24 October 2024

Recess Over


After an explosive fortnight of Solar activity in October (and a relatively active year so far), our Sun took the opportunity to rest a bit. From SpaceWeather:

THE SUN IS TAKING A QUICK BREAK: Solar Max is hard work. Just ask the sun. After flaring almost without pause for the past 10 months, the sun is taking a quick break. Solar activity has been low for the past 48 hours with no flares stronger than category C. The quiet won't last. Solar Max is expected to continue for at least another year; flaring should resume shortly. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text

Well, our Sun is at it again, this time with a sudden flare that maxed at X3.33 (!) and lasted for more than an hour:


There's the related CME spewing out:
Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol


While our Sun went quiet for a few days, we could feel that something was brewing (OK apart from everything that's brewing these days!) ~ yesterday was particularly tough with nausea, strange sensations in the Solar Plexus area, dull headache, and generally extreme tiredness. Something was definitely building up. Then this happened, and thankfully it's so much better now apart from the itching skin.

And oh, I just saw this:

Namarie! 💗

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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