Showing posts with label solar eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solar eclipse. Show all posts

02 October 2024

Annular Solar Eclipse 2-3 October 2024

A "ring of fire" will be seen in the Pacific Ocean and South America,
similar to the one witnessed in the U.S. Southwest on Oct. 14, 2023. 
(Image credit: twildlife via Getty Images)

More Skywatch stuff!


After the Great North American Eclipse comes a long "ring of fire" annular solar eclipse that can be seen in some iconic destinations.

On Oct. 2, 2024, an annular solar eclipse will pass over parts of the Pacific Ocean, southern Chile and southern Argentina. also mentions this:

This area will include the volcanic island of Rapa Nui/Easter Island, an iconic travel destination that's famous for the mysterious stone statues called moai, some of which reach 40 feet (12 meters) tall and weigh 75 tons.

Easter Island and the Mysterious Moai, said to be awaiting the arrival of Guardians when the time comes.

Namarie! 💚

12 April 2024

Total Solar Eclipse Visitor


Look who dropped by for the Eclipse! It looks similar to the giganormous object that caused a massive sensation 12 years ago in 2012.

Watch this video from In2ThinAir for details ~ the following screenshots are from the same video.

Sighting from 2012

Left, 2024 / Right, 2012 ~ Earth Size Comparison


Here's another video that highlights this same sighting, this one from MrMBB333 ~ screenshot below shows a clearer view of the 2012 sighting:


Following some threads, I came across this eye-popping collage (dated 24 March 2024) from Planet X News....I do not know if the object is the same as the one highlighted in the above two videos. The size....!

Planet X News

I remember very well the hullabaloo surrounding the 2012 sighting ~ many theories (and assumptions) were tossed around then in the Ufology and Spiritual circles, with the dominant one being that the colossal object was refuelling plasma. 

I think it's relevant to bear in mind that the current sighting may not be the same one in 2012, that perhaps there could be more of such objects that went unnoticed between 2012 and 2024, or even that there could be more than one currently in the vicinity of our Sun. More importantly, I'd like to know to whom this belongs ~ the Guardians or fallen ones? I also find it interesting that this object was doing its thing during the Total Solar Eclipse period when millions of eyes/optical aids will be trained directly on our Sun! Almost as if it wants to be noticed....

I have so many questions, with no definitive answer....

Namarie! 💗

06 April 2024

Pre-Total Solar Eclipse Energies & Lightwork

Space Observing System

We're into our fourth month of 2024 already, and I'm at the stage where not just days, weeks or months but years are beginning to blur into each other. Strangely enough, I'm also concerned about it and believe that the time when we perceive Time as just a concept that's fluid ~ simultaneous, continuous, non-discrete ~ is in the very near future. I think I just wrote a confusing and paradoxical sentence there but I know you know what I mean.

The SR chart above tells so many stories, none of which I know for certain. The abrupt start and stop, the "hanging effect" which I mentioned previously. The Taiwan earthquake happened during this time (there's intel saying it's not natural).

That "heart-beat" thing is still happening on the X-ray index, but what I'm highlighting here is that the readings have dropped so low over the past 4 or 5 days:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

The coming-going push-pull energies are still in force; as has been the case for a long time now, everything seems to be happening all at once, energy-wise. I've already written quite a bit about all of this in February (being in our centre, staying in our zone etc) ~ I feel that this will be very important during this pre- and post-Eclipse period. As it is, things are already being positioned to further ramp up the fear and hysteria over the Eclipse, China-Taiwan, Middle East-Israel.

And good ole Nasa....of course they're in the picture too, with their Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path "sounding rockets". And as usual during such events they love to invoke their "gods", this one abbreviated to Apep. That's what Humanity allows them to do so well, play their little games right in front of Humanity's face.

Let's also amp up and ramp up our Lightwork over the following week pre- and post-Eclipse. We respond accordingly to their dark intentions and preparations, we make a stand, we Shine and Spread The Light!

Namarie! 🩵

23 March 2024

Our Sun, The Comet & Path(s) of Totality

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

We had Solar Storming on the Equinox, and again today (chart above). There's so much happening right now, with the energies hitting everywhere in every way possible. And of course, hitting everyone! Who feels like hibernating? 🙋🏽‍♀️

And yes, the X1.1 flare....

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

....courtesy of two Sun-spots! This X-class flare went on for 5 hours, phew. Please read more at

As if this wasn't happening enough, we have Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks doing its thing, details at as well. And because it looks like it has "horns", it's also called....Devil's Comet ~ it will still be around during the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse.

Speaking of which, MrMBB333 highlights a very interesting occurrence in his video (here, around 17-minutes in) ~ several towns with biblical names that are in the path of totality! And yes, why are the National Guards being deployed?!

Devil's Comet, a Total Solar Eclipse passing several biblical-themed town names (so many Ninevehs 😲) ~ given that much of our "religious" texts are distorted by the dark, and that they like to use celestial events to perform their dark rituals, they must be brewing up some dastardly plan. Which will fail spectacularly.

I was curious to compare this year's path against that of 2017 (also across USA), and this is what I came across:

Science Nasa

The sense I keep getting is that this year's Total Solar Eclipse is like the "closing-up" or "wrapping-up" of the "business" started by 2017's Total Solar Eclipse, much like book-ends. Seven years of agitating and loosening the inorganic threads that made up the inauthentic fabric of reality so that it will start unravelling and make way for the New Divine Tapestry. It's also interesting to note that during the 7 years between the Eclipse Book-ends, the 7 Trumpet-Jehovian Pulses were being cleared by its corresponding 7 Chevron-Burst Waves, with TJ-7 being completely cleared by May 2024.

I'll finish this post with the following SR charts for the past few days:

Space Observing System

Namarie! 💙

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...