29 January 2024

SR: Strange Stripes & Sudden Spurts

Space Observing System

Two SR charts ~ I'm still in catch-up mode, it's been a full-on period over the past weeks.

The one at the top shows readings from 19 January 2024 ~ there have been uniform "stripey" phases before but this more-random pattern is one that I don't remember seeing often. The chart suggests a "background busyness", which is certainly how I've felt for much of January.


Space Observing System

The next chart made me pay attention because of the "sudden spurts" reading. The abrupt start of the reading corroborated with what I physically felt around that same time (27 January 4:30am UTC) ~ it felt like a huge wave of something or a major energy shift....the sensation lasted for at least a minute, during which time I could hardly move. 

What's more, the left part of the chart seems to be "suspended" ~ the green section at the top makes it look like it's "hanging":

Very unusual readings indeed....I have no answers to offer, not even a guess. And for the zillionth time, I do wish that there's someone who can really say what's up with the SR. (Yes, I am aware that there are SR experts out there who provide their interpretations....and I'll leave it at that.)

Namarie! 💛

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