Showing posts with label x-class flare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label x-class flare. Show all posts

24 February 2025


We had an X2.03 flare in the late hours (UTC) yesterday. There was a humongous related CME but it's not Earth-facing:
Some strong buffeting predicted in the coming days:

Looking pretty

Namarie! 🀍

05 January 2025

Three More!

We've had another trio of X-class flares in the past 48 hours, with a brief period of geomagnetic activity just now:


So that's a trio of X-flares closing out 2024, and another trio of X-flares in the first week of 2025.

And look at our Sun, all lit up:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Meanwhile, here's what's happening with the SR:

Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! πŸ’—

30 December 2024

Three X-Flares


Solar siesta ended on 29 December with an X1.1, followed by a double X-flare the next day (X1.1 & X1.5).

The double X-flares are the ones shown in the gif above, and this is what SpaceWeather says:

This morning's X1.5-class eruption (0414 UTC) was so strong it triggered a secondary blast in sunspot 3932 more than 200,000 km away.

All three X-flares occurred within a 24-hour period:

X1.1 on 29th @07:08:00 UTC
X1.5 on 30th @04:01:00 UTC
X1.1 on 30th @04:29:00 UTC.

Namarie! πŸ’Ÿ

09 December 2024

"Impulsive" X2.2

The Sun Today

It was a quiet two weeks on the Solar-front, but around 5 December 2024 we started to see some small sizzles registering on the chart, growing more active until the X2.2 on 8 December 2024.

SpaceWeather called the burst "impulsive" (read here).

The ensuing CME isn't Earth-facing:


  ....but it does look like Mercury and Mars are both in the line of Cosmic Fire:



As for the SR.... πŸ˜…

Space Observing System & Disclosure News Italia

Namarie! πŸ’š

07 November 2024

X2.3 On 6 November 2024

The Sun Today

The above is a gif I created from the video posted on The Sun Today. Please head over there to see this X2.3 plus M1-flare in beautiful detail, it truly is gorgeous!

 There were altogether 21 flares detected on the same day:

The duration of some of these flares are amazing!

Namarie! πŸ’œ

01 November 2024

An X2.03 Closes Off October


Unsurprisingly, October bookended its potent run with X-class flares. An X2.03 burst onto the scene on the last day of the month but no CME is expected:

At this time of writing, it's still pre-noon UTC 1 November ~ let's see if there's any high Solar activity to greet this month.

October was certainly....interesting.

Namarie! 🩡

28 October 2024

About Another X-Class Flare & Two Comets....


This X1.8 flared hot on the heels of an M9.5 on 26 October 2024. 


Look at that humongous CME that followed:


It's largely not facing Earth ~ seems like Venus is getting the attention for this one. 


Let's turn to the Comets now ~ first up, the one dubbed "Comet of the Century" Comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. shows its dazzling tail as it passes our Sun:

I'll show another still of this event towards the end of this post. There's also a video clip of this comet as it makes its way across the sky (here).

Next we have this Sungrazer (C/2024 S1) approaching our Sun (lower right):


I'll be checking for updated footage in the following days as it flies into our Sun.

For the final resource, here's a video by MrMB333. Apart from the gorgeous Aurora Borealis performance, the video also features Comet A3 as it passes our Sun (around 2:18-minute mark), right as the CME was firing off (I'll refer to this in a later post):


The video's main feature of the "rings" in the sky is also fascinating (4:50-minute mark).

So much happening....

Namarie! πŸ’š

24 October 2024

Recess Over


After an explosive fortnight of Solar activity in October (and a relatively active year so far), our Sun took the opportunity to rest a bit. From SpaceWeather:

THE SUN IS TAKING A QUICK BREAK: Solar Max is hard work. Just ask the sun. After flaring almost without pause for the past 10 months, the sun is taking a quick break. Solar activity has been low for the past 48 hours with no flares stronger than category C. The quiet won't last. Solar Max is expected to continue for at least another year; flaring should resume shortly. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text

Well, our Sun is at it again, this time with a sudden flare that maxed at X3.33 (!) and lasted for more than an hour:


There's the related CME spewing out:
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol


While our Sun went quiet for a few days, we could feel that something was brewing (OK apart from everything that's brewing these days!) ~ yesterday was particularly tough with nausea, strange sensations in the Solar Plexus area, dull headache, and generally extreme tiredness. Something was definitely building up. Then this happened, and thankfully it's so much better now apart from the itching skin.

And oh, I just saw this:

Namarie! πŸ’—

10 October 2024

X1.4 This Time


A brief post to document the sixth X-flare for this month ~ an X1.4:


The clip at the top shows the astounding masses of proton particles  that are literally swaddling our Planet (image below). SpaceWeather describes it as "....protons are raining down on Earth". (Also note Comet A3 Atlas making its approach around our Sun.)


Strong Solar storms are expected in the coming days, and possibly another round of Aurora Borealis displays.

Namarie! πŸ’—

08 October 2024

More Flaring & Storming....& A Comet Calling


We had two X-class flares yesterday ~ X2.19 followed shortly by X1.02:


The gif above is the X2.19, and here's an image of the X1.02:

The Sun Today

This resulted in a gargantuan CME.....


....which will hurl massive amounts of Cosmic Plasma at our Planet....and Comet A3 Atlas! That's its dazzling tail at the right side of the gif above as it makes its way towards our Sun. Please visit SpaceWeather for more details.

Back to that colossal CME....look at that wave! 


So that will be yet another display of Aurora Borealis to come. Thanks to SpaceWeather again, we can admire the current round of display here.

Solar storm-wise, this has been happening:

This current storm phase took its time in arriving, and then seemed to pull back briefly before resurging again. It's been quite drawn-out though.....can I get some sleep, please? 😁


Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) on September 30, 2024from Tivoli Astro-Farm, Namibia.

Finally, more links for details about Comet A3 Atlas:

It looks like Comet A3 Atlas is expected to put on quite a show in our evening skies.


As exclaimed previously, it's all happening this month!

Namarie! πŸ’™

04 October 2024

It's An X-9.1!


We had an X-9.1 flare yesterday, the strongest yet of this current Solar Cycle and the biggest flare since 2017! I wanted to post this earlier but my internet service was down....oh the irony of it πŸ˜† 

Look at that fabulous image above! This one is hot on the heels of the X7.1 that sparked off this very active month of October. SpaceWeather has more about the two resulting CMEs heading our way. Imagine how stunning the Aurora Borealis displays will be over the weekend....


Watch this stunning visual of the flare in's video:

The predicted CMEs arriving over the weekend, with the latter one much more potent than the first (watch video here):


When I posted about the X7.1 on 1 October, I did wonder if we would be getting another X-class flare in the same month, because the sense is that we've come into a very powerful period leading towards the end of 2024. Well yes, it's been "powerful" for quite a long while now but you know what I mean ~ we'll have to recalibrate our measurement for "powerful" every few months or so πŸ˜„

Namarie! πŸ’œ

02 October 2024

Solar Activity

That was an X7.1 flare! It's the second-strongest flare of Solar Cycle 25, as reported by SpaceWeather:

SIGNIFICANT X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Fast-growing sunspot AR3842 erupted on Oct 1st (2220 UT), producing the second-strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25. The X7.1-category blast caused a shortwave radio blackout over Hawaii and hurled a CME into space. A preliminary NASA model predicts it will hit Earth on Oct. 5th. Stay tuned for the geomagnetic storm forecast.



The predicted geomagnetic storms coming our way:


What an active start to October!

Namarie! πŸ’—

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (ΠΠ›Πž Π²ΠΎΠ·Π»Π΅ Π‘ΠΎΠ»Π½Ρ†Π° - Π€Π΅Π²Ρ€Π°Π»ΡŒ 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...