16 April 2023

Leading Up to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse

100 Mandalas

This actually feels like the second part or continuation of the previous energy tune-in less than three weeks ago, where I highlighted the Mental & Emotional bodies purging, cleansing and whatever else that needs to be done (here).

I had stressed in my earlier post that this is the time when the Collective Consciousness needs to look at the mirror and get real. And real quick, too. All the trauma, blame, guilt, shame, rage....all the lower frequency Mental/Emotional states have to be acknowledged and then cleared. Each and every single one of them needs to be let go. No matter what he said, no matter what she did, no matter who did what to whom. This is a time of what do I do now? How do I respond? What are MY thoughts? Where am I with MYSELF?

Because ultimately, in a world where crazy is running wild, what we do as individuals makes a huge difference.

Including the last energy tune-in, there have been 8 posts. Out of these 8, three have touched on the mental/emotional state ~ my post, one by Mary Allison (here) and the other by E'Asha Ashayana (here). I had not intentionally planned them that way, it just happened through Synchronicity.

I feel a building-up of energies (if that's even possible in an already pressure-cooker situation!) that will continue for the following week. I'm certain it's related to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse coming up in a few days:



....and although Astrology is not my thing, I am aware of the flood of Astrological analyses that detail this rare occurrence (being a hybrid). I won't insult experts by pretending to know what it's all about, but from the little I've gleaned, I get the idea that it's a big deal, heralding major change for the better.

In contrast, from cultural stories I've heard over the years, Solar eclipses are generally not considered benevolent. I personally don't know if this will be a positive or negative event, given that much of the esoteric/spiritual teachings are designed to be distorted to some degree, and cultural myths are often generated/edited by the dark to suit their purpose.

What I do believe is that Simplicity is key. Keeping things simple and going back to basics will greatly assist this period. Doing what works for the individual, letting go of what isn't, walking away, closing chapters (or doors). 

I've also heard from others that they are going through changes in dietary preferences, and this applies to me as well. It's like cyclical deja vu....repeated time periods where I feel like there's currently no food yet available that I wish to consume, and that would make my body happy.

Lightwork and more Lightwork ~ I feel it's really all hands on deck this week, or as Sandra Walter says, "All Hearts on deck". If we can help in some way to hold the field and help make it more steady and stable, that would go a very long way to smoothen out the raggedness.

If this post sounds like I'm rambling, it's because I am 😄 Apologies, there's actually so much more to say and I'm trying to be brief because I'm not in detail-mode right now. I will work on the details in the near future.

Self-care, align with and create Magical Moments!

Namarie! 💗

13 April 2023

Mind-Altering Drugs ~ E'Asha Ashayana ~ 2007

Ava Marie

These are some transcripts from various workshops by E'Asha Ashayana, explaining how drugs adversely impact our DNA structure directly. (It's all about DNA DNA DNA, as I've repeatedly intoned in the past, and obsessively stressed when they rolled out the DNA-damaging poisons.)

I don't doubt that there will be many who find these excerpts unacceptable, since there is growing widespread misconception about recreational drugs in the general public domain, and ditto about ayahuasca in the spiritual communities. 

When I was a student, I witnessed the decline of someone who was in the same hostel as I was ~ she went from an articulate, smart and sharp post-graduate to a mumbling, dishevelled zombie in just a couple of weeks. I have seen this addiction rob promising futures from misguided youths, practically incapacitating them of normal daily life functions. It is a monstrosity cooked up by the dark and served as dessert to Humanity, for the usual motives.

I have heard too many in the spiritual communities advocate ayahuasca, including several major Lightworkers with large following. I have even spent a whole hour listening to someone explain to me the wonders of this "sacred plant" and all the while I could sense some other entity talking through him. It was not nice at all. So yes, I agree with what E'Asha has said in these transcripts ~ I did not know before how it damaged DNA template, but I can certainly say that I have seen a chameleon-like creature attach itself to the spine of someone who was taking "recreational" drugs. I don't need to be convinced.

Here for the collection of transcripts, via Voyager Korea. If we are serious about progressing forward with our Ascension, best to just stay away from these substances.

Thanks to Ava Marie for highlighting this link.

09 April 2023

The Shrug🤷🏻‍♀️

The Shrug 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's been a go-to emoji for me these days.

This is like a minor addendum to the previous post, which featured Mary Allison's article. 

In the handful of discussion groups that I've joined, I'm generally one of the silent ones. Being mainly in observer mode, I would only get involved if I'm strongly pulsed to do so. Just this week alone, I spoke up twice in two different groups. 

I had noticed in both groups that questioning the respective teachings/guidance was not well tolerated. Each time someone highlighted a contradiction or raises a doubt, the questioner would be asked to read more of the teachings/guidance or watch more of the videos etc. I was motivated to point out this discouraging attitude in both the groups, and guess what the response was? Yep....I was asked to go through the teachings/guidance!

In both cases, I replied with 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

(The above image is a screenshot of my actual reply.)

This is no different than the classic absurd scenario where a devotee questions the religious leader over some teaching in the holy book, only to be admonished and told to read it even more.


Namarie! 💜

08 April 2023

Mental Illness & Ascension ~ Mary Allison ~ 7 April 2023

While the title of this article is "Mental Illness & Ascension" and suggests something severe, I do believe it has wider connotations that also cover a false sense of superiority/ego, false sense of security, not being grounded and mental rigidity. Actually, there's more but I think the picture is there.

Some may feel that what Mary Allison writes is harsh and unfair. Perhaps. But I have observed such traits several times in various so-called "advanced" spiritual groups so yes, I do resonate with Mary's thought process which is articulated with clarity and objectivity.

Here for Mary's article ~ an excerpt follows.

Mental Illness and Ascension 
The ascension pathway, the study of esoteric wisdoms like Keylontic Science, Theosophy, or The Ascension Glossary are obviously sources of rich insight, but they're being used as shields to mask emotional and mental hysteria. A spiraled degeneration of the human mind and body is presented as an ascension, which bends the organic theory of ascension into a mockery of its original meaning. 
Many have studied geometrical patterns and dimensional escapades without implementing the emotional or mental work needed to fully understand such teachings. While the subjects above contain pearls of wisdom, these pearls have been looped onto strings and worn as beacons of egoic signaling to the New Age Matrix. Knowledge is being memorized and used to spawn social strands of recognition, not instinctively remembered then organically shared wisdom.
Please continue here for the rest of the article.

07 April 2023

It's Sound

We've seen how certain frequencies can shatter glass ~ think classic opera singer and glass experiment ~ so here are a couple more demonstrations of what else can happen with sound....

(caution: noise! and disturbing frequency) 
Here's a similar one, from the same site. Similar caution. Imagine what that is doing to our bodies, especially since we are mostly water.

Walls of Jericho.....


31 March 2023

Zapped, and Zapped Again

Solar Observer

Just a day after I wrote about our mental and emotional bodies being churned  worked on (here), I practically swooned from the tidal wave of agitated mental/emotional outburst from  the Collective. It actually felt quite manic at times, and a lingering headache ensued over the next two days. 

It was only on the 29th that I found out an X-class flare had erupted just hours earlier ~ its preceding build-up effect must have been the compounding factor for the intensified mental/emotional turmoil. I had also received some feedback about the situation ~ some were feeling riled up for no apparent reason, some had to deal with angry and/or unreasonable people in their circle, and some were so exhausted they couldn't do anything much.

Solar Observer

This X-class flare was followed by an M-class flare the next day....

Solar Observer


....and Solar Winds are here....

Space Weather

It feels much better for now....and I'm definitely grateful for this breather. In my earlier post, I had mentioned hand-holding and Lightwork to help with stability ~ I'm actually thinking that we are also  the lightning rods to help transduce and disperse these massive energy spikes.

A nagging feeling that I've been having is that all this building up of intensity and pressure is necessary for the final breakpoint of the Bifurcation. How that would look like is a question that hasn't yet been adequately answered at this point in time. What I will say about that for now is....let's just get it over and done with!

And with that, Namarie! 😊💙

27 March 2023

Water & Healing ~ Veda Austin ~ 24 March 2023

Veda Austin

Veda Austin's Water Crystallography photos and that of her students continue to leave me in wonder. Imagine the extent of what Water can do in its original Divine state when our Planetary systems are eventually healed and restored....and even upgraded, which I believe they will be.

Please visit Veda's site here to read more about her work. 

What I wanted to feature is the article Veda wrote, expressing her thoughts about Water and its healing ability:

After my last post lots of people asked me if blessing liquid water and drinking it, is just as good as eating crystallography in its liquid crystal form. They have similarities, but are also quite different. 
Water in its liquid stage is updating its information every trillionth trillionth of a second. I used to wonder how water could ever observe my conscious thoughts or prayers given its rapid movement. Surely, I’d just be a bleep on its radar? 
I wondered this until I had a conversation with a genius in the area of quantum physics. He told me that there is a huge difference between molecular chaos and molecular excitement. 

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

SpaceWeather It's another ATLAS Comet, this one is named C/2024 G3. From the footage above, we see our Sun beaming generously into the d...