13 January 2024

United Network News: 10 January 2024 ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault

**Update 14 January 2024:

The use of monatomic gold is mentioned in this report @1:09:10-hr mark. From my understanding, this was the practice of the early Anunnaki invaders ~ after long-term use this ultimately caused mental instability. I ask that you turn on your discernment filter at max for any such information (or recommendation) that you come across in truther and spiritual circles. 

I could be completely wrong and this practice could be the ideal ticket for Ascension ~ however, this is how I feel about it hence the caution.


Kim Goguen gave a very detailed Situation Report on 10 January 2024 that outlined some major financial developments that she said would be unfolding in the near future. Here's where you can currently view the entire news segment as well as the Situation Report without a membership:


Please note that I only very quickly and patchily listened to the Sitrep portion (36-minute mark), and did not really pay full attention to it ~ I will listen more attentively when I am able to do so. I'm just posting the link here for anyone who is interested, and as always please go with your own Higher Guidance.

As I have stated before, I only focus on Kim's intel and not the spiritual aspects that she talks about. So, from where I stand, Kim Goguen = intel and its related financial & structural overhaul, not spiritual aspects and its related ancient/Cosmic history.

For Humanity's sake and immediate future, it is my great wish that Kim Goguen is the real deal and Humanity finally and at long-last gets much-needed relief soon. With Earth Mum's progressing and accelerated Ascension journey in full swing, and the Bifurcation already initiated, it's only a matter of Time before the control system disintegrates completely, but it would make a tremendous difference if our lives improve in physical and visible ways asap.

Namarie! 💚

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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