16 April 2023

Leading Up to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse

100 Mandalas

This actually feels like the second part or continuation of the previous energy tune-in less than three weeks ago, where I highlighted the Mental & Emotional bodies purging, cleansing and whatever else that needs to be done (here).

I had stressed in my earlier post that this is the time when the Collective Consciousness needs to look at the mirror and get real. And real quick, too. All the trauma, blame, guilt, shame, rage....all the lower frequency Mental/Emotional states have to be acknowledged and then cleared. Each and every single one of them needs to be let go. No matter what he said, no matter what she did, no matter who did what to whom. This is a time of what do I do now? How do I respond? What are MY thoughts? Where am I with MYSELF?

Because ultimately, in a world where crazy is running wild, what we do as individuals makes a huge difference.

Including the last energy tune-in, there have been 8 posts. Out of these 8, three have touched on the mental/emotional state ~ my post, one by Mary Allison (here) and the other by E'Asha Ashayana (here). I had not intentionally planned them that way, it just happened through Synchronicity.

I feel a building-up of energies (if that's even possible in an already pressure-cooker situation!) that will continue for the following week. I'm certain it's related to the Hybrid Solar Eclipse coming up in a few days:



....and although Astrology is not my thing, I am aware of the flood of Astrological analyses that detail this rare occurrence (being a hybrid). I won't insult experts by pretending to know what it's all about, but from the little I've gleaned, I get the idea that it's a big deal, heralding major change for the better.

In contrast, from cultural stories I've heard over the years, Solar eclipses are generally not considered benevolent. I personally don't know if this will be a positive or negative event, given that much of the esoteric/spiritual teachings are designed to be distorted to some degree, and cultural myths are often generated/edited by the dark to suit their purpose.

What I do believe is that Simplicity is key. Keeping things simple and going back to basics will greatly assist this period. Doing what works for the individual, letting go of what isn't, walking away, closing chapters (or doors). 

I've also heard from others that they are going through changes in dietary preferences, and this applies to me as well. It's like cyclical deja vu....repeated time periods where I feel like there's currently no food yet available that I wish to consume, and that would make my body happy.

Lightwork and more Lightwork ~ I feel it's really all hands on deck this week, or as Sandra Walter says, "All Hearts on deck". If we can help in some way to hold the field and help make it more steady and stable, that would go a very long way to smoothen out the raggedness.

If this post sounds like I'm rambling, it's because I am 😄 Apologies, there's actually so much more to say and I'm trying to be brief because I'm not in detail-mode right now. I will work on the details in the near future.

Self-care, align with and create Magical Moments!

Namarie! 💗

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