28 May 2023

Plasma Power

In a year that's speeding by faster than we care to keep track of ~ simply because the daysweeksmonths are just blurring into each other ~ May has been paradoxically static, as if held in stasis. And here we are, nevertheless, in the final days May, with the year being more determined than ever to reach the end in the shortest duration possible. If what I've written so far made no logical sense whatsoever, I don't blame you 😆 but I know you know the meaning I'm trying to convey.

There's much that I wanted to write about this month but Mind, Body & Spirit all decided they were having none of this intention. So this will be super short.

Today feels like there's a ton of Cosmic Plasma being dumped onto our Planet. Anything that had some hint of light looked super Plasma-ish. It looked like there were hundreds of mini-Suns radiating brilliant Rainbow Rays.

Speaking of Sun ~ I finally got the special effects I wanted (image above), after countless attempts to get some resemblance of the mental picture I had. For those of you who are talented photographers, please don't judge ~ I'm actually very pleased with effort, and I'm more than happy to declare yet again that I know next to nothing about the mechanics or technicals of photography. 

Once again, I'll feature Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol's posts showing our gorgeous Sun's fiery activity:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

And there's also a video where you can view here.

Namarie and Happy Sunday! ☼🤍

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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