Showing posts with label Lee Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lee Harris. Show all posts

29 November 2024

I Release Any Energies & Emotions That Are Not Mine ~ Lee Harris & Davor Bozic

I enjoyed this, it was energising and entertaining. Please head over to Lee Harris' channel for the video if interested:

There are also other affirmations at Lee's music channel, here.


I would like to narrate a story that goes back several years ago, some time in the early 2000's (I think). It's a story that's also a caveat which I feel I should state so that my vantage point is made clear, given the state of the spiritual communities.

In the late 1990's, I was introduced to Kryon/Lee Carroll. From there, I got to know about and eventually followed Crimson Circle/The Hoppes, as well as The group (small "g")/Steve Rother. This was because all three had events together on several occasions.

Somewhere along the line, Crimson Circle (if I remember correctly) brought in a very young Lee Harris who channelled someone with a name beginning with "Z". I forget now what it is, but he eventually had a group who provided information and which he called The Z's.

Fast forward a few years and I eventually stopped following Crimson Circle, Kryon and The group as I had less and less resonance for what they were teaching. I eventually realised that all three were from the fallen groups. 

Lee Harris is the only one whose work I still check out, and that's the monthly Energy Updates. 

So....who are the Z's? Are they fallen Zetas??!! I really don't know ~ I haven't followed Lee enough to learn about his history. I subscribe to his yt channel for the monthly reports, and the above video was published on the same yt channel, and that's how I know it exists.

I share this story so you can decide for yourself if you wish to read or listen to his work, given that I don't really know enough about his background to determine if his sources are sound. With the other 3 groups, I was very familiar with their work, diligently took notes and even bought a couple of Kryon books (!). I did like Crimson Circle's Tobias in the initial years, and that's what made me stick around until he "left" to walk-in some time around 2007. That was when I gradually lost resonance for all three groups.

Hope this helps in some way.

Namarie! 💙

27 May 2024

Release Energies & Emotions ~ Lee Harris

Lee Harris

From Lee Harris:

I'm sure many of you have heard my mantra, “I release any energies and emotions that are not mine.” Sometimes I'll say it in my own mind if I'm out in public and it's not convenient, but other times I'll literally just go, "I release any energies and emotions that are not mine. I release any energies and emotions that are not mine," and I'll repeat it multiple times. I will always start to feel a shift in my body.

It's like a conscious direction of the energy. So, if I have imbibed something unconsciously or I've imbibed energy from others that I didn't know, I find that if I can reverse the direction or replace what I just walked into with a new environmental response, I tend to shift pretty quickly. Sometimes you can't just shake things off quickly, but most of the time, you can reset yourself using that mantra.

-From Lee's 2024 Ask Me Anything, a Portal exclusive. You can learn more about The Portal here:

27 February 2024

Awareness of MultiDimensionality ~ Lee Harris ~ 26 February 2024

Lee Harris

Lee Harris:

Until you have practiced the state of awareness that multidimensionality requires, you will not necessarily see or experience the gifts or changes that it can bring. Developing this awareness will plug you back into gifts you didn't know you were capable of, connections and experiences that will feel enlightening and enlivening, yet not necessarily rooted in anything from your past or any part of you that was aware this could or would happen. 
Spontaneous, spiritual energy will be part of what you experience.
- From Entering Multidimensionality MP3

27 January 2024

Reclaim Yourself ~ The Zs & Lee Harris ~ 24 January 2024

"This is the Reclamation Age....
There will be a reclamation of Humanity, of Earth, of you...."

Please listen in here for the full audio from Lee Harris.

I note that the term "Reclamation Age" is used ~ that is indeed the phase that we are in right now as Creation reclaims the distorted and/or fallen parts of itself in this Cosmic-scale mission and Ascension to restore the Divine Blueprint.

22 October 2023

I Call Back My Power ~ Lee Harris & Davor Bozic ~ 20 October 2023

This mantra from Lee Harris & Davor Bozic is something we can use not only as an affirmation, but also to play in the background to allow for subconscious integration. Particularly helpful during challenging times when we can practically leak our power away.

For anyone interested, you can listen in to this "Medicine Mantra" set to music from Lee Harris & Davor Bozic here, and please use whatever, if any, that resonates with you.

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...