29 January 2024

SR: Strange Stripes & Sudden Spurts

Space Observing System

Two SR charts ~ I'm still in catch-up mode, it's been a full-on period over the past weeks.

The one at the top shows readings from 19 January 2024 ~ there have been uniform "stripey" phases before but this more-random pattern is one that I don't remember seeing often. The chart suggests a "background busyness", which is certainly how I've felt for much of January.


Space Observing System

The next chart made me pay attention because of the "sudden spurts" reading. The abrupt start of the reading corroborated with what I physically felt around that same time (27 January 4:30am UTC) ~ it felt like a huge wave of something or a major energy shift....the sensation lasted for at least a minute, during which time I could hardly move. 

What's more, the left part of the chart seems to be "suspended" ~ the green section at the top makes it look like it's "hanging":

Very unusual readings indeed....I have no answers to offer, not even a guess. And for the zillionth time, I do wish that there's someone who can really say what's up with the SR. (Yes, I am aware that there are SR experts out there who provide their interpretations....and I'll leave it at that.)

Namarie! 💛

27 January 2024

Reclaim Yourself ~ The Zs & Lee Harris ~ 24 January 2024

"This is the Reclamation Age....
There will be a reclamation of Humanity, of Earth, of you...."

Please listen in here for the full audio from Lee Harris.

I note that the term "Reclamation Age" is used ~ that is indeed the phase that we are in right now as Creation reclaims the distorted and/or fallen parts of itself in this Cosmic-scale mission and Ascension to restore the Divine Blueprint.

19 January 2024

Kryst-Shifting Planet ~ E'Asha Ashaya & Ari Rishi ~ 14 January 2024

The Bifurcation partially explained using Spiritual Physics, and why it simply has to occur when a Planet goes through an Ascension Cycle.

Here's where to watch the video.

Using my own basic words (and all this you already know but I will proceed to summarise for the purpose of this post)....our Planet ~ as a sentient Being in her own right ~ has chosen to ascend out of her distorted template form, sustained from eons of abuse by the fallen ones. She is connecting with her own Divinity/god-Self (or whatever term you prefer) and is raising her frequency through accretion of energies coming from the Source-fields, healing her template realms and evolving "upwards" back to her original Divine Blueprint. Earth Mum is Going Home.

As Life-forms inhabiting her realms, we too must ascend in synch with her....we are the micro to her macro, and we must also heal our own DNA and template distortions. (Furthermore, this is the ultimate objective for the Angelic Human Race ~ to ascend back Home after long passages of Time being trapped in this fallen part of Creation.)

In a "normal" Ascension Timeline, the process can take hundreds of thousands of years as Planet and her Humanity shifts and heals stage by stage in the evolution path back to their original Divine Blueprint. However, with the Krystal-River Fail-Safe Host and the Highest Heavens in Source-Fields involved, Earth Mum's uber-accelerated Ascension journey will take just 900-1000 years.

Those who have chosen not to ascend ~ using their own Free Will ~ will be "sifted" out of the Planetary realms as their energies will be progressively incompatible with that of an ascending world. The choice is up to each individual ~ to Kryst-Shift or Sift. 

The following three screenshots are taken from the video:

We are Divine, We are Sovereign, We are Free!

Namarie! 🩵

17 January 2024

EFFI Prayer ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Over the next couple of weeks or so, I plan to roll out some suggestions for daily practices as we journey through 2024. There are already a couple posted towards the end of 2023 as well as one on 1st January this year ~ I hope that you can find something that aligns and works well with you.

This prayer is profound yet simple, powerful yet beautiful. You can offer this anytime of the day ~ every morning and before sleep is my suggestion but of course please go with your own guidance.

The following are screenshots of an explanation for the term "EFFI" and the prayer itself, taken from E'Asha Ashayana's KDDL3 S6B 14Feb2019 workshop. She also advised that if your first language is not English, then please translate it to your spoken language to help with the frequency. As for the term "EFFI", E'Asha asks that you feel free to substitute the first line to whatever name or term you prefer. "EFFI-Source" is my personal choice.

I also add another line:

 Please Heal me and Fill me with your Divine Perfection 

I do not know if this will disrupt the flow or frequency, I'm just sharing what I do.

E'Asha Ashayana's website is ARhAyas Productions.

Namarie! 💙

15 January 2024

Florida Sightings on 10 January 2024 ~ MrMBB333

This video from MrMBB333
features several sightings in Florida, all on 10 January 2024. 

As for "the incident" on 1 January 2024 at Bayside in Miami.... it boggles the mind why over 60 patrol cars plus some black helicopters were necessary to quell a brawl involving 4 teenagers. Apparently air-space was closed off as well. 

From the intel side as reported by Kim Goguen, there was ET presence at the vicinity to assist her team in the prevention of an SSP operation that aimed to create a shooting, aided by black technology and involving DEWs.

14 January 2024

12-Strand DNA Activation ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Synchronicity strikes! I just came across this clip from E'Asha Ashayana about the promise of 12-strand DNA activation offered by spiritual teachers. I have personally been solicited by several over the years to take such activations (for a very high fee, of course) and I will admit that a couple were so convincing I was tempted.

A few hours ago, I posted my personal caution against taking monatomic gold (previous post), and yes that is just my opinion. Then I come across this video so of course I have to publish this as well.

Remember that the Anunnaki were originally these high-coded Beings before they fell. Generally speaking, they are the ones who set up the Spiritual and esoteric systems and are largely responsible for false light/reversed teachings. (Drakos/Reptilians are more of the military and orthodox side of things.)

The following is from Ava Marie's fb page ~ I've included the video at the bottom of this post for those without fb:

⚘IF someone WAS 12 Strand Activated you be able to 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥, they would be able to levitate before your eyes. It isn't something BAM, you decided it's going to be there and it's just going to happen overnight. You are dealing with physics of consciousness. 
⚘People are walking around saying they are 12 strand activated and I'm in Christ Consciousness now with this huge 𝐄𝐆𝐎. They have been tricked. Most of this stuff is coming through 𝐀𝐧𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐬. 
⚘When it comes to 𝐃𝐍𝐀, you want the real thing or you're going to let somebody run a real 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 on yourself. You have to look out for this stuff. 
🌿2001.04, E'Asha A. Arhayas Arhayas.com
🌿Student Summary by A-va'
by Ari Rishi on YouTube

Monatomic Gold

The use of monatomic gold is mentioned in this report @1:09:10-hr mark (UNN News & Situation Report 10 January 2024). From my understanding, this was the practice of the early Anunnaki invaders ~ after long-term use this ultimately caused mental instability. I ask that you turn on your discernment filter at max for any such information (or recommendation) that you come across in truther and spiritual circles. 

I could be completely wrong and this practice could be the ideal ticket for Ascension ~ however, this is how I feel about it hence the caution.

I have appended this caution in the previous post.

Namarie! 💙

13 January 2024

United Network News: 10 January 2024 ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault

**Update 14 January 2024:

The use of monatomic gold is mentioned in this report @1:09:10-hr mark. From my understanding, this was the practice of the early Anunnaki invaders ~ after long-term use this ultimately caused mental instability. I ask that you turn on your discernment filter at max for any such information (or recommendation) that you come across in truther and spiritual circles. 

I could be completely wrong and this practice could be the ideal ticket for Ascension ~ however, this is how I feel about it hence the caution.


Kim Goguen gave a very detailed Situation Report on 10 January 2024 that outlined some major financial developments that she said would be unfolding in the near future. Here's where you can currently view the entire news segment as well as the Situation Report without a membership:


Please note that I only very quickly and patchily listened to the Sitrep portion (36-minute mark), and did not really pay full attention to it ~ I will listen more attentively when I am able to do so. I'm just posting the link here for anyone who is interested, and as always please go with your own Higher Guidance.

As I have stated before, I only focus on Kim's intel and not the spiritual aspects that she talks about. So, from where I stand, Kim Goguen = intel and its related financial & structural overhaul, not spiritual aspects and its related ancient/Cosmic history.

For Humanity's sake and immediate future, it is my great wish that Kim Goguen is the real deal and Humanity finally and at long-last gets much-needed relief soon. With Earth Mum's progressing and accelerated Ascension journey in full swing, and the Bifurcation already initiated, it's only a matter of Time before the control system disintegrates completely, but it would make a tremendous difference if our lives improve in physical and visible ways asap.

Namarie! 💚

Busy Start to 2024

So far, 2024 did not hit the ground running.....it came in flying like a rocket! It's been a hectic period, so I'll do some catching up now.

The SR has also been "busy", with some strange readings charting on 5 January 2024 following a blackout (above). It could just be a mechanic glitch rather than some phenomenon, but then again....?

All images are from Space Observing System.

02 January 2024

Solar Activity & SR


Energetically-speaking, the final few days of 2023 and these first 2 days of 2024 have been immense and intense. I think this is quite a good indicator of how the year will play out ~ so many different dynamics all operating simultaneously as our beautiful Planet continues ever-Godward along her Ascension Journey under the watchful purview of the Cosmos.

The SR in the past few days have been registering high readings alongside those thin stripey things again:

Space Observing System

Aaaaand...... an X5-flare erupted on 31 December 2023 at 22:05 UT (that would already be 1 January 2024 in many countries), spewing out what must be tons of Cosmic Plasma that would affect every single sub-atomic particle in the Solar System. Reports state that it's the strongest flare since September 2017.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun



Japan was sadly hit by a 7.6-magnitude earthquake on 1 January 2024 ~ this could be related to the X5-flare ("Science" does not openly/officially recognise the correlation between the two).

Solar wind forecast post-flare looks like this:



High density and pressure as well:



New Year Decree ~ Sandra Walter ~ 1 January 2024

Just jumping in here to say Hi👋🏾 and to wish Everyone a Happy Healthy & Thriving year ahead! ....and what a year it will be!

The above Divine Decree from Sandra Walter is an appropriate way to start off 2024. Interestingly, my last post for 2023 was also a Divine Decree from Sandra Walter! 

Please visit Sandra's page to read her "Now Year" message.

Namarie! 💚

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...