06 April 2024

Pre-Total Solar Eclipse Energies & Lightwork

Space Observing System

We're into our fourth month of 2024 already, and I'm at the stage where not just days, weeks or months but years are beginning to blur into each other. Strangely enough, I'm also concerned about it and believe that the time when we perceive Time as just a concept that's fluid ~ simultaneous, continuous, non-discrete ~ is in the very near future. I think I just wrote a confusing and paradoxical sentence there but I know you know what I mean.

The SR chart above tells so many stories, none of which I know for certain. The abrupt start and stop, the "hanging effect" which I mentioned previously. The Taiwan earthquake happened during this time (there's intel saying it's not natural).

That "heart-beat" thing is still happening on the X-ray index, but what I'm highlighting here is that the readings have dropped so low over the past 4 or 5 days:

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun

The coming-going push-pull energies are still in force; as has been the case for a long time now, everything seems to be happening all at once, energy-wise. I've already written quite a bit about all of this in February (being in our centre, staying in our zone etc) ~ I feel that this will be very important during this pre- and post-Eclipse period. As it is, things are already being positioned to further ramp up the fear and hysteria over the Eclipse, China-Taiwan, Middle East-Israel.

And good ole Nasa....of course they're in the picture too, with their Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path "sounding rockets". And as usual during such events they love to invoke their "gods", this one abbreviated to Apep. That's what Humanity allows them to do so well, play their little games right in front of Humanity's face.

Let's also amp up and ramp up our Lightwork over the following week pre- and post-Eclipse. We respond accordingly to their dark intentions and preparations, we make a stand, we Shine and Spread The Light!

Namarie! 🩵

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