Showing posts with label sound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sound. Show all posts

07 April 2023

It's Sound

We've seen how certain frequencies can shatter glass ~ think classic opera singer and glass experiment ~ so here are a couple more demonstrations of what else can happen with sound....

(caution: noise! and disturbing frequency) 
Here's a similar one, from the same site. Similar caution. Imagine what that is doing to our bodies, especially since we are mostly water.

Walls of Jericho.....


02 March 2023

Divine Takeover

Let me first clarify that this rather dramatic title isn't my personal preference. However, try as I may (I'm still trying) I just can't seem to move beyond "Divine Takeover" so I'll go with the flow for now.

There's so much happening in the REAL world of our on-going Cosmic Re-write. So much "new-ness".... in the sense that what's happening is something that's so ancient, so "First-Level-Creation", something that we've not felt in a very long time because we've been "away" for what seems like forever.

As mentioned before, in November I saw codes that were very "Source-like" and since then, things have begun to take on that "Source-y" feel. I'm seeing loads of unusual codes, symbols, geometries ~ and I have no understanding of what they all mean. It's like a totally different language that I do not yet speak. And no, the "Ask and you will be answered" thing doesn't seem to work for this 😄 It would appear that there's no shortcut here for me, I will have to learn to decipher them through my own means.

The consolation I have is that I've so far gotten one(!) word.... "SOUND". 

That's all I have for now, nothing else. What does this mean? In the beginning was the word, and the word was sound? 🤷🏽‍♀️

So why is the title of this post "Divine Takeover"? 

Over the past few months since I saw the Source-like codes in November, I've been getting the sense that there's been some sort of process unfolding that feels like ~ for want of a better way to describe it ~ a management takeover. I could use terms such as "Logos" (Galactic Logos, Universal Logos etc) but I won't because that's not necessarily accurate. This takeover is, again, very Source-y in feel, very much like what I got when I saw the codes in November.

Using simple lingo, it's like there's a major monumental project coming up that requires some massive mojo. This management takeover is necessary in order to accommodate the expertise requirements of the project. There is only ONE outcome, and it cannot be interfered with in any way. It feels like there's going to be yet more changes to the overall Cosmic Plan, and this new one comes with so many bells and whistles that the previous management was not adequately equipped to handle.

This is the very best I can do to put into words what I've been sensing since November last year. Right now, I really would appreciate someone like Lisa Transcendence Brown's input....where did she go? I miss her updates! I hope she's doing great and all is fabulous in her world. 

Several years ago, Lisa was the first one for a very long time to talk about our physical bodies showing signs of crystallisation ~ she described micro-crystals that would appear on our skin that we can actually see for ourselves. And that's exactly what we've been seeing! Just like crystals, we can go under Sunlight and see them glittering all over our skin.

OK coming back to energy codes. The codes from Earth Mum (described in November) are going strong, the blossoms are blossoming well. Beauty and Growth ~ this is what Earth Mum is about in her Ascension process as she builds herself anew. It's almost like she's also on her own journey of discovery as she grows into her Ascended Self, finally and at last. And dare I say....with child-like glee?....

With that said, Namarie! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...