27 December 2022

Strong Yet Soft....

Such strong energies coming in over the past 16 hours, at least. A bit hard to describe right now, but "strong yet soft" should suffice for the time being. 

Not the type that makes me feel like I'm being knocked out or knocked over ~ it's more of being enveloped in an energy cloud that is disconnecting me from the denseness of this realm. Like walking around and trying to function while in deep meditation. No discomfort usually associated with high frequencies hitting the physical body.....it feels gentle but intense. 

I am tempted to say it's the Source-like codes that I described previously that's now present on the physical realm.

I will expand on this if more details come through.

Namarie! 💙

Silica DNA ~ E'Asha Ashayana

Continuing with our Solar theme....

E'Asha Ashayana explains how it's possible for Solar/Plasma Beings to live in stars like our Sun, and as always, it's all about our DNA and our Ascension.

I don't know when this excerpt was recorded, but it's definitely more than a decade ago. 

26 December 2022

Craft Activity Around Our Sun ~ In2ThinAir ~ 22 & 26 December 2022

Here are two great captures from In2ThinAir, well done! Such instances are getting so common now, compared with just a few years ago. Either that or more researchers such as In2ThinAir are turning their focus on our Sun & Sky.

This one shows show an object heading towards our Sun before making a sharp turn away. It was preceded by a beam of light directed at our Sun which was followed by a CME. Is this a manoeuvre by the Light or the Dark? And for what purpose?

In this video, In2ThinAir shows us an object leaving the vicinity of our Sun in the midst of a CME. Plasma Sun, Plasma Beings, Plasma ships....

Plasma Cloud: Thailand 10 December 2022

Red Climatica Mundial

It's been said that such formations (I'll call them Plasma Clouds for want of a better name) are presentations of plasma ships. It's also been said that these are the effects of extreme chemtrailing or similar toxic weaponry. Hey, 2022 is wrapping up (!? already ?!) and I'd like to believe it's the former....

Watch the clip here. Taken in Thailand 10 December 2022.

20 December 2022

Sacred Season Energies: Live with Sandra Walter ~ 18 December 2022

To watch this end-of-year stock-take from Sandra Walter, please continue here. Sandra also gives a round-up of what's unfolded this year energetically and briefly sets the stage for 2023. There's some great way-showing advice here.

I do believe many of us are already prepping for an enormously huge year, energy-wise. Can it get any more intense? Absolutely! 😄

And Sandra mentions the Source-y energies too!

18 December 2022

It's All About the DNA..... ~ Excerpt of Workshop by E'Asha Ashayana

There's nothing new in this video clip that you don't already know, but I decided to go ahead and post it anyway because it's short and to the point, and so relevant today to send it along to people in our circles who may need a hard poke in the ribs if they haven't yet made the connection with what has been happening in the past horrendous 3 years.

I'm not familiar enough to know from which workshop this was, but I'm guessing likely a decade or more ago? 

I came across this clip a week ago and when I tried to get the link today, I discovered that twitter had deleted the video 🙄 Thankfully I had downloaded it. I'll just point you to her account instead, here.

Here's the clip:


There are loads of video clips from E'Asha's workshops....great resource for anyone interested!

16 December 2022

New Codes: Part 2 of 2


This is the continuation of the previous post, where I tried to describe the "new" codes that I saw coming in.



Several years ago, I listened in to the enjoyable and profound thoughts of someone called "Mysterious Gil" (who has since then, mysteriously disappeared....). He observed that ".....the past is old, the future is ancient". I just went back to my previous blog to see what I could pull up about this phrase ~ according to the notes I took, this is how Gil explained it (taken from The Earth Plan, August 2014):

The past is old, the future is ancient ~ our destiny is our origin, we spring from Source and now we are returning to our core, to Source.

(Interestingly, the tagline of this blog is "....and now, the return Home")

I bring up this phrase because that was what came to mind when I was tuning into the 4th code which I described previously, the ones that looked like columns of Light. As I had mentioned:

They look like crystalline columns of Light, with a sense of orderliness and structure. Pure, pristine, precise. Columns of Pure Light, undifferentiated from First Creation. A sense of the "Now" being bridged with "Ancient/First Creation". 

Just like the other two codes ("Emanations" and "Projectiles"), they all gave me a very strong sense of Source, as if they were codes that came from the very realms of Source.....the ancient future is not just our destination, it is also our own restoration back to the Original Divine Blueprint from First Creation itself. The process of our own Ascension is the ancient future.


I have written before that where Earth Mum's transmission codes are concerned, the keyword is "NEW". Everything about her Ascension is new, including a new Covenant (here). I also felt nothing ancient at all about the codes I saw ("Blooms of Frequency").

Admittedly, while I was writing about these codes earlier, I did wonder why Earth Mum's codes did not feel ancient, as did the other three. Before then, I hadn't questioned why everything was new where Earth Mum was concerned ~ I just basically reported what I received. But at that time of writing the previous post, I started to ask questions ~ we are being rehabilitated and restored back to our Divine Blueprint (that is obviously not "new"), but why is everything about Earth Mum new?

Thankfully, I was saved from mental self-torture when I got that it has all to do with Earth Mum's origin itself. She is an aspect of Tara from Density 2 (Harmonic Universe 2/Dimensions 4-5-6) that fell into Density 1 (HU 1/Dimensions 1-2-3). Earth Mum's origin is a fallen one. In a fallen sector of the Cosmos, with distorted Creation Codes that are not of Source origin, not of Divine Blueprint.

So....that is why she's not returning to her Divine Blueprint, because basically she has none. Therefore, everything is NEW about her dazzling bright future where she will be transforming into a Star. (Not to mention she has the Rescue Codes of a Noble Nomi Planet to restore the fallen parts of this sector....and that's another story for another day.) She is definitely a Special Lady beyond description, with her own special status. And mysteries. (Don't ask me why I wrote that last bit....🤷🏽‍♀️)

Namarie! 💝

(Part 1 is here)

07 December 2022

New Codes?.... Part 1 of 2


It's taken me a while to write this energy tune-in because I wanted to be sure before I report what I was seeing about a week ago. In September, I had written that there wasn't anything very different that I "see" in the massive amounts of various Energy Codes pouring in, apart from them becoming more 3D, more "alive" and dynamic. Last week, I saw not just one but four new codes, so I wanted to take some time to internalise the experience and allow it to formulate to see where it goes ~ to allow anything different to come up apart from the initial "get" that I received on the day of observation itself, and to allow more information to come through, if any.

Same, But "More"

Generally, the various Energy Codes presenting are still about the same except for even more fluidity and more dynamism. Again, there were all sorts of geometries and patterns that I have described in detail in the past ~ vortices, waves, kaleidoscope, specific geometrical patterns, bubbles, cloud-like. These are all still swirling around, "breathing" and in constant motion. Then, there are the "new" ones....


The "New" Ones

The "new" ones, yes.... I write "new" in inverted commas because they are new to me, as I only saw them last week. There may be others who are already seeing these codes (or however they appear to them, bearing in mind individual "filters and lens" of perception) of whom I am not aware. 

So let me do my best to describe these codes:

There's so much that's buzzing in my head about this Energy Code that I saw, but I will distill it to just the fundamentals for now so that I can be coherent instead of ending up rambling all over the place. Basically these are energies that are literally emanating ~ picture a sphere, then see an energy burst in the shape of another sphere coming out from the first sphere, and growing bigger as it moves away and outwards from the first sphere.

Similar to the top image, except visualise growing spheres coming out from the stationary inner first sphere. It felt like this was coming in from a most ancient and extremely distant place.

This one left me going "huh?" when I first saw it 😄 So much so I had to re-tune in a few times to make sure I wasn't making it up. Yep, still there! The first thing that came to my mind was "cannon balls being fired, except in a slow gentle manner". Energy Balls coming out of some centre, one by one, on their individual trajectories. Just like the Emanations, these Projectiles felt like they originated from somewhere beyond and immeasurably far away.

Thankfully, when I saw this, I also immediately got an explanation, or else I would be stumped.

This third set of "new" codes I saw, bloomed. As simple as that. Like a bud opening up, the codes blossomed into a bloom geometry. Much gratitude for the cliff-notes that presented, without which I may second-guess incorrectly about the origins.

They are Earth Mum's codes! For the first time ever, I am seeing codes from Earth Mum! I have only been sensing them, but have had no visuals. In April I had written (New Phase):

I'm quite sure that what I saw is related to what I wrote. Very unusual looking as far as codes go, but hey, who am I to decide how they should look?....

Sigh. This one was tough, because it got personal. This one activated something I had filed away in the deepest recess of my memory bank. This one went straight to the archive, fetched that memory and brought it out to the open.

So let me do my best to describe the Energy Code ~ it's the hardest of the four to put into words because it's more of a sense than a visual.

They look like crystalline columns of Light, with a sense of orderliness and structure. Pure, pristine, precise. Columns of Pure Light, undifferentiated from First Creation. A sense of the "Now" being bridged with "Ancient/First Creation". More than that I'm unable to explain, but I will do my best to relate the memory that was triggered when I saw these codes. Maybe that story will help to expand upon what I'm trying to convey. So this is it for now.

Namarie! 💗

The Solar Tally So Far....

EarthSky At this time of writing, we've had 25 X-class Solar Flares since this phenomenal year of 2024 commenced. Out of those 25, eight...