03 September 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

There's been quite a development on the Solar front as well as SR activity recently so I'm peeking out of my cave for a bit to document some charts and stuff.

The chart above is the current SR reading ~ since I still have access, here it is. I was also going to post some screenshot highlights for the past few weeks that I saved, but remembered that Disclosure News Italia does a nice compilation of the readings for the entire month, so here it is for August, thanks to them and of course the actual source, Space Observing System:

Disclosure News Italia & Space Observing System

There were brief spells of geomagnetic storms and disturbances, but what I wanted to point out is that the Solar activity "reverse-spike/hearbeat" pattern is back:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Started on 31 August and still on-going now:

The previous phase of this reverse-spike/heartbeat activity ended on 11 April 2024, after going on for more than a month since end-February 2024 (here).

The following are clips of what our Sun has been up to, with massive amounts of Cosmic Plasma being thrown Venus' way. Interesting to note that in mid-July it was Mars getting our Sun's attention.

Large Eruption Headed to Venus (The Sun Today)

Solar Expulsion (Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol)


SpaceWeather reports that this is the 3rd CME being hurled at Venus in as many days:

The CME won't hit Earth. Instead, it is heading for Venus. A NASA model predicts it will strike on Sept. 3rd. This will be the third CME hitting Venus in as many days, each one eroding a thin layer of the planet's unprotected cloudtops.

I can only wonder what's happening over at Venus. And at Mars. And at the rest of the Solar System, for that matter. Given the Rescue Mission that is on-going in our part of the Cosmos, I often wish for information regarding the other Planets in our Solar System.

Namarie! 💙

It's An X-9.1!

SpaceWeather We had an X-9.1 flare yesterday, the strongest yet of this current Solar Cycle and the biggest flare since 2017! I wanted to po...