actually very pleased with effort, and I'm more than happy to declare yet again that I know next to nothing about the mechanics or technicals of photography. 

Once again, I'll feature Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol's posts showing our gorgeous Sun's fiery activity:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

And there's also a video where you can view here.

Namarie and Happy Sunday! ☼🤍

03 May 2023

Solar Burst @1 May 2023

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

That was quite a burst of fiery energy! Recorded on 1 May 2023.

Earth-facing or not, sensitives are surely feeling it. 

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...