Showing posts with label mrmbb333. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mrmbb333. Show all posts

28 November 2024

Mandela Effect In Real-Time?

No matter how hard they try to explain it away, there are many (including me) who believe that the Mandela Effect is a real thing with Timelines being nvolved in some way. Given this astounding and bewildering Ascension Cycle that we're in, Time is best described by Doctor Who ~ wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey (here).

Also bearing in mind the alteration of Timelines as well as creation of alternative Timelines....goodness knows how many times this has been done.

MrMBB333 features an astonishing real-time demonstration of the Berenstein-Berenstain Bears Mandela Effect in his video (around 3-minute mark). I've not seen anything like it ~ if it's authentic then I'm both super excited and beyond boggled. 

It's interesting to note that the change occurred as the man crossed a "threshold" i.e. going into a room. From what I remember learning, moving from one doorway to another can sometimes present as shifting from one timeline to another, and this is exactly what's happening in this demo.

Unfortunately MrMBB333 didn't provide the link to the demo so I painstakingly typed it out:

There's some mention of portals and Solfeggio frequencies in the description box as well as titles of the channel's related videos. I remember coming across some reports that had to do with portal opening using certain frequencies several years ago, but I cannot recall if this is the same case.

What I do know for sure is this ~ I vividly recall reading newspaper reports about Mandela's death in prison in the 80s. I also remember Berenstein Bears, the Monopoly chap with a monocle, Mirror mirror on the wall, and many others. 

So much to be explored, so many questions to be answered. 

Namarie! πŸ’—

28 October 2024

About Another X-Class Flare & Two Comets....


This X1.8 flared hot on the heels of an M9.5 on 26 October 2024. 


Look at that humongous CME that followed:


It's largely not facing Earth ~ seems like Venus is getting the attention for this one. 


Let's turn to the Comets now ~ first up, the one dubbed "Comet of the Century" Comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. shows its dazzling tail as it passes our Sun:

I'll show another still of this event towards the end of this post. There's also a video clip of this comet as it makes its way across the sky (here).

Next we have this Sungrazer (C/2024 S1) approaching our Sun (lower right):


I'll be checking for updated footage in the following days as it flies into our Sun.

For the final resource, here's a video by MrMB333. Apart from the gorgeous Aurora Borealis performance, the video also features Comet A3 as it passes our Sun (around 2:18-minute mark), right as the CME was firing off (I'll refer to this in a later post):


The video's main feature of the "rings" in the sky is also fascinating (4:50-minute mark).

So much happening....

Namarie! πŸ’š

05 May 2024

"BEHIND The Moon!" ~ MrMBB333


Two sighting videos from MrMBB333 ~ the first one was such a hoot while the other one featured fascinating footage of a couple of objects.

Here's the link to the first video. While I do understand MrMBB333's excitement over the fact that the craft was seen flying behind the moon (which implies a sizeable craft), his repeated ".....behind the moon" was hilarious. I'm wondering what he would say if he ever gets a video of those colossal crafts chilling out near our Sun. This particular sighting is at the 4:30-minute mark.

The next video shows footage of two sightings that occurred on the day of the Total Solar Eclipse, 8 April 2024 (3:30-min & 6:30-min). Very strange, both. 

What's the sphere-like thing below the 3:30-min object?

MrMBB333 said that the later sighting (6:30-min) looked saucer-like ~ no argument there but when I slowed down the video, I see that the meteorite (or whatever) seems to fly through the object? Or is it the resolution/pixelation? Glitchy hologram? (shades of 911?).

Namarie! πŸ’™

12 April 2024

Total Solar Eclipse Visitor


Look who dropped by for the Eclipse! It looks similar to the giganormous object that caused a massive sensation 12 years ago in 2012.

Watch this video from In2ThinAir for details ~ the following screenshots are from the same video.

Sighting from 2012

Left, 2024 / Right, 2012 ~ Earth Size Comparison


Here's another video that highlights this same sighting, this one from MrMBB333 ~ screenshot below shows a clearer view of the 2012 sighting:


Following some threads, I came across this eye-popping collage (dated 24 March 2024) from Planet X News....I do not know if the object is the same as the one highlighted in the above two videos. The size....!

Planet X News

I remember very well the hullabaloo surrounding the 2012 sighting ~ many theories (and assumptions) were tossed around then in the Ufology and Spiritual circles, with the dominant one being that the colossal object was refuelling plasma. 

I think it's relevant to bear in mind that the current sighting may not be the same one in 2012, that perhaps there could be more of such objects that went unnoticed between 2012 and 2024, or even that there could be more than one currently in the vicinity of our Sun. More importantly, I'd like to know to whom this belongs ~ the Guardians or fallen ones? I also find it interesting that this object was doing its thing during the Total Solar Eclipse period when millions of eyes/optical aids will be trained directly on our Sun! Almost as if it wants to be noticed....

I have so many questions, with no definitive answer....

Namarie! πŸ’—

23 March 2024

Our Sun, The Comet & Path(s) of Totality

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

We had Solar Storming on the Equinox, and again today (chart above). There's so much happening right now, with the energies hitting everywhere in every way possible. And of course, hitting everyone! Who feels like hibernating? πŸ™‹πŸ½‍♀️

And yes, the X1.1 flare....

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

....courtesy of two Sun-spots! This X-class flare went on for 5 hours, phew. Please read more at

As if this wasn't happening enough, we have Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks doing its thing, details at as well. And because it looks like it has "horns", it's also called....Devil's Comet ~ it will still be around during the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse.

Speaking of which, MrMBB333 highlights a very interesting occurrence in his video (here, around 17-minutes in) ~ several towns with biblical names that are in the path of totality! And yes, why are the National Guards being deployed?!

Devil's Comet, a Total Solar Eclipse passing several biblical-themed town names (so many Ninevehs 😲) ~ given that much of our "religious" texts are distorted by the dark, and that they like to use celestial events to perform their dark rituals, they must be brewing up some dastardly plan. Which will fail spectacularly.

I was curious to compare this year's path against that of 2017 (also across USA), and this is what I came across:

Science Nasa

The sense I keep getting is that this year's Total Solar Eclipse is like the "closing-up" or "wrapping-up" of the "business" started by 2017's Total Solar Eclipse, much like book-ends. Seven years of agitating and loosening the inorganic threads that made up the inauthentic fabric of reality so that it will start unravelling and make way for the New Divine Tapestry. It's also interesting to note that during the 7 years between the Eclipse Book-ends, the 7 Trumpet-Jehovian Pulses were being cleared by its corresponding 7 Chevron-Burst Waves, with TJ-7 being completely cleared by May 2024.

I'll finish this post with the following SR charts for the past few days:

Space Observing System

Namarie! πŸ’™

15 January 2024

Florida Sightings on 10 January 2024 ~ MrMBB333

This video from MrMBB333
features several sightings in Florida, all on 10 January 2024. 

As for "the incident" on 1 January 2024 at Bayside in Miami.... it boggles the mind why over 60 patrol cars plus some black helicopters were necessary to quell a brawl involving 4 teenagers. Apparently air-space was closed off as well. 

From the intel side as reported by Kim Goguen, there was ET presence at the vicinity to assist her team in the prevention of an SSP operation that aimed to create a shooting, aided by black technology and involving DEWs.

19 April 2023

Who Are They? ~ MrMBB333 ~ 15 April 2023

Well, that's what I'd like to know as well!

MrMBB333's latest videos seem to be featuring his collection of sightings sent in by viewers. Sightings are increasingly common these days ~ it's like the intention is to desensitise Humanity to their existence, be it for positive purposes or the polar opposite ~ the final agenda of "alien invasion" as per Wernher von Braun ~ depending on who's behind the wheel, figuratively speaking.

So my question is, as usual, is this theirs (be it SSP or one of the fallen groups) or is this from the Benevolents? The most basic distinguishing factor that I'm aware of is that if it's metallic and/or clunky (TR3B, Phoenix Lights) it's theirs, and if it's Plasma-like shimmery pulsing and changes colours, it's the Benevolents. I stand to be corrected.

MrMBB333's video is here.

28 August 2022

Musk's Abominable Links

Heavens Above

This site (Heavens Above) was referenced by MrMBB333 in his recent video.

The graph is a live representation of Starlink's satellites engulfing our Planet.

What the heck.


Always the Sun ☀️

Nasa Sun Science

Catching up on some Solar stuff. These were meant to be posted a few days back, but I was unable to get to it, apologies. It has been an intense month, and these past couple of weeks idea how to describe it. I thought 2020 was crazy and could not possible get any crazier, but 2021 was even crazier, and now 2022....

Let's start with the video clip of this burst which occurred on 22 August 2022, a screenshot of which is shown at the top of this post.

Here's all the flaring for August so far:

Solar Observer has loads of great resources, as usual. Here are some of them, like this flare!

Solar Observer

And this is some news about a developing Sunspot.


Now on to something from 2003. I watched this intriguing video from MrMBB333 a couple of weeks back, thought of posting it, then decided "No".  A few days after that, I somehow came across this piece of information without even looking for it, so I guess I'll post it nowπŸ˜„ This is the chart I saw:

Space Weather Live

Those geomagnetic storms were way off the charts! Unfortunately I had not started my Solar thing at that time, so I honestly haven't a clue what took place. I was already not following any mainstream media then, and internet resources were still limited, so I was blissfully unaware of any Solar carnage. Nasa called this activity "Halloween Storms of 2003". How lovely, of course they would πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

There's some write-up about this from As seen from the above chart, the measurements were off the scale, and it was estimated that the actual strength of the flares reached X45.

On this page from Space Weather Live, you can watch the actual flares from 2003.

Let's go back even further in history, all the way back to 1986. This is an 80s classic from The Stranglers called "Always the Sun" and one of my all-time favourites.

Yes....those were the days when music was innovative, had actual melodies, clever lyrics (sometimes witty to boot) that usually rhymed. And had actual words instead of being filled with sounds like hmmm ahhh oooh....I feel a rant coming on so I'll stop now πŸ˜‡

Interesting that the song/video is 3:33 minutes in length. I also just realised that the link for Solar Observer starts with 333.....

And then there's MrMBB333....

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’

30 June 2022

Mysterious 'Pulse' Detected on Seismographs Traveling Through Earth!! MrMBB333

It seems like a lifetime ago when I last checked out MrMBB333's work. Thanks to someone mentioning this recent video, I've re-acquainted myself with his news.

In this one, MrMBB333 does a lot of much-appreciated groundwork to track the movement of this "Pulse". I do recall that there were a couple of such instances in previous years, documented by other sources. I have yet to come across any plausible explanations for what these are, or if they are even remotely related in some way. Is this from Earth Mum herself, or is it Cosmic, or even some malevolent energy triggered by the dark? I've read many saying this is due to the "new energy waves" coming in. New Energy is everything and everywhere, and anything that we can't quite explain can be conveniently attributed to New Energy. So for me, I would like a more specific explanation.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! πŸ’“

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (ΠΠ›Πž Π²ΠΎΠ·Π»Π΅ Π‘ΠΎΠ»Π½Ρ†Π° - Π€Π΅Π²Ρ€Π°Π»ΡŒ 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...